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George Edward Littlewood, son of Martin and Ann Cook Littlewood was bo r n August 27, 1854 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
He married Eliza Adams, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bessie) Mount f ord Adams in 1876. She was born June 8, 1852 in Norton, England. The y l ived in Meadow, Utah. He had a shop on Main Street where he mended a nyth ing made of leather. He was the church custodian for years and ran g th e bell punctually every Sunday for meetings. He played in the ban d and w as a caller for the square dances.
For years he freighted cheese from the Meadow Creamery to Salt Lake Cit y . The trip took several days, camping three or four days on the way . I n Salt Lake they camped at a common camp ground on Main Street wit h wate r troughs for the horses and places where they could build fires f or cook ing. George often took someone with him for company and on one t rip Eliz a went with him. She became ill and died in Provo, Utah, Augus t 29, 1910 .
George married Minnie Ellen Bond, daughter of Jesse and Sarah Adams Bon d , November 1, 1911. They were among the first in Meadow to own a phono gr aph with cylindrical records and a big horn. They welcomed everyone t o l isten to it.
George and Eliza had seven children: Eliza Ann, born July 5, 1877, di e d March 10, 1948; Dora Jane, born February 10, 1879, died July 11, 195 5 ; George Edward, born April 16, 1881, died May 19, 1907; Sarah Bessie , bo rn March 5, 1883, died August 13, 1892; Emma Minetta, born June 14 , 1885 , died August 24, 1893; Samuel Henry, born December 7, 1887, die d Decembe r 8, 1887; Minnie Ethel, born March 15, 1890.
George Edward died June 26, 1929.
Biography obtained from the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, Fillmore, Ut a h, Territorial Statehouse Museum. | Littlewood, George Edward (I34915)
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~BAPTISM: Also shown as Baptized 8 Aug 1921 | Pickett, Mary (I31905)
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~ENDOWMENT: Also shown as Endowed 5 Apr 1961, LANGE.
~SEALING_PARENTS: Also shown as SealPar 2 Jan 2009, SGEOR. | Smith, Hannah (I177626)
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Elsa Clara Wohlgemuth, known as “Elsie” to her friends and fami l y, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 21, 1913. Her parents wer e f rom Germany, so she grew up speaking German in her home. However, sh e al so learned English as a child and did not have a German accent whe n speak ing English. Elsa was the oldest of five children, and she helpe d watc h her younger siblings while her mother worked in a shoe factory . She en joyed going to plays and singing with her sister Viola and he r brother . Her cousin, Arnold, was one of her best friends growing up.
The Great Depression hit during Elsa’s teenage years, which ma d e it hard for her family to get good food to eat. For breakfast, the y wo uld eat day-old sweet rolls, and for dinner they ate sprouted potato es, w hich did not have very much nutrition left in them. Her family mov ed t o Turtle Lake, North Dakota after she graduated High School. There , sh e attended the Jamestown Teachers College.
While living in Turtle Lake, she met Elder Ashby, a missionary servin g i n North Dakota for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . He f ell in love with her very quickly, but wanting to keep the missio n rules , he did not tell her about his feelings for her until after hi s mission . However, he found reason to visit her family’s house many ti mes durin g his mission, and was invited by her Uncle Chris to eat Thanks giving din ner with them. After Maiben Bennet Ashby finished his mission , he went t o school and wrote to Elsa. After a correspondence of one an d a half yea rs, Maiben and Elsa were married and sealed in the Manti Tem ple on Augus t 24, 1936. They moved to Cedar City, Utah, where Maiben we nt to school . It was a bit hard for Elsa to leave her family behind i n North Dakota . Elsa gave birth to her first child, Maiben Bennet Ashby , Jr., on Jul y 17, 1937, but he died the next day. This was really har d on Elsa and M aiben. Maiben got a job in St. George, Utah, so they mov ed to St. George . There, Elsa gave birth to five more children: Arnold , Viola, Selma Ann , Karen, and Elsa.
As a mother, Elsa taught her kids many things. They were taught to spe a k properly. If they did not know what a word meant or how to pronounc e i t, Elsa would tell them to look it up in the dictionary that was kep t o n a shelf by the door. When my grandma, Viola, was a narrator in he r sch ool program in first grade, Elsa helped her learn her lines and pra ctic e them so she could get the right inflection in her voice. The chil dre n were taught the importance of saying “please” and “thank you” and n ot t o impose on people’s privacy. They were also taught to keep the com mandm ents. Elsa was also very good at listening to her children and let ting t hem tell her about school and about their problems, and she woul d just li sten. My grandma said she really appreciated that.
Elsa was good at sewing. She would make Halloween costumes for her gir l s out of crepe paper, which she gathered into ruffles and sewed ont o a sh irt, with a crepe paper ruffle hat to go with it. She taught he r childre n how to sew. She was a bit of a perfectionist, so every sea m had to b e perfectly straight. If it was not straight, the child woul d have to ta ke it out and try again. She also taught Viola how to embro ider. The ch ildren also took piano lessons, and Elsa would sit them dow n after thei r lesson to hear their songs and make sure they were playin g them correct ly.
Elsa liked to read and sing, liked good, classical music, and en j oyed artwork and plays. She had a beautiful voice and sang alto in th e S inging Mothers Relief Society choir. She got to go with the choir on e ye ar to sing in the General Conference in Salt Lake City with some oth er Re lief Society choir groups. The family would take trips to Los Ange les, C alifornia, to go to the cemetery and look at the artwork around it , as we ll as Huntington Park and Mansion, which had gardens and an art g allery . Elsa never learned how to drive a car herself. Maiben tried t o teac h her a few times, but she never got her license. Instead, once t he chil dren started getting their drivers’ licenses, they became the cha uffeur s for the younger children and their mother. Elsa always made sur e her c hildren wore their seat belts when they drove. They always mad e sure t o lock the car when they got out of it.
Elsa did not teach her children to speak German, but she enjoy e d speaking German with her mother and sister when they came to visit he r . Later, her children Viola and Arnold served missions in Germany an d le arned German there. Maiben’s mother came to live with Elsa’s famil y towa rds the end of her life. Elsa was not sure if she would have th e strengt h to have Maiben’s mother come live with them. Elsa’s health w as poor, a nd she was not sure if she would have the energy to cook for a ll of them , but then she felt the presence of her father-in-law, who ha d died the y ear before, and knew that it would be all right for Maiben’ s mother to co me.
Due to Elsa’s poor health most of her life, she often did not ha v e strength to do things. Maiben was a Bishop for many years, and Els a li ked to go to church, but often she would get all ready to go, and th en ha ve to get back in bed because she no longer had the strength to g o anywhe re. She also did not have energy to do much cleaning, but she w as very g ood at getting clothes very clean. She would scrub clothes o n the washbo ard before putting them in the washer, which made white clot hes get reall y white and clean. After they were washed, she hung them o utside to dry . Eventually, the children learned how to do their own lau ndry. They al so learned to do dishes and other chores. Maiben would si ng songs with t he kids while they did dishes, and put curlers in the gir ls’ hair befor e they went to bed when Elsa was not feeling well enough.
Elsa was very proper and liked to look nice. She was always sle n der and liked feminine clothes, such as things with lacy collars, a fit te d waist, belts, and cameo jewelry. She also liked to curl her hair . Sh e had pretty short hair, and before bed, she would wrap it aroun d a cylin der clip, put in bobby pins, take out the cylinder, wrap a band ana aroun d her hair, and then go to sleep. Then her hair would be curle d for th e next day.
Because Elsa did not have very good health, she did what she cou l d to stay healthy. She ate very healthy foods and served them to her f am ily too. They had a garden and a couple goats in their backyard, as w el l as some grapevines and pomegranate bushes. They ate vegetables fro m th eir garden. Their salad was often lettuce that they would pour mil k swee tened with sugar on top of, so it was almost like a soup. They al so at e fried eggplant, beans cooked in a pressure cooker, and many diffe rent s quash dishes. One was called “Squash Surprise,” which was boiled , mashe d squash with cream cheese mixed in, and a walnut in the middle o f each s erving (that was the surprise). Elsa also juiced carrots and be ets and b oiled other vegetables which she served with eggs or cheese fo r dinner (l unch). If Elsa was serving a vegetable that the children di d not like, t hen she would also serve dessert for those who ate the vege tables. She m ade good chocolate chip cookies, which were shared evenl y between the fam ily members. Supper often included potatoes, and the y had a pot roast ab out once a week. If there were onions in a dish, El sa liked to put in pl enty of onions. She liked meat to be really tender . Maiben made gravy t o go with potatoes, and it was usually very thick . Elsa was a night pers on and did not get up very early in the mornings , so Maiben usually mad e breakfast for the children. It was usually cra cked wheat or oatmeal . If the children were ever still hungry after mea ltime, there was alway s homemade whole wheat bread that they could eat t o finish filling them u p. Elsa drank goat’s milk from the goats they ha d because it was easie r on her stomach. When there was extra goat’s mil k, she would put it i n a pot and let it sit for a few days until it go t sour and separated. T hen she put it in a cheesecloth and made chees e out of it. She was als o good at making a graham cracker crust, and sh e would use the goat chees e to make cheesecake. There was not usually e xtra goat’s milk, so she di d not get to make cheesecake very often.
