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Eliza Jane West

Eliza Jane West

Female 1847 - 1935  (87 years)  Submit Photo / DocumentSubmit Photo / Document    Has 8 ancestors and 87 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name Eliza Jane West 
    Birth 20 Apr 1847  Borrowash, Derbyshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Christening 23 May 1847  Borrowash, Derbyshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Census 1860  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Initiatory (LDS) 2 Jul 1863  EHOUS Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1870  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1900  Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1930  Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    FamilySearch ID KWN1-7CK 
    Death 25 Jan 1935  Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 29 Jan 1935  Pleasant Green Cemetery, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID i422  mytree
    Last Modified 25 Feb 2024 

    Father John West,   b. 11 Apr 1817, Borrowash, Derbyshire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Feb 1852, St. Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 34 years) 
    Mother Rachel Keeling,   b. 10 Mar 1818, Draycott, Derbyshire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Jun 1910, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 92 years) 
    Marriage 13 Nov 1837  Great Wilne, Derbyshire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F431  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Samuel Barnes Taylor,   b. 16 Oct 1841, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 25 Nov 1897, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 56 years) 
    Marriage 3 Jun 1865  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Mary Jane Taylor,   b. 4 Mar 1866, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 25 Mar 1866, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
    +2. John West Taylor,   b. 28 Apr 1867, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Mar 1940, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 72 years)
    +3. Harriet Taylor,   b. 29 Mar 1870, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 29 Jul 1940, Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years)
     4. Sarah Ann Taylor,   b. 28 Mar 1872, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Apr 1874, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 2 years)
    +5. Naomi Mariah Taylor,   b. 28 Mar 1874, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 3 Apr 1969, Granger, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 95 years)
    +6. Annie Eliza Taylor,   b. 21 Sep 1876, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 18 Feb 1935, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 58 years)
    +7. Samuel Levi Taylor,   b. 23 Nov 1883, Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 15 Mar 1953, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years)
    Family ID F435  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 16 Jan 2025 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 20 Apr 1847 - Borrowash, Derbyshire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsChristening - 23 May 1847 - Borrowash, Derbyshire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1860 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsInitiatory (LDS) - 2 Jul 1863 - EHOUS Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 3 Jun 1865 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1870 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1900 - Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1930 - Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 25 Jan 1935 - Pleasant Green, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 29 Jan 1935 - Pleasant Green Cemetery, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • Pioneer
      Company Unknown (1852) Age at departure: 35
      Evidence from church records and the Deseret News prove that Rachel We s t and her daughter Eliza West traveled to Utah in 1852. Rachel's husba n d died in Missouri in Feb. 1852 and Rachel remarried in Salt Lake Cit y i n March 1853, prior to the arrival of that season's emigration.

