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 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Capricornus Individuals born in the astrological sign Capricornus: 22 December - 20 January. Capricorn is the Cardinal-Earth sign. Capricorns are natural goal setters. They willingly handle many tasks if it helps them get what they want. Many things get accomplished simply because they happen to be part of Capricorn's overall efforts to reach higher goals. They need definitive guidelines. Rules and regulations provide structure they need for establishing the pattern of their own actions. They must learn however, that the end never justifies the means.
2. Aquarius Individuals born in the astrological sign Aquarius: 21 January - 19 February. Aquarius is the Fixed-Air sign. Aquarians are born looking for ideologies to which they can stubbornly cling. They refuse to budge whenever an issue involves what they believe to be a "matter of principle. " As in the case of the Aquarian Abraham Lincoln, society greatly benefits when these principles happen to be noble ones.
3. Pisces Individuals born in the astrological sign Pisces: 20 February - 22 March. Pisces is the Mutable-Water sign. Pisceans adapt emotionally to the influence of their environment. Often painfully shy, they are adept at imitating the mannerisms of other people as a way of hiding their own personality. Pisceans can too easily become victims of their considerable ability to identify with the personality and problems of other people, since it severely restricts the development of their own personality traits and talents.
4. Aries Individuals born in the astrological sign Aries: 21 March - 20 April. Aries is the Cardinal-Fire sign. Aries people need to keep physically busy. They accomplish many things simply because of their restless energy. They need to learn how to make constructive use of their energetic efforts. The typical Aries urge is to take on more projects than can be done reasonably well. Though others may find it difficult to physically keep pace, they are attracted to the animation and spirit of Aries personalities.
5. Taures Individuals born in the astrological sign Taurus: 21 April-20 May. Taurus is the Fixed-Earth sign. Taureans stubbornly cling to their own ideas and habits, and may fail to take advantage of new ideas or situations simply because they cannot see their practical use. They have to understand that while tenacity and a stable temperament yield rewards in many endeavors, tolerance and flexibility are the best assets when it comes to personal relationships.
6. Gemini Individuals born in the astrological sign Gemini: 21 May - 21 June. Gemini is the Mutable-Air sign. Using their communicative skills, Geminis adapt to any situation they encounter. However, they must learn to speak with candor instead of simply repeating what others want to hear. Clever-tongued Geminis develop the amazing ability to obscure the facts in their stimulating and imaginative chatter.
7. Cancer Individuals born in the astrological sign Cancer: 22 June - 22 July. Cancer is the Cardinal-Water sign. Cancerians get things done through the power of their emotional commitment. Not only do they aggressively work to accomplish the goals inspired by their own feelings, they also know how to appeal to the emotions of others. By making other people feel like family members, Cancerians effectively inspire others to help get projects accomplished. They have to learn how to reach an emotional balance since they tend to be overly sensitive and moody.
8. Leo Individuals born in the astrological sign Leo: 23 July - 23 August. Leo is the Fixed-Fire sign. Leos stubbornly cling to their pride. They resent the indignity of altering their opinions or behavior in front of or at the request of others. Their stubborn nature makes it hard for them to accept that there is no virtue in giving what they want to give rather than what may really be wanted or needed, and no reward in misguided loyalty to those who are not worthy of it.
9. Virgo Individuals born in the astrological sign Virgo: 24 August - 23 September. Virgo is the Mutable-Earth sign. Virgos adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make themselves useful. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. To deflect attention away from themselves, Virgos will also focus on other people by praising their talents and virtues, or just as likely, by listing their faulty behavior or personal defects.
10. Libra Individuals born in the astrological sign Libra: 24 September - 23 October. Libra is the Cardinal-Air sign. Librans accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, and then they charm others into cooperating with them to achieve the goal. By unselfishly sharing the success of accomplishment with those who assisted, Librans continue to engender the cooperative efforts of others. They have to learn how to deal with confrontations. Fear of hurting others or avoidance of hostile situations can keep them from pursuing their goals.
11. Scorpius Individuals born in the astrological sign Scorpio: 24 October - 22 November. Scorpio is the Fixed-Water sign. Scorpios stubbornly cling to emotional attachments. They rarely forget or forgive emotional rejection. They have to learn that jealousy and possessiveness are self-defeating. Rechanneling negative feelings and experiences into constructive activities benefits others as well as themselves. No other sign has the emotional strength of Scorpio.
12. Sagittarius Individuals born in the astrological sign Sagittarius: 23 November - 21 December. Sagittarius is the Mutable-Fire sign. Restless energy and the need for personal independence keeps Sagittarians moving in many directions. They become experts at adapting to whatever culture and clime happens to fit their current interest. Always ready to travel for business or pleasure, and sometimes because of an overwhelming urge to escape (either figuratively or literally), they are all too willing to bypass the confinements of responsibility and work.
13. Individuals: frequency of zodiacal signs Individuals: frequency of zodiacal signs
14. Individuals, with their zodiacal sign A list of all the people with their zodiacal sign.