Elsa got dementia later in life, and had a stroke two years bef o re her death, so she could not get out of bed very often, but her fami l y loved her and took care of her. She died May 23, 2003 in St. George , U tah. Elsa lived to be 89 years old and got to see her grandchildre n an d many great-grandchildren. She was a wonderful lady and mother, an d sho wed love to those around her, and her children still remember her w ith lo ve. | Wohlgemuth, Elsa Clara (I42295)
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Ann Jane Lupton was born in Liverpool, England on Sept. 23, 1850 . H er parents were William Lupton and Mary Fielding. They lived at Tox tet h Park, Liverpool. She was known all of her life as "Annie." Very l ittl e is known about Annie's childhood except that her grandparents, th e Fiel dings, were wealthy. She could remember as many as 30 hams hangin g in th e chimney at one time. Women were hired to cook, and there was e nough t o last for weeks. Her parents belonged to the Church of England . They s tayed all day when they went to church.
Annie's first marriage was to John Coltman in about 1873. Her husb a nd drank. Due to brutal treatment, she lost twins(born dead three mont h s premature). A son, Harry, was born Aug. 26, 1876 in London. Annie l ef t her husband when she found she was going to have another child, an d liv ed in a double house with friends. Her former husband threatened t o kidn ap Harry. She had to leave him alone with the door locked, whil e she wen t to the store.
Annie's mother, Mary Fielding, had cousins, Mercy Thompson and Pres i dent Joseph F. Smith, in Salt Lake City, Utah, who sent money for her a n d her daughter's passage to America. "Aunt" Mercy Thompson lived on t h e corner of 2nd West and lst North. Mary, Annie, and Harry left Engla n d in April 1878. Six weeks after they arrived in Salt Lake City, Annie ' s second son, Joseph Fielding, was born July 15, 1878. They lived i n a l ittle house between Thompsons and Aunt Edna Smith's home on 2nd Wes t.
When her baby was six weeks old, Annie took in washing and dried a n d sold fruit. President Joseph F. Smith and his wife Edna were very go o d to Mary Fielding Lupton and Annie. All of her life, Annie visited wi t h Edna and her family.
It was at Aunt Mercy's that Annie met John Heward, a friend of th e T hompsons. He lived at Draper, Utah. His wife had died, and most o f hi s children were married. John was over thirty years older than Anni e. T hey were married July 25, 1879, in the Salt Lake endowment House . They t ook Annie's children and her mother to Draper with them to live . John He ward's home was across from the Draper Ward house. Six of Joh n's childre n from his first wife were living. The youngest child was 20 , almost a s old as Annie. John Heward adopted Annie's two boys and late r they ha d two children of their own: William, born April 29, 1880; an d Mary, wh o was born July 11, 1884.
Annie's husband, John, died May 1890 from cancer of the ear. Mar y w as nearly six years old. Annie's mother had died in 1886, not long a fte r they moved to Draper. Annie was left a widow with four small child ren , at the age of 40. Annie then grew fruits and vegetables, made butt er , and sold(peddled) them in Sandy. She rode in an old buggy and dro v e a horse named Nellie, a sorrel. Annie sold some of John's land and b ui lt a home that cost $900.00. Part of the home is still standing at Dr ape r. Annie's mother ran the old Draper Coop Store. It was a dry good s sto re. Later, David O. Rideout built a larger store north of the litt le sto re. After Mary Fielding died, Annie and her children helped run t he stor e.
Mary Lupton Heward, Annie's daughter was married in 1910 to Arch St o kes. He built three brick, adobe lined rooms on to Annie's home. The y l ived there until they moved to Burley, Idaho. Annie and Mary misse d eac h other very much. They had been together constantly, ever since M ary ha d been born. She wrote faithfully to Mary and her children.
Ann then rented her part of the house and moved into the new par t . She lived aloone here except for short visits to see her children . An n "Annie" Jane Lupton Heward died on June 23, 1925.
Ann was known all her life as Annie. After her death, my mother Mary, fo u nd her birth certificate revealing a new name--Ann Jane. She was bor n i n Liverpool, England, Sept. 23,1950. Her parents were William Lupto n an d Mary Fielding.
She told mother very little of her childhood, except that her grandparen t s were wealthy. She could remember as many as 30 hams in the chimney a t o ne time. Women were hired in who cooked and washed enough to last fo r wee ks. They belonged to the Church of England. They stayed at church a ll day .
Ann's first marriage was to ______Coltman, in about 1873. Her husband dr a nk. Due to brutal treatment she lost twin babies which were born at 6 m on ths. Harry, a second child was born Aug. 26, 1878 in Liverpool. "Annie " t hen left her husband and lived in a double house with friends. Her hu sban d threatened to kidnap Harry, so she had to lock the door while sh e wen t to the store.
"Aunt Mercy Thompson" a relative in Salt Lake City, Utah sent money to h e r. Ann and her child and her mother, Mary F. Lupton came to Utah abou t Ju ne 1878. They lived in a little house on 2nd West between Aunt Mercy 's an d Edna Smith's , wife of Pres. Joseph F. Smith. Pres. Joseph F. Smi th, Au nt Mercy, and Mary Fielding Lupton were cousins .
Ann had only been here six weeks when Joseph Fielding was born, July 1 5 , 1878. When the baby was only six weeks old Ann took in washing and dr ie d fruits to sell for a living.
The Smith family were very good to Mary Fielding, Ann and her children . A nn and Edna were very close friends .
Ann met John Heward, a friend of the Thompson's , at Mercy Thompson's . H e was 66 years old and she was 29. They were married July 25, 1879 i n th e Salt Lake Endowment House. | Lupton, Ann Jane (I175392)
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(wife, Ann Elizabeth Ashman Carling)
Marilyn Brunson, 1936, and Dora C. Robinson, 1949, granddaughters
And from his own notes
Abraham Freer Carling was born August 19, 1837, in Poughkeepsie, Duche s s County, New York to John and Emeline Keaton Carling. He was raised w it h four brothers and two sisters.
When he was three, the family moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, where they joi n ed the L.D.S. Church. About this time Abraham’s mother died and a fe w ye ars later his father married Ann Green Dutson, a widow. They had tw o chi ldren, Frances Caleb and Joseph M. Abraham joined the Nauvoo Legio n an d became handy with rifle and sword. Here also, he saw and heard th e Pro phet Joseph Smith many times.
In 1845 the family moved to Winter Quarters where Abraham was baptize d i n the Missouri River. Here he worked at farming, gardening and herdi ng c ows. Often, whole herding cows, the Indians would steal his dinne r and t ry to pick his pocket.
At the age of fifteen he and his father crossed the plains with the Hen r y Miller Company along with Apostle Orson Hyde. Near the Black Hills t he y met a tribe of 4000 Sioux Indians who seemed to rise up out of the e art h. The three chiefs leading the Indians met Captain Miller. He requ este d that the Indians be ordered to the side of the road so as not to s tampe de the two-mile long train. The Indians obeyed this request at onc e, an d as the train moved by the chiefs, [the] Mormons gave cups of suga r an d flour and loaves of bread to them in appreciation for the Indian’ s goo d behavior. These Sioux were on their way to Laramie to receive th eir An nuity from the government.
On the way, Abraham saw thousands of buffalo, a few of which were kill e d by members of the train and used for food.
The Saints arrived in Provo in 1852, and in 1853 the Indian War commenc e d. George A. Smith was Captain of the Army. He called for volunteer s wh o were under age promising them the same rights granted to the regul ars . In the fall of 1953 Abraham’s company was sent to Fillmore to stre ngth en that post because of the many U.S. Surveyors who were slain nea r Gunni son on the Sevier River. In 1855 Abraham’s father, a member of t he Legis lature, died leaving Abraham to take care of his stepmother an d her famil y.
The family moved to Fillmore and then went to Deseret where Abraham hel p ed survey and helped put in the first dam and head gate. From here, i n 1 862, he was called on a mission to bring emigrants across the plains . H e had put $1000 into the Deseret Dam, and lost it all when the dam we nt o ut.
While on this mission Abraham met Ann Elizabeth Ashman, who rode in th e t hird wagon behind him. They got acquainted and would meet around th e cam pfires at night with the other Saints. They were married when the y reach ed Salt Lake City in 1862 by Bishop Edward Hunter. They raised f ifteen c hildren, thirteen of which reached maturity. The children’s nam es were J ohn, Ann Elizabeth, Abraham Freer, Sarah Ellen, Emeline, George , Joseph , Frank, Harriet, Edward, Ernest, Catherine Keaton, Isabella, El mer, an d Lehi. This big family all married and settled in Fillmore an d contribu ted to the town in both social and civic affairs.
Abraham had a severe fever when he was seventeen and lost all his hai r . He had several wigs, one of which was made from his wife’s hair. Wh il e going to church one day a whirlwind came up and took his wig far int o t he air. This was great sport for the children who saw it!
Abraham proved to be a faithful father and husband. As an exceptiona l b utcher he always provided them with fresh meat. He raised a splendi d gar den and fruit orchard. He also made brooms and candles. He aide d in bui lding the Old State Caption Building. Abraham was a staunch Chur ch membe r and a full tithe payer. He was a deacon, a High Priest and he ad teache r under Bishop Anderson for six years. He never missed his chu rch duties , no matter what the weather.
Three or four years before he died, Abraham had a stroke, which left h i m without speech. He died of heart trouble January 2, at age 74.
Dora Robison, granddaughter, 1946
Ann Elizabeth Ashman was born in London, England December 20, 1837, to J o hn and Ann Wilde Ashman. She was the oldest of five children. Her fat he r was a mason by trade and a Methodist minister converted to Mormonis m . For a long time after his conversion, his wife was bitterly oppose d t o it, but finally consented for his sake.
At the age of six Ann and her sisters had to work in the Lace Factory . W hen she was sixteen her father decided to send her to America. Joh n fel t if he could send one of his children first, then his wife would w ant t o go. Ann was sent in the charge of Reuben McBride, a Utah mission ary wh o was laboring in England. It was agreed that she should stay wit h his f olks until her parents could come, as they were without means t o make th e trip at the time.
This was a very serious decision for Ann. One night as she lay in he r b ed, she saw two lights and an open book (The Book of Mormon). She ha d ne ver seen one quite like it. Right then Ann decided she should go.
Ann Elizabeth left England on Waster Sunday, 1862, on John Boyd’s shi p u nder the direction of James T. Brown with 700 other Saints. After si x we eks they arrived in New York. She joined the Henry Miller Company g oin g to Utah and met one of the teamsters, Abraham Freer Carling. He li ke d this little English girl very much, and asked her to marry him whe n the y reached Salt Lake City. Ann decided if she got married, she woul d the n have a home for her people when they could come. Ann and Abraha m wer e married September 28, 1862 in Salt Lake City. Abraham paid her $ 40 imm igration fee and they went to Fillmore to make their home.
After two years a small inheritance from an uncle was left to Ann’s par e nts. The money was used for all of them to come to America. When the y a rrived in Fillmore, Ann and Abraham were living in a one-room log cab in i n the northwest end of town. They had one son, John. Soon after th eir a rrival her parents began to build a home across the street on lan d Abraha m had purchased for them. Hr father built a rock house, which w as a two- story building with a porch on the east side. It was considere d a very b eautiful home at that time and still stands in Fillmore.
In later years Ann and Abraham built them a two-room log house. Many p a rties were held there. They were members of Fillmore’s first choir an d r emained members for forty years. Ann received a blessing for her con stan t choir work, which said she would always have a representative of h er fa mily in the Fillmore Choir. They lived their religion in every way , th e one big thing they had strived for all their lives.
Their family consisted of fifteen children. Edward and Lehi died in th e ir teens of a fever. The rest grew up and married in Fillmore. Ann a n d Abraham lived all their married lives on the lot where they raised th ei r family. Their trials were many with this large family, but they nev e r missed paying their tithes and always had family prayer.
Abraham died in 1912 leaving Ann to carry one. Ann died October 3, 19 2 1 at the age of 83, a true Christian mother.
Biography obtained from the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, Fillmore, Ut a h, Territorial Statehouse Museum. | Carling, Abraham Freer (I17474)
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Birth: Salem LDS Ward Record F027,307 pt. 1. | Curtis, Josephine Matilda (I173106)
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Birth: Salem LDS Ward Record F027,307 pt. 1. Endowed Archive Record Sta m p Baptized TIB | Curtis, Eliza Jane (I173103)
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In Donald Benson Alder and Elsie L. Alder, comp., The Benson Family: T h e Ancestory and Descendants of Ezra T. Benson (The Ezra T. Benson Genea lo gical Society, Inc., 1979), 224
Lucinda West was the widow of Joseph West. She was born 22 Oct 182 6 a t Ulysses, Seneca, New York, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Ba rton . Lucinda West received her patriarchal blessing 9 Sept 1845 by Jose ph Wi lliam Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois. Lucinda was endowed by the name o f Lucin da West at Nauvoo 21 Jan 1846, and she was sealed to Ezra T. Bens on 18 Ma rch 1847 at Winter Quarters, Indian Territory. This was solemniz ed by Pre s. Brigham Young, witnesses, Heber C. Kimball and O. Pratt.
Joseph West was born 23 June 1822 in Venango County, New York, the s o n of Alva West and Sally Benedict. Joseph West became a carpenter on t h e Nauvoo Temple; also he was set apart as an ordinance worker in the Na uv oo Temple, 7 Feb 1846.
Joseph West died in 1846, place unknown.
Nothing further is known of Lucinda West Benson. It is not known whe t her she crossed the plains or not. | Burton, Lucinda (I122735)
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Killed in a battle | Agnarasson, Alrek King of Sweden (I40261)
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My dad was a welder at Geneva Steel. He was a hard worker and very tale n ted. He was always working in the garage making dunbuggy's or go garts , f ixing and painting cars. His greatest accomplishment was inventing th e fi rst motorhome for us. He converted a small laundry tuck into a motor home . he moved up to a larger one (linen truck converstion)
We camped all the time and he had a love of hunting. As a child we ha d t o eat everything they killed (Ugg) Jack Rabbit, pheasant, deer and w e fis hed. My grandfather EH Palmer and he built our home and then late r made a n addition adding the garage and master bedroom/familyroom whe n I was 7 y ears old. I am the middle child (Janet) and the only girl. M y older broth er Terry and younger brother Craig. My Dad loved to BBQ din ner and have m any family gatherings in our back yard. He was very clos e to his step bro ther, Horace, Lamar,Allen. He is the only child born o f his mother Glady s Loveridge Clark Nielsen. And William Nielsen. We spe nt many family vaca tions and Sunday dinners with them. My dad did love t o travel. During m y younger years my dad and mom were members of the Civ il air patrol, the y served many rescue missions. When I turned 11 yrs ol d, unfortunatley m y fathers drinking became a problem. My teenage year s I watched him chang e . I married in 1970 and shortly after my older br other Terry Lee Nielse n married Rosemary. He was killed in Vietnam in 19 71. After that my dad s drinking became worse and my mom divorced him. Sh e remarried and so di d my dad. He married Gail. He later retired from Ge neva and Died of compl ications of liver disease. | Nielsen, Dewey Carl (I59887)
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She was a pioneer she came on the Harris Pratt Company. | Davis, Jane Thompson (I163612)
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Spencer Niles came from Rhode Island in 1790, and his son, Russell, w a s then ten years old. He died March 29, 1852, at the age of seventy tw o y ears.
W. E. Niles was born in the township of Pownal August 30, 1845, and is n o w engaged in the general mercantile business at Pownal Center. He was a pp ointed postmaster June 1, 1876, and continued in office until July, 18 87 . He was elected lister in 1876, and served five or six terms, and ha s be en poormaster since 1878, and is now selectman. His parents were Ben edic t C. and Laura A. (Raymond) Niles. Mr. Niles was born in this townsh ip Fe bruary 10, 1811, and Mrs. Niles was a native of the town of Stamfor d.
W. E. Niles was married September 27, 1866, to Sarah McGray, of Scotch d e scent. They have had two children: Benedict W., and Minnie B. Benedic t W . graduated from the Drury Academy at North Adams, Mass. in 1888, an d fro m the Albany Law School June 23, 1889. Minnie B. graduated from th e Drur y Academy at North Adams in 1889.
He died from a fall from a tree in Vermont. | Niles, Spencer (I175922)
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Worked as a lumber man, He and Mary were maried 4/25/1882 with Charle s Y anisch and Anna Marek as attendances. they drove to Red Wing for th e cer emony with a team of horses and a lumber wagon. | Proksche, Frank (I155918)
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!SOURCE: Email from N. Combs to the Whipple Website, 10 Aug 2001. Norm a w rites:
"Let me offer some primary sources (Bible records and Arnold's VR ) o n the inconsistency of who Barbara Rice, d/o Elnathan (Whipple) and J oh n Rice married. This Barbara Rice was born April 24, 1706 in Warwick ( Arn old's VR) and married John Langford on May 11, 1727 in East Greenwich , R I (Arnold's VR). Births of six of their children are recorded in Eas t Gre enwich, RI (Arnold's VR).
The Barbara Rice who married Benjamin Arnold was born March 18, 1723 / 24 (Arnold Bible records copied 1936 by Josephine Keefer Short and avai la ble at the RI Historical Society). She was the daughter of John Rice , Jr . (1696-1746/7), the s/o John and Elnathan (Whipple) Rice, and Avi s Tibbe tts (d. 1760), making her the niece of the first Barbara Rice an d stil l a Whipple descendant.
SOURCE: "Descendants of Elnathan Whipple," email from N. Combs to the Wh i pple Website, 24 Feb 2003. Cites Arnold Bible (2) (birth, marriage); Rh od e Island Cemeteries Database Index (death, burial).
Burial: "Benjamin Arnold Lot, Warwick, RI; removed to Greenwood Cemeter y , Fairview Ave., Coventry, RI." --N.A. Combs, 24 Feb 2003. | Rice, Barbara (I26717)
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"Hon. Bazaleel Taft, senior, was born in 1750, and died in 1839, in th e 8 9th year of his age. For many years he had been one of the leading me n i n the south part of Worcester County, and the tokens o'f the confiden ce o f his fellow-citizens, while they imposed upon him the burdens of li fe, s trengthened him for their faithful fulfillment. He was two year s a membe r of the State senate; two years a member of the executive coun cil, and s ome years a member of the house of representatives from Uxbrid ge. He wa s a strong and decided Federalist, and never swerved from his p olitical f aith. Firm, compad:, honest, dignified and able, he went throu gh life ful filling his various duties with rare fidelity and conscientio usness, an d leaving to his family and to all who knew him, a character w hich is alw ays referred to with reverent pride and pleasure. He becam e a large lan d holder in his native town, and the old homestead is yet i n the hands o f his descendants. The stately elms which shelter the home , of the patria rch, built of timber hewn by his own hands, and firm as t he hills around , are emblematic of the man whose memory is embalmed in t he hearts of hi s friends and kindred." Nor can I pass from this notice o f Bazaleel, seni or, without a reference to his Revolutionary history, wh ich I have receiv ed from my friend, the Hon. Henry Chapin, as given in a n address delivere d by him some ten or eleven years since to the citizen s of Uxbridge.
"In the Revolutionary war, Bazaleel Taft, senior, went with a company co l lected in his neighborhood to Rhode Island in the capacity of orderly s er geant. Having made his first report, he happened to be within hearing , wh en the commanding officer read his report, and as he finished it, ex claim ed, 'Who wrote that report. Mr. Taft, supposing that possibly he ha d bee n guilty of some breach of military rules, and that he might be arr este d — slipped out to attend to some matters, but he had not been absen t lon g before he was summoned by an inferior officer to come before th e comman der. Said the commander, 'Is your name Bazaleel Taft?' 'It is, s ir.' 'Di d you make that report? ' I did make it. I was not very familia r with mil itary matters, but I did it as well as I could.' Instead o f a reprimand , he was electrified by the announcement, 'Mr. Taft, I wis h to have you a ct in the capacity of Adjutant of these troops. You may e nter at once upo n the duties, and you shall have a horse as soon as on e can be furnishe d by the government.' "
Bazaleel Taft, senior, was grandson of the first Daniel Taft, and must h a ve been eleven years of age in 1761, when his grandfather Daniel Taft d ie d. His first wife was Abigail Taft, by whom he had one Child, a daught er , whose name was Eunice. Eunice became the wife of Dea. Phineas Chapin , a nd the mother of Mrs. Paul Whitin, of Whitinsville, — a lady who is r emem bered with veneration and affection by all her descendants. His seco nd wi fe was Sarah Richardson.
His only son who lived to majority, was Bazaleel Taft, Junior." 7 4 u xbr_djvu.txt | Taft, Barzillai (I7742)
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"I was born on a farm in a log house in Dwight Township, Huron County, M i chigan on June 29, 1872. I worked on my father's farm until the sprin g o f 1896 when I left home to do for myself. I went to Gladstone, Michig an a nd worked in a store and saw mill until October of the same year . I the n went to work for the Soo Line Railway at Gladstone, Michigan . I worke d in the Round House for 20 months as an engine wiper, fire bui lder, stor ehouse keeper until I was promoted to locomotive fireman fro m about Jun e 1898 until March 1903 when I was promoted to locomotive eng ineer and ha ve been running an engine of the largest type ever since. Oc tober 11, 189 9 I married the sweetest little girl in Wisconsin and if yo u don't thin k so just ask our 3 boys. Her name was Cora Estelle Maxfiel d of Plover, W isconsin, Portage County."
Charles was a very large and strong person. When in his prime he weigh e d 195 pounds. He was 5'11" tall and was very large boned. He had a rea c h from finger tip to finger tip of 84" (7 feet). He could chin himsel f 2 0 times with one arm. As a young man he helped with the chores on hi s fat her's farm. He often told how he would crawl under a colt every da y and l ift the colt on his back. He continued to do this until the col t becam e a full grown horse weighing approximately 1000 lbs. until one d ay he mi ssed. After that day he was no longer able to lift the horse.
He was a very kind person and was good to everyone. He was very thoughtf u l of his Cora and often brought her gifts for no special reason. He enj oy ed being engineer on the special picnic train that went to Buffalo, Mi nne sota. Walter remembers well riding in the engine on that train and al so o n the train that went to Rhinelander, Wisconsin. On that train the y woul d go from Minneapolis to Rhinelander, stay overnight and over Sund ay, the n return on Monday to Minneapolis. When Charles was growing up th ere wa s no radio and no television. For fun he participated in seeing wh o coul d go hand over hand on a rope from the ground to the top of th e 2 1/2 sto ry barn and back down in the shortest length of time. Every S unday he wou ld wrestle with his brother Dave out behind the barn. Dave w as 5 1/2 year s older. Dave was always able to pin his brother. Finally o ne Sunday Char les pinned Dave and after that Dave would not wrestle hi s brother.
When he was sixteen, Charles worked in the lumber camps during the winte r . One time to get to the camp he had to walk 30 miles in a snow storm w it h a fifty pound pack on his back. His normal walking speed was abou t 4 mi les per hour.
In his later years, Charles was never more than 15 lbs. above his prim e w eight of 195 lbs.
Charles Robert Whitchurch died in his sleep October 26, 1942 and was int e rred in the wall of the Sunnyside Cemetery in Long Beach, California. W he n placed in the casket he had to be placed partly on his side becaus e hi s shoulders were so broad that he couldn't be laid flat.
One of the remarks he used to make was: "Always push yourself away fro m t he table when you are still a little hungry." We should all be follow in g this good advise.
From the papers of Walter and Phyllis Whitchurch. | Whitchurch, Charles Robert (I122846)
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"I, Orson Nephi Bangerter, was born in a two-room adobe house with a di r t roof. About seventy yds. south of the house was a large hollow an d a la rge barn was built on the north side. Then, about 150 feet north w as an i rrigating ditch, which at times had fish in it. When I was five y ears old , I made a net of burlap sack with a hoop, catching about five d ozen fis h on my fifth birthday. Feb 1890, I with my parents, moved to Bo untiful , also joined the different auxiliary organizations. I was baptiz ed in th e old Mill pond Mar 28, 1893 [by Heber Holbrook] and was confirm ed the sa me day. In 1899 and 1900 I attended the LDS College in Salt Lak e City, Ut ah. In 1903 I was ordained an Elder by Hyrum Sessions and join ed the 2n d Quorum of Elders in the Davis Stake in 1904. I worked in th e Temple fo r the dead.
In Feb 1904 I received a call to go on a mission to Switzerland, leavi n g Feb 24, 1904 for Europe, where I was successful in learning the langu ag e of my mother tongue. After twenty eight months, I again returned hom e J uly 16, 1906. July 17, 1905, I went outsight [sic], seeing in differe nt p arts of Switzerland and Italy.
Sept 26, 1906, I was married to Edith White in the Salt Lake Templ e . O c t 15, 1906, I joined the 28th Ward in Salt Lake City and was a wa r d teacher from Nov 1, 1906 to June 1907. In July I moved back to Bounti fu l, Utah, where I continued as a truck gardener until this time. Ther e wer e six children born to us."
--from the Genealogical Record of Orson Nephi Bangerter | Bangerter, Orson Nephi (I4708)
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"In the year 1842 President Joseph Smith sought an interview with me, a n d said, ‘I have a message for you, I have been commanded of God to tak e a nother wife, and you are the woman.' … He asked me if I believed hi m to b e a Prophet of God. … He fully explained to me the principle of pl ural o r celestial marriage … that it would prove an everlasting blessin g to m y father's house. … [Joseph encouraged her to pray] 'that the grav e woul d kindly receive me that I might find rest on the bosom of my dea r [recen tly deceased] mother … Why Should I be chosen from among thy dau ghters, F ather I am only a Child in years and experience.' And thus I pr ayed in th e agony of my soul. … [The marriage] was not a love matter— a t least o n m y part it was not, but simply the giving up of myself a s a sacrific e to establish that grand and glorious principle that God ha d revealed t o the world." | Walker, Lucy (I88156)
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"Ma" to family and friends. Charlene was born in Preston, Idaho and rais e d in Logan, Utah the devoted daughter of Curly and Ivy Lohman. Parent s si ster Audry and brother Bill affectionately called her "muggins" . H e r hu sband Robert "Daws" Simpson preceded her in death. Ma & PA me t and fell i n love while attending their alma mata, Utah State. They bot h became aggi e and Utah fans. They loved traveling and playing golf in U tah and in Mes a, Arizona where they lived during the cold Utah winters . Together they b uilt a home on Beacon Drive. Ma had a talent for decora ting her home wit h special touches. She also loved to cook all kinds o f special dishes, Sh e was a stylish lady with beautiful gray hair - a cl assy woman years ahea d of her time. She worked as one of the first wome n to sell Real Estate i n Utah. A longer version of this is contained i n the obituary DTD April 1 9,2002. | Lohman, Charlene (I136705)
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"Mary Frew Ellsworth: 'Aunt Mary,' as every one called her, was born i n S cotland, August 27, 1854. She came to Utah with her parents with Davi d Mc Arthur's handcart company in 1856. She came to Payson (Utah) in 1874 . Sh e was the first woman in Payson to manufacture ice cream. She made a nd so ld ice cream for forty years. For many years she was in business o n Mai n Street, and later continued the business at her home. Aunt Mary' s ice c ream became widely known."--Kate Carter | Frew, Mary (I174571)
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"One Sunday, in the year 1888, as my father and mother were taking us ho m e from Sunday School, he stopped the carriage in front of a tent a phot og rapher had set up for a few days there in Eden, Utah, and had our pict ure s taken. My youngest sister, Emma, then five years old, sat for the p ictu re on a little chair in front center between father and mother, als o seat ed on chairs. She had her little doll sitting beside her on the fl oor. M y father's name was Jens Peter Andreasen while my mother's name wa s Ingeb orge Catherine Mouritzen. In the rear of father and mother stoo d the othe r four children, I, Veta Elfreda Patra, then eleven years old , stood on t he right of my father with my hand on his right shoulder, wh ile my brothe rs, Charles Jensen, (the only Child by my mother's first hu sband Frantz J ensen) and Anthon Andreasen stood on my left with my siste r Inga Catherin e on their left. The suit my father was wearing was mad e by hand by my mo ther. She owned one pair of scissors, one thimble an d two needles. Always , while she was sewing, she would sing the song tha t went like this: "Tom orrow the sun may be shining although it is cloud y today. Why worry or fr et, complaining, there will be a way open if yo u will." Father was abou t 48 1/2 years old when this picture was taken . He was the ward clerk an d president of his priesthood quorum. He woul d read out l oud to my mothe r every night. Mother was 46 1/2 y ears old . She made the dress she was w earing by hand. She was the secretary of t he Relief Society of the L.D.S . Church in the Town of Eden and took car e of music. Her voice had a perf ect pitch. When I was fourteen years o f age I was the organist. Anthon, t hen 12 1/2 years old, later went to W eber college (Acadamy) in Ogden, Uta h, and filled a mission to Denmark w hen he was 24 years of age. The dres s I was wearing was made by Rozell a Ferrin Larkin' s mother, Mrs. Moron i Ferrin, while the dress my 7 1/ 2 year old sister Catherine was wearing , as well as the one my five yea r old sister Emma was wearing was made b y my mother."
When my brother, Charles Jensen, was twenty-one years old, he left hom e f or Nevada, where he drove a stage coach from Wells to Elko, carried t he m ail, using four horses on the coach. He was a wonderful person wit h horse s. Later he married Bertha, Rudolph Klinkie's sister, whom he los t at th e birth of her second Child. Her first Child was named Alma Jense n (Murph y - John) She was my daughter Mary's age. She lives one hundre d miles sou th of Wells, Nevada, in a town named Arthur. One year after t he family pi cture was taken, Jens Peter Andreasen, my father, went to De nmark on a tw o year mission. While on his mission my mother became ver y ill with an ab scess on her chest. We three sisters sat up all night ta king turn s in tr eating of the abscess with oatmeal poultices and seein g to it that she go t good food. She was bed-ridden for two months. Old A dam Peters on came o ver three or four times during that winter with a ba sket of delicious foo d. My brother Anthon was about fourteen and one-hal f years old and it wa s my responsibility to help him with the milking."
By Elfreyda Andreasen Malan | Andreasen, Inga Catherine (I21787)
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"One Sunday, in the year 1888, as my father and mother were taking us ho m e from Sunday School, he stopped the carriage in front of a tent a phot og rapher had set up for a few days there in Eden, Utah, and had our pict ure s taken. My youngest sister, Emma, then five years old, sat for the p ictu re on a little chair in front center between father and mother, als o seat ed on chairs. She had her little doll sitting beside her on the fl oor. M y father's name was Jens Peter Andreasen while my mother's name wa s Ingeb orge Catherine Mouritzen. In the rear of father and mother stoo d the othe r four children, I, Veta Elfreda Patra, then eleven years old , stood on t he right of my father with my hand on his right shoulder, wh ile my brothe rs, Charles Jensen, (the only Child by my mother's first hu sband Frantz J ensen) and Anthon Andreasen stood on my left with my siste r Inga Catherin e on their left. The suit my father was wearing was mad e by hand by my mo ther. She owned one pair of scissors, one thimble an d two needles. Always , while she was sewing, she would sing the song tha t went like this: "Tom orrow the sun may be shining although it is cloud y today. Why worry or fr et, complaining, there will be a way open if yo u will." Father was abou t 48 1/2 years old when this picture was taken . He was the ward clerk an d president of his priesthood quorum. He woul d read out l oud to my mothe r every night. Mother was 46 1/2 y ears old . She made the dress she was w earing by hand. She was the secretary of t he Relief Society of the L.D.S . Church in the Town of Eden and took car e of music. Her voice had a perf ect pitch. When I was fourteen years o f age I was the organist. Anthon, t hen 12 1/2 years old, later went to W eber college (Acadamy) in Ogden, Uta h, and filled a mission to Denmark w hen he was 24 years of age. The dres s I was wearing was made by Rozell a Ferrin Larkin' s mother, Mrs. Moron i Ferrin, while the dress my 7 1/ 2 year old sister Catherine was wearing , as well as the one my five yea r old sister Emma was wearing was made b y my mother."
When my brother, Charles Jensen, was twenty-one years old, he left hom e f or Nevada, where he drove a stage coach from Wells to Elko, carried t he m ail, using four horses on the coach. He was a wonderful person wit h horse s. Later he married Bertha, Rudolph Klinkie's sister, whom he los t at th e birth of her second Child. Her first Child was named Alma Jense n (Murph y - John) She was my daughter Mary's age. She lives one hundre d miles sou th of Wells, Nevada, in a town named Arthur. One year after t he family pi cture was taken, Jens Peter Andreasen, my father, went to De nmark on a tw o year mission. While on his mission my mother became ver y ill with an ab scess on her chest. We three sisters sat up all night ta king turn s in tr eating of the abscess with oatmeal poultices and seein g to it that she go t good food. She was bed-ridden for two months. Old A dam Peters on came o ver three or four times during that winter with a ba sket of delicious foo d. My brother Anthon was about fourteen and one-hal f years old and it wa s my responsibility to help him with the milking."
By Elfreyda Andreasen Malan | Andreasen, Emma Elvera (I21788)
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"Painter of the American Revolution"; aide-de-camp of General George Was h ington for 19 days in 1775. | Trumbull, John (I98232)
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"Paxton Houston died soon after coming to maturity, of consumption, in B l ount County, Tenn." | Houston, Paxton (I95395)
26 |
"William Ostler was born in Bridport, Dorset, England, 3 March 1835. H i s parents had a son born to them just two years before, (1833), whom th e y had given the name William, but the Child only lived for a few days . Th ey were so happy when the next son came that they named him Willia m also. " taken from the book - John Ostler and Sarah Endacott Gollop, th eir desc endants and ancestors, compiled by Mary L. Teerlink, great-gran d daughte r of John Ostler and Sarah Endacott Gollop. The middle name o f Gollop o r Golakher were probably added at some time to tell the differ ence betwee n the 2 Williams. The 1833 dates for this William are wrong . They are th e correct dates for the older William that died as an infan t. | Ostler, William Golakher (I164370)
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Robert Charles Anderson, in his biographical sketch about this Jo h n Marsh in the outstanding historical series, "The Great Migration... " (S ee Source attached to this record for publication data), indicates t hat t he origin [birth, christening & parent data] of this John Marsh i s unknow n. Do not confuse this John Marsh of Salem, MA with contempo rary Joh n Marsh who settled in Hartford, CT and is believed to be the on e born i n Braintree, Essex, England. The John Marsh of Hartford, CT ha d a brothe r, Joseph, who was a clothier in Braintree, Essex, England, wh ere he mad e his will, on 22 May 1676, in which he mentions several of th e childre n of that John Marsh of Hartford, CT.
Anderson suggests that this John Marsh was born by 1612, based up o n estimated date of marriage. He immigrated from England to New Engla n d on the ship "Mary and John," which sailed on 24 March 1633/1634, hav in g enrolled at Southampton as a passenger. There is some indications th a t he may have taken an oath of allegiance to the crown just prior to le av ing England.
His first residence in New England was at Salem, Massachusetts Bay C o lony. In the 1636 division of land at Salem, he received 20 acres. Su bs equently he was granted half an acre for a household of three in the D ece mber 1636 distribution and an additional ten acres in the January 163 8/16 39 distribution.
The occupation of John Marsh was being a cordwainer (a shoemaker o r c obbler). His inventory when he died included shoemaking tools. O n 10 N ov 1655 he was appointed a Salem sealer of leather. That he had so me educ ation is indicated by his signing of documents and having books i n his in ventory. Apparently he was appointed the Constable in Salem i n 1657.
John Marsh may not have been a member of the church in Salem initial l y, as he was admitted to the church on 12 May 1639. He was made a Free ma n, which implied church membership, on 26 Feb 1649/1650.
There is no record of the name of the first wife of John Marsh, wh o h e probably married in about 1636. Apparently she died sometime afte r th e birth of daughter Ruth in 1641 and prior to his remarriage in abou t 164 5.
The second wife of John Marsh was Susanna Skelton, who he had marri e d by 1646. . Susanna was a daughter of Samuel Skelton and Susanna Trav is , who arrived in Salem in 1629 where Samuel Skelton was chosen the min ist er when the first church in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was organize d o n 20 July 1629. Susanna was baptized (christened) in Tattershall, Li ncol nshire, England. After the death of John Marsh, she was remarried t o Tho mas Rix by 1685.
1. Zachariah Marsh, bp. Salem on 30 Apr 1637.
2. John Marsh, bp.Salem on 29 May 1639.
3. Ruth Marsh, bp. Salem on 5 May 1641
4. Elizabeth Marsh, b. Salem 8 July 1646, bp. there 13 Sep 1646.
5. Ezekiel Marsh, bp. Salem 29 Oct 1648.
6. Bethiah Marsh, bp. Salem 1 Sep 1650.
7. Samuel Marsh, bp. Salem 2 Oct 1652.
8. Susanna Mash, bp. Salem 22 May 1654.
9. Mary Marsh, bp. Salem 14 Sep 1i656.
10. Jacob Marsh, b. Salem 6 Aug 1658, bp. there 19 Apr 1659.
11. Benjamin Mash,b. Salem abt 1660.
John Marsh's will was dated 28 March 1672 and probated 26 Novembe r 1 674. Some sources give 19 Nov 167;4 as the date of his death. Susan na m ade her will on 3 Nov 1685 and it was recorded on 14 Nov 1685. …
Birth: Apr. 3, 1620
Lincolnshire, England
Death: May 12, 1695
Essex County
Massachusetts, USA
Susanna Skelton was born on 3 Apr 1620 in Tattershall, Lincolnshire, Eng l and. Susanna was the daughter of Rev. Samuel Skelton (1591-1634) and Su sa nna (Travis) Skelton (1597-1631).
Susanna arrived in Salem, Massachusetts in 1629 with her parents, sist e r and brother. She was 9 years old.
Susanna married John Marsh, III (1611-1674) in Salem, Essex, MA in 1645 .
John and Susanna Marsh were the parents of the following known childre n : Mary Marsh, Susanna, Samuel, Benjamin, Jacob, John, Elizabeth, Zachar ia h, Bethia, Ezekiel and Ruth Marsh.
Susanna (Skelton) Marsh died on 12 May 1695 in Salem, Essex, Massachuset t s, United States. She was 75 years old. Her burial information is unkno wn . | Marsh, John (I3196)
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(Lund’s in America: From Denmark to Utah Territory – In FamilySearch.o r g under Books)
Elvera “Vera” was born 13 March 1886 in Sollested, Denmark, and the elev e nth of twelve children to Rasmus Hansen Lund and Petrine Jensen. Her fa mi ly was quite well off. They ran Uranineborg Inn, and had other endeavo rs . In 1887 the Lund Family joined the LDS Church. In 1889, four of th e Lun d sons, Marius, Alfred, Adolph and Hannibal came to the Utah Territ ory. O ne brother, Hannibal, passed away shortly after they arrived of Ty phoid . In 1893, the rest of the Lund Family came to the Utah Territory . They h ad a business on State Street, R.H. Lund & Sons. Two years late r the fami ly sold the business in Utah and bought a farm in Pleasant Gro ve. Her par ents later moved to Cresent City, Utah
Vera married James Alfred Davis, 11 December 1906, in Provo, Utah. He w a s the son of pioneer parents, Warren Edgar Davis, Jr. and Almira Stoke r w ho were part of the Isaac Stewart Company arriving in the Salt Lake V alle y in 1852. James was born 31 October 1881 in Spanish Fork, Utah Coun ty, U tah. James was first married to Clara Agnes Brockbank on 2 Octobe r 1903 . Her father Samuel Broadbank, was a half-brother to Elizabeth Bro ckban k Bushnell, Great Grandmother to Dayle Duncan White, wife of Clyd e Lund W hite, grandnephew of Elvera Camilia Lund. Eight children were bo rn to Jam es and Vera while they were living in Pleasant Grove, Spanish F or k and t hen Salt Lake City. James was 25 and Vera was 20 when they wer e married . They lost a baby boy, William, born 15 February 1918 and die d 16 Februa ry 1918. Seven of their children were raised to adulthood an d married. Ja mes died 29 December 1961 and was buried 2 January 1962. H e was a widowe r as Vera died 6 June 1960 in Salt Lake City, Utah and wa s buried 9 Jun e 1960. | Lund, Elvira Camilla (I4964)
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(Supplied names only)
SOURCE: Email from Cherry Bamberg (bamberg at tiac dot net) to the RIG E N W EB-L mailing list, 12 Jan 1998. Gives birth and death dates and pla ce s.
SOURCE: "Descendants of Elnathan Whipple," email from N. Combs to the Wh i pple Website, 24 Feb 2003. Cites Vital Record of Rhode Island, 1636-18 5 0 (birth, marriage); West Greenwich Town Council Records (death). | Sweet, Philllip Jr (I26871)
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.Joseph Clark and Alice came to America in 1640 and settled at Dedham . H e went to Medfield when he was selectman in 1660. Hannah Adams, the p ione er of American literary women (the historian), and Lowell Mason, th e musi c writer and teacher, were born in Medfield and were descendants o f Josep h Clark. The cellar hole where Clark's house was was visible in 1 886. Wil liam S. Mills | Clark, Joseph (I3631)
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10th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. (July 19, 1876 – July 2, 1972) was an Americ a n religious leader and writer who served as the tenth president of Th e Ch urch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1970 unt il hi s death in 1972. He was the son of former church president Joseph F . Smit h and the great-nephew of LDS Church founder Joseph Smith.
Smith was named to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1910, when his f a ther was the church's president. When Smith became president of the LD S C hurch, he was 93 years old; he began his presidential term at an olde r ag e than any other president in church history. Smith's tenure as Pres iden t of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles from 1951 to 1970 is the thir d-lon gest in church history; he served in that capacity during the entir e pres idency of David O. McKay.
Smith spent some of his years among the Twelve Apostles as the Church Hi s torian and Recorder. He was a religious scholar and a prolific writer . Ma ny of his works are used as references for church members. Doctrinal ly, S mith was known for rigid orthodoxy and as an arch-conservative in h is vie ws on evolution and race, although it has been said that age had s oftene d him and as a result he put up less resistance to reforms by th e time h e had become president. | Smith, Joseph Fielding Jr (I51589)
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11th Governor of New Hampshire. | Pierce, Governor Benjamin Jr (I90940)
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11th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He was eleventh president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sa i nts (LDS Church) from July 1972 until his death in December 1973.
Lee was born in Clifton, Idaho, to Samuel Lee and Louisa Emeline Bingh a m and was the second of six children. The Lee family lived the rural li f e and Lee and his siblings spent most of their youth doing farm chores . D uring his childhood, his mother saved him from several near-death exp erie nces. When he was eight, he was sent to get a can of lye from the sh elf a nd spilled the deadly product all over himself. His mother opene d a vat o f pickled beets and poured cup after cup of the red vinegar al l over him , which neutralized the lye. When Harold was a teen, he punctu red an arte ry on a broken bottle. His mother cleaned it, but it became b adly infecte d. She burned a black stocking to ashes and rubbed it in th e open wound a nd it soon healed.
Lee was fortunate to receive a good education. He finished eighth grad e a t a grammar school in Clifton and his parents allowed him to continu e hi s education at Oneida Stake Academy in Preston, Idaho. The first fe w year s, Lee focused on music and played the alto, French, and bariton e horns . Later, he played basketball and was a reporter for the school n ewspaper . He graduated in the spring of 1916.
The summer following his graduation Lee worked to receive his teaching c e rtificate from Albion State Normal School at Albion, Idaho. After two s um mers of study in 1916 and 1917, Lee passed the state's fifteen-subjec t te st to receive his second- and third-class certificates. Lee held hi s firs t teaching position in the fall of 1916. He taught a class of 25 s tudents , grades one to eight, in Weston, Idaho. His salary was $60 a mon th. Whe n he was eighteen, he became principal of a school in Oxford, Ida ho. In S eptember 1920, then church president Heber J. Grant called Lee o n a missi on to the western states, with headquarters in Denver, Colorado . He was t wenty-one and served until December 1922. | Lee, Harold Bingham (I89574)
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12th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Spencer Woolley Kimball (March 28, 1895 – November 5, 1985) was an Ameri c an business, civic, and religious leader, and was the twelfth presiden t o f The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The g rand son of early Latter-day Saint apostle Heber C. Kimball, Kimball wa s bor n in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory. He spent most of his early lif e in T hatcher, Arizona, where his father, Andrew Kimball, farmed and ser ved a s the area's stake president. He served an LDS mission from 1914 t o 1916, [where?] then worked for various banks in Arizona's Gila Valley a s a cler k and bank teller. Kimball later co-founded a business, sellin g bonds an d insurance that, after weathering the Great Depression, becam e highly su ccessful. Kimball served as a stake president in his hometow n from 1938 u ntil 1943, when he was called to serve as a member of the Q uorum of the T welve Apostles.
Like most other LDS Church apostles, Kimball traveled extensively to ful f ill a wide variety of administrative and ecclesiastical duties. Earl y i n his time as an apostle, Kimball was directed by church president Ge org e Albert Smith to spend extra time in religious and humanitarian wor k wit h Native Americans, which Kimball did throughout his life. He initi ated t he Indian Placement Program, which helped many Native American stu dents g ain education in the 1960s and 1970s while they stayed with LDS f oster fa milies.
In late 1973, following the sudden death of church president Harold B. L e e, Kimball became the twelfth president of the LDS Church, a positio n h e held until his death in 1985. Kimball's presidency was noted for th e 19 78 announcement ending the restriction on church members of black Af rica n descent being ordained to the priesthood or receiving temple ordin ances . Kimball's presidency saw large growth in the LDS Church, both i n term s of membership and the number of temples. Kimball was the first c hurch p resident to state publicly that the church expects all able-bodie d male m embers to serve missions in young adulthood, resulting in an inc rease i n missionary service. | Kimball, Spencer Woolley (I89397)
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12th President of the United States.
Zachary Taylor (November 24, 1784 – July 9, 1850) was an American milita r y leader who served as the 12th president of the United States from 18 4 9 until his death in 1850. Taylor previously was a career officer in t h e United States Army, rising to the rank of major general and becomi n g a national hero as a result of his victories in the Mexican–America n Wa r. As a result, he won election to the White House despite his vagu e poli tical beliefs. His top priority as president was preserving the Un ion. H e died sixteen months into his term, having made no progress on th e mos t divisive issue in Congress, slavery.
Taylor was born into a prominent family of plantation owners who moved w e stward from Virginia to Louisville, Kentucky, in his youth; he was th e la st president born before the adoption of the Constitution. He was co mmiss ioned as an officer in the U.S. Army in 1808 and made a name for hi msel f as a captain in the War of 1812. He climbed the ranks of the milit ary , establishing military forts along the Mississippi River and enterin g th e Black Hawk War as a colonel in 1832. His success in the Second Sem inol e War attracted national attention and earned him the nickname "Ol d Roug h and Ready".
In 1845, during the annexation of Texas, President James K. Polk dispatc h ed Taylor to the Rio Grande in anticipation of a battle with Mexico ov e r the disputed Texas–Mexico border. The Mexican–American War broke ou t i n April 1846, and Taylor defeated Mexican troops commanded by Genera l Mar iano Arista at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, dri ving A rista's troops out of Texas. Taylor then led his troops into Mexic o, wher e they defeated Mexican troops commanded by Pedro de Ampudia at t he Battl e of Monterrey. Defying orders, Taylor led his troops further so uth and , despite being severely outnumbered, dealt a crushing blow to Me xican fo rces under General Antonio López de Santa Anna at the Battle o f Buena Vis ta. Taylor's troops were subsequently transferred to the comm and of Majo r General Winfield Scott, but Taylor retained his popularity.
The Whig Party convinced a reluctant Taylor to lead their ticket in th e 1 848 presidential election, despite his unclear political tenets and l ac k of interest in politics. At the 1848 Whig National Convention, Taylo r d efeated Winfield Scott and former Senator Henry Clay for the party' s nomi nation. He won the general election alongside New York politicia n Millar d Fillmore, defeating Democratic Party candidates Lewis Cass an d Willia m Orlando Butler, as well as a third-party effort led by forme r presiden t Martin Van Buren and Charles Francis Adams, Sr. of the Fre e Soil Party . Taylor became the first president to be elected without ha ving served i n a prior political office. As president, Taylor kept his d istance from C ongress and his Cabinet, even though partisan tensions thr eatened to divi de the Union. Debate over the status of slavery in the Me xican Cession do minated the national political agenda and led to threat s of secession fro m Southerners. Despite being a Southerner and a slaveh older himself, Tayl or did not push for the expansion of slavery, and sou ght sectional harmon y above all other concerns. To avoid the issue of sl avery, he urged settl ers in New Mexico and California to bypass the terr itorial stage and draf t constitutions for statehood, setting the stage f or the Compromise of 18 50.
Taylor died suddenly of a stomach disease on July 9, 1850, with his admi n istration having accomplished little aside from the ratification of th e C layton–Bulwer Treaty. Vice President Fillmore assumed the presidenc y an d served the remainder of his term. Historians and scholars have ran ked T aylor in the bottom quartile of U.S. presidents, owing in part to h is sho rt term of office (16 months), though he has been described as "mo re a fo rgettable president than a failed one". | Taylor, President Zachery (I92609)
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13th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He was an American farmer, government official, and religious leader w h o served as the 15th United States Secretary of Agriculture during bot h p residential terms of Dwight D. Eisenhower and as the 13th president o f Th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 198 5 unti l his death in 1994.
Born on a farm in Whitney, Idaho, Benson was the oldest of eleven childr e n. He was the great-grandson of Ezra T. Benson, who was appointed by Br ig ham Young to be a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1846 . Wh en he was 12 years old, his father was called as a missionary to th e midw estern United States, leaving his expectant mother alone with seve n child ren. Benson took much of the responsibility for running the famil y farm a nd in the words of his sister, "He took the place of father fo r nearly tw o years." Benson began his academic career at Utah State Agri cultural Col lege (USAC, modern Utah State University), where he first me t his futur e wife, Flora Smith Amussen. Benson alternated quarters at US AC and worke d on the family farm.
Benson served an LDS Church mission in Britain from 1921 to 1923. It w a s while serving as a missionary, particularly an experience in Sheffiel d , that caused Benson to realize how central the Book of Mormon was to t h e message of Mormonism and in converting people to it. Due to local ant ag onism and threats of violence, LDS Church leaders sent apostle David O . M cKay to personally oversee the mission. McKay was impressed with Bens on a nd appointed him as president of the Newcastle Conference.
After his mission, Benson studied at Brigham Young University and finish e d his bachelor's degree there in 1926. That year he married Flora Smit h A mussen, shortly after her return from a mission in Hawaii. They had s ix c hildren together. Benson received a master of science degree in agri cultu ral economics in 1927 from Iowa State University. Several years lat er, h e did preliminary work on a doctorate at the University of Californ ia a t Berkeley, but never completed it.
Just after receiving his master's degree, Benson returned to Whitney t o r un the family farm. He later became the county agriculture extensio n agen t for Oneida County, Idaho. He later was promoted to the superviso r of al l county agents and moved to Boise in 1930. Benson encouraged cro p rotati on, improved grains, fertilizers, pest controls, and establishme nt of far mer's cooperatives to market farm commodities.
While in Boise, Benson also worked in the central state extension offi c e connected with the University of Idaho Extension Service. He also fou nd ed a farmers cooperative. Benson was superintendent of the Boise Stak e Yo ung Men's Mutual Improvement Association and later a counselor in th e sta ke presidency. Benson was a critic of national agricultural policie s impl emented in the 1930s under Franklin D. Roosevelt. In particular, h e objec ted to farm subsidies, and efforts by the Agricultural Adjustmen t Adminis tration to raise prices by paying farmers to destroy crops an d kill lives tock.
In 1939, he became president of the Boise Idaho Stake. Later that year , h e moved to Washington, D.C., to become Executive Secretary of the Nat iona l Council of Farmer Cooperatives, overseeing around five thousand fa rm co operatives which represented two million farmers throughout the cou ntry.
Benson became the first president of a new church stake in Washington, D . C. | Benson, Ezra Taft (I317)
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13th President of the United States.
He was the 13th president of the United States, serving from 1850 to 185 3 , the last to be a member of the Whig Party while in the White House . A f ormer member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Upstate Ne w York , Fillmore was elected as the 12th vice president in 1848, and suc ceede d to the presidency in July 1850 upon the death of U.S. President Z achar y Taylor. Fillmore was instrumental in the passing of the Compromis e of 1 850, a bargain that led to a brief truce in the battle over the ex pansio n of slavery. He failed to win the Whig nomination for president i n 185 2 but gained the endorsement of the nativist Know Nothing Party fou r year s later and finished third in the 1856 presidential election.
Fillmore was born into poverty in the Finger Lakes area of New York Stat e , and his parents were tenant farmers during his formative years. Thou g h he had little formal schooling, he rose from poverty by diligent stu d y to become a successful attorney. He became prominent in the Buffalo a re a as an attorney and politician, and he was elected to the New York As sem bly in 1828 and to the House of Representatives in 1832. Initially, h e be longed to the Anti-Masonic Party, but he became a member of the Whi g Part y as formed in the mid-1830s. He was a rival for the state party l eadersh ip with the editor Thurlow Weed and Weed's protégé, William H. Se ward. Th roughout his career, Fillmore declared slavery an evil but tha t it was be yond the powers of the federal government. Seward was openl y hostile to s lavery and argued that the federal government had a role t o play in endin g it. Fillmore was an unsuccessful candidate for Speake r of the U.S. Hous e of Representatives when the Whigs took control of th e chamber in 1841 , but he was made the chairman of the Ways and Means Co mmittee. Defeate d in bids for the Whig nomination for vice president i n 1844 and for Ne w York governor the same year, Fillmore was elected Com ptroller of New Yo rk in 1847, the first to hold that post by direct elec tion.
As vice president, Fillmore was largely ignored by Taylor, and even in t h e dispensing of patronage in New York, Taylor consulted Weed and Sewar d . In his capacity as president of the Senate, however, Fillmore presid e d over the Senate's angry debates, as the 31st Congress decided whethe r t o allow slavery in the Mexican Cession. Fillmore, unlike Taylor, supp orte d Henry Clay's Omnibus Bill, which was the basis of the 1850 Comprom ise . Upon becoming president in July 1850, Fillmore dismissed Taylor's c abin et and pushed Congress to pass the compromise. The Fugitive Slave Ac t, ex pediting the return of escaped slaves to those who claimed ownershi p, wa s a controversial part of the compromise. Fillmore felt duty-boun d to enf orce it despite its damage to the popularity of both him and th e Whig Par ty, which was torn between its Northern and Southern factions . In foreig n policy, Fillmore supported U.S. Navy expeditions to open tr ade in Japan , opposed French designs on Hawaii, and was embarrassed by N arciso López' s filibuster expeditions to Cuba. Fillmore sought the Whi g nomination t o a full term in 1852 but was passed over by the Whigs i n favor of Winfie ld Scott.
As the Whig Party broke up after Fillmore's presidency, many in his cons e rvative wing joined the Know Nothings and formed the American Party. I n h is 1856 candidacy as the party's nominee, Fillmore had little to sa y abou t immigration, focused instead on the preservation of the Union, a nd wo n only Maryland. During the American Civil War, Fillmore denounce d secess ion and agreed that the Union must be maintained by force if nec essary, b ut he was critical of Abraham Lincoln's war policies. After pea ce was res tored, he supported the Reconstruction policies of U.S. Presid ent Andre w Johnson. Fillmore remained involved in civic interests in ret irement, i ncluding as chancellor of the University of Buffalo, which h e had helpe d found in 1846. | Fillmore, President Millard (I91540)
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14th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He was an American lawyer and the 14th president of The Church of Jesu s C hrist of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1994 to 1995. His nine-m ont h presidential tenure is the shortest in the church's history. Hunte r wa s the first president of the LDS Church born in the 20th century an d th e last to die in it. He was sustained as an LDS apostle at the age o f 51 , and served as a general authority for over 35 years.
Hunter was born to John William and Nellie Marie Hunter in Boise, Idah o . His father, who was not a Latter-day Saint but joined the church in 1 92 7, would not allow Hunter to be baptized until he was 12; Hunter was o rda ined to the Aaronic priesthood several months after he turned 12. H e wa s the second person to become an Eagle Scout in the state of Idaho.
In March 1923, the Boise Ward, where Hunter had been a member since hi s b aptism, was split, and he ended up in the new Boise 2nd Ward. It init iall y met in a Jewish synagogue that was provided free of charge. When c all s were issued to build the Boise LDS Tabernacle, Hunter was the firs t t o pledge money for the building, offering $25.
Hunter had a love for music and played the piano, violin, drums, saxopho n e, clarinet, and trumpet. He formed a band called Hunter's Croonaders , wh ich played at many regional events and on a cruise ship to Asia. | Hunter, Howard William (I89367)
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14th President of the United States.
He served as the 14th president of the United States from 1853 to 1857 . H e was a northern Democrat who believed that the abolitionist movemen t wa s a fundamental threat to the unity of the nation. He alienated anti -slav ery groups by signing the Kansas–Nebraska Act and enforcing the Fug itiv e Slave Act, and conflict between North and South persisted until so uther n states seceded and the American Civil War began in 1861.
Pierce was born in New Hampshire. He served in the U.S. House of Represe n tatives from 1833, before being elected to the Senate where he served f ro m March 1837 until his resignation in 1842. His private law practice w a s a success, and he was appointed New Hampshire's U.S. Attorney in 184 5 . He took part in the Mexican–American War as a brigadier general in t h e Army. He was seen by Democrats as a compromise candidate uniting Nort he rn and Southern interests and was nominated as the party's candidate f o r president on the 49th ballot at the 1852 Democratic National Conventi on . He and running mate William R. King easily defeated the Whig Party t ick et of Winfield Scott and William A. Graham in the 1852 presidential e lect ion.
As president, Pierce simultaneously attempted to enforce neutral standar d s for civil service while also satisfying the diverse elements of the D em ocratic Party with patronage, an effort that largely failed and turne d ma ny in his party against him. He was a Young America expansionist wh o sign ed the Gadsden Purchase of land from Mexico and led a failed attem pt to a cquire Cuba from Spain. He signed trade treaties with Britain an d Japan , while his Cabinet reformed their departments and improved accou ntabilit y, but these successes were overshadowed by political strife dur ing his p residency. His popularity declined sharply in the Northern stat es after h e supported the Kansas–Nebraska Act, which nullified the Misso uri Comprom ise, while many whites in the South continued to support him . Passage o f the act led to violent conflict over the expansion of slave ry in the Am erican West. Pierce's administration was further damaged whe n several o f his diplomats issued the Ostend Manifesto calling for the a nnexation o f Cuba, a document that was roundly criticized. He fully expe cted to be r enominated by the Democrats in the 1856 presidential electio n, but was ab andoned by his party and his bid failed. His reputation i n the North suff ered further during the American Civil War as he becam e a vocal critic o f President Abraham Lincoln.
Pierce was popular and outgoing, but his family life was difficult; hi s t hree children died young and his wife Jane suffered from illness an d depr ession for much of her life. Their last surviving son was killed i n a tra in accident while the family was traveling, shortly before Pierce 's inaug uration. A heavy drinker for much of his life, Pierce died in 18 69 of cir rhosis of the liver. Historians and scholars generally rank Pie rce as on e of the worst and least memorable U.S. presidents. | Pierce, President Franklin (I90951)
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15th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He was an American religious leader and author who served as the 15th Pr e sident of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church ) fr om March 1995 until his death in January 2008 at age 97. Considere d a pro phet, seer, and revelator by church members, Hinckley was the old est pers on to preside over the church in its history.
Hinckley's presidency was noted for the building of temples, with more t h an half of existing temples being built under his leadership. He also o ve rsaw the reconstruction of the Nauvoo Illinois Temple and the buildin g o f the 21,000 seat Conference Center. During his tenure, "The Family : A Pr oclamation to the World" was issued and the Perpetual Education Fu nd wa s established. At the time of his death, approximately one-third o f the c hurch's membership had joined the church under Hinckley's leaders hip.
Hinckley was awarded ten honorary doctorate degrees, and in 2004 the Pre s idential Medal of Freedom by George W. Bush. He also received the Boy S co uts of America's highest award, the Silver Buffalo, and served as chai rma n of the Church Boards of Trustees/Education.[3] Hinckley died of nat ura l causes on January 27, 2008. His wife, Marjorie Pay, died in 2004. H e wa s succeeded as church president by Thomas S. Monson, who had serve d as hi s first counselor in the First Presidency, and, more importantly , was th e President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; according to L DS doctri ne and practice, Monson was Hinckley's anticipated successor. | Hinckley, Gordon Bitner (I87266)
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16th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
He was an American religious leader, author, and the 16th President of T h e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). As presiden t , he was considered by adherents of the religion to be a prophet, seer , a nd revelator. Monson's early career was as a manager at the Deseret N ews , a Utah newspaper owned by the LDS Church. He spent most of his lif e eng aged in various church leadership positions and public service.
Monson was ordained an LDS apostle at age 36, served in the First Presid e ncy under three church presidents, and was the President of the Quoru m o f the Twelve Apostles from March 12, 1995, until he became Presiden t of t he Church on February 3, 2008. He succeeded Gordon B. Hinckley a s churc h president.
Monson received four honorary doctorate degrees, as well as the Boy Scou t s of America's Silver Buffalo and the World Organization of the Scout M ov ement's Bronze Wolf—the highest awards in each organization. He wa s a mem ber of the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America , the org anization's governing body.
Monson was chairman of the Boards of Trustees/Education of the Church Ed u cational System, and Ronald Reagan appointed him to the U.S. President ' s Task Force for Private Sector Initiatives. He married Frances Beverl y J ohnson in the Salt Lake Temple in 1948, and together they raised thei r th ree children. Frances died on May 17, 2013. | Monson, Thomas Spencer (I89928)
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16th President of the United States.
He was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th preside n t of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Linco l n led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preser vi ng the Union, abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government, a n d modernizing the U.S. economy.
Lincoln was born into poverty in a log cabin in Kentucky and was raise d o n the frontier primarily in Indiana. He was self-educated and becam e a la wyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state legislator, and U.S. Congr essma n from Illinois. In 1849, he returned to his law practice but becam e vexe d by the opening of additional lands to slavery as a result of th e Kansas –Nebraska Act. He reentered politics in 1854, becoming a leade r in the ne w Republican Party, and he reached a national audience in th e 1858 debate s against Stephen Douglas. Lincoln ran for President in 186 0, sweeping th e North in victory. Pro-slavery elements in the South equa ted his succes s with the North's rejection of their right to practice sl avery, and sout hern states began seceding from the Union. To secure it s independence, th e new Confederate States fired on Fort Sumter, a U.S . fort in the South , and Lincoln called up forces to suppress the rebell ion and restore th e Union.
Lincoln, a moderate Republican, had to navigate a contentious array of f a ctions with friends and opponents from both the Democratic and Republic a n parties. His allies, the War Democrats and the Radical Republicans, d em anded harsh treatment of the Southern Confederates. Anti-war Democrat s (c alled "Copperheads") despised Lincoln, and irreconcilable pro-Confed erat e elements plotted his assassination. He managed the factions by exp loiti ng their mutual enmity, carefully distributing political patronage , and b y appealing to the American people. His Gettysburg Address appeal ed to na tionalistic, republican, egalitarian, libertarian, and democrati c sentime nts. Lincoln scrutinized the strategy and tactics in the war ef fort, incl uding the selection of generals and the naval blockade of th e South's tra de. He suspended habeas corpus in Maryland, and he averte d British interv ention by defusing the Trent Affair. He engineered the e nd to slavery wit h his Emancipation Proclamation, including his order th at the Army and Na vy liberate, protect, and recruit former slaves. He al so encouraged borde r states to outlaw slavery, and promoted the Thirteen th Amendment to th e United States Constitution, which outlawed slavery a cross the country.
Lincoln managed his own successful re-election campaign. He sought to he a l the war-torn nation through reconciliation. On April 14, 1865, just d ay s after the war's end at Appomattox, he was attending a play at Ford' s Th eatre in Washington, D.C., with his wife Mary when he was fatally sh ot b y Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln is remembered a s a m artyr and hero of the United States and is often ranked as the grea test p resident in American history. | Lincoln, President Abraham (I92743)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482
DEATH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,484
MARRIAGE: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,483 | Madsdatter, Ane Marie (I2945)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482 | Madsdatter, Karen Margrethe (I2967)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482 | Madsdatter, Mette Cathrine (I2968)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482 | Madsdatter, Maren (I2969)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482 | Madsdatter, Birthe Margrethe (I2970)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
BIRTH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,482 | Madsen, Niels (I2971)
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1787 Census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000
Occupation: Small landholder
MARRIAGE: Kavslunde Church Rec. GS#050,249
DEATH: Vejlby Church Rec. GS#050,483 | Jorgensen, Mads (I2964)
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1787 census of Vejlby, Odense, Denmark GS#039,000 | Nielsdatter, Ane (I2965)