      Eliza Jane West Taylor History Written by Cindy Dye

      Eliza Jane West was born April 20, 1847 in Borrowash, Ockbrook, Derby, E n gland to John West and Rachel Keeling West. John and Rachel were marri e d on October 22, 1837 in Ockbrook, Derbyshire, England. Together they h a d 5 children, all born in Borrowash, Ockbrook, England; Hannah, Mathe w , Naomi (Naomi died at 18 months on September 20, 1846 in Borrowash) , El iza Jane and Frances.
      In the year of 1848, both Eliza parents were baptized into the Churc h o f Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Eliza's father John and his youn ge r brother David were the first people to be baptized in that area. Sh ort ly afterwards John baptized his father. His brothers William, Jesse a nd T homas along with others were all baptized, and the Borrowash Branc h was o rganized. The West family was the first in that part of the coun try to r eceive the Gospel of Jesus Christ .
      In those days the saints were very anxious to get to the gathering pla c e of Zion. On January 6, 1851 John and Rachel with their 4 children; H an nah, Mathew, Eliza Jane and Frances left for Liverpool and went on boa r d the ship Ellen. John's brother David West and his family went at th e s ame time. They arrived in New Orleans on the 14th of March 1851 and t he n went on a boat up the Mississippi. At St. Louis they got on anothe r bo at to St. Joseph, Missouri. It was a very hard time for them as the y wer e in a strange place and among strange people with very little mean s. Jo hn found a place for his family to live and then set out to find w ork unt il they were able to continue their trek west to the Salt Lake va lley.
      The cholera epidemic was rampant during that time and many people were s i ck and dying. Eliza's older sister Hannah who was only 12 years old w a s the first in the family to pass away from the disease, she died Apri l 2 9, 1851. This must have been such a trying time for the entire famil y a s three months later on July 21, 1851 little Julia Frances who was 1 5 mon ths old passed away. Then on November 17, 1851 four months afte r Julia' s death Mathew who was 10 years of age died. In a matter of sev en month s Rachel and John had lost three of their children. Eliza was th eir onl y living child. Tragedy then struck again on February 12, 1852 wh en Eliza 's father passed away, leaving Eliza and her mother alone in St . Joseph , Missouri. Eliza Jane was only 4 years old .
      There was a brother by the name of William Greenhalgh making ready t o g o to Utah that spring. He asked Rachel to marry him. It would have b ee n a marriage for convenience sake as William had recently lost his wi f e and he had 3 children, one being an infant of less than a year old . Wi th both William and Rachel on their own with small children it woul d bene fit both parties. Rachel asked her brother in law, David West wha t he th ought about it. He told her that if she did not want to marry hi m he woul d help her all he could, but perhaps it may be the best way fo r her to ge t to Utah. So sometime between February and May 1852 Willia m and Rachel w ere married. Eliza was 5 years old at that time .
      William, Rachel and four children left for Utah May 29, 1852 in the Jam e s Jepson Company and arrived in Utah on September 10, 1852. They ha d 1 w agon, 4 oxen and 1 cow. William Greenhalgh was 40 years of age, Joh n Gree nhalgh was 15, Ezekiel Greenhalgh was 4, Joseph Greenhalgh was les s tha n a year old, Rachel was 34 and Eliza Jane West was 5 years old . It too k the company over three months to cross the plains. There wer e plenty o f dried buffalo chips that made good fuel for cooking with an d I am sur e Eliza helped to gather them.
      Rachel and William Greenhalgh were divorced after arriving in the Salt L a ke Valley. In the spring of 1853 a man named Nelson Wheeler Whipple nee de d someone to help care for his ailing wife. He sought out and marrie d Rac hel on March 12, 1853. Eliza now had a new step-father and brother s and s isters. Her step father ran a mill and Eliza and her mother move d to th e mill in the canyon to do the cooking and washing through the su mmer .
      On April 12, 1854 a son was born to Rachel and Nelson, they named him Da n iel. Then on June 7, 1857 a little girl was born and they named her Cy nt hia Delight.
      When Eliza was 9 years old the grasshoppers made their appearance in va s t numbers on the bare land and they commenced to sweep everything befo r e them by way of vegetation. There was also a lack of water for irrigat io n in consequence of the light snow on the mountains the winter before . A s summer advanced, bread stuff became very scarce and many were eve n with out bread and lived on a kind of root that was found in considerab le quan tities on some of the low ground. Eliza was sent out to gather we eds an d thistles that the family could eat. In her account of her life s he tol d of remembering how good the first rye flour was she ever had tas ted i n the one pancake she was allowed to have .
      July 1857 the saints were informed that an army of some four thousan d m en were on their way to Utah Territory to enforce the laws of the Uni te d States. Many people fled the city. Nelson took his family and campe d o n the bank of the Provo River, about 45 miles south from Salt Lake Ci ty . Most of the time the weather was stormy and disagreeable. Eliza reme mbe rs how her and two of her stepsisters would wade in the river and cat ch f ish with their hands. which was the only meat they had.

      The army passed through the city and made a military post in Cedar Valle y . After the army had come in and found their quarters, the word was pas se d around for the Saints to return to their homes. On hearing this Nel so n Whipple returned with his family to their home in Salt lake. Eliza' s l ittle sister, Cynthia Delight Whipple was taken sick because of lyin g o n the wet ground, while camping out. She passed away September 4, 1 858 , she was only 15 months old. The following spring on April 15, 185 9 Rac hel had another son, Nelson Wheeler known as Wheeler.

      When Eliza was old enough her stepfather taught her to spin on the fla x w heel where she spun all the tread for their towels, tablecloths and b ed t icking. As she grew older she learned to use the wool wheel and spu n woo l for six families. In the fall her stepfather took the children t o the c anyon to gather service berries, chokecherries and elderberries t o bottle . The fruit was preserved in molasses because they had no sugar . That sam e year her step father was ill all winter long and the youngst ers had t o saw wood for the fire. Since they had no money for shoes, the y went bar efoot with only rags tied around their feet to protect them fr om the cold . In spite of their efforts their feet were often frozen.
      On June 3, 1865 when Eliza Jane was 18 years old she married Samuel Barn e s Taylor in the Old Endowment House in Salt Lake. Samuel was born at A sh ton, Underloyd, Lancashire, England on October 16, 1841. He was the yo ung est of a family of 12 children. He came across the plains with his pa rent s on 14 July 1853, they left Winter Quarters in the Wheelock Company . Sa muel crossed the plains three times, once with his parents and twic e whe n he went back for immigrants in 1862 and 1863. He settled down whe n he a nd Eliza Jane were married. They had seven Children; Mary Jane , John W est, Harriet, Sarah Ann, Naomi Mariah, Annie Eliza and Samuel Le vi. Mar y Jane died as an infant and all the other children lived to adu lthood.

      With a background reflecting a strong concept of the work ethic, Samu e l Barnes and Eliza Jane worked together to raise a family in both the c hu rch and the community. Samuel Barnes helped to build the Utah and Sal t La ke Canal, and was one of those who chose the site for the Pleasant G ree n Cemetery. He was also involved in school activities there. Eliza Ja ne w orked as a Relief Society teacher with Francis Hardman for 25 years , hand ling the whole eastern half of the ward which extended to 4800 wes t. At a ge 79 she won first prize at the Utah State Fair with a quilt hav ing mor e than 1,100 pieces in it which were hand-sewn. On October 1, 19 34 she s aid " I am the mother of seven children, 40 grandchildren, 56 gr eat-grand children and am still well at the age of 86 years and five mont hs. On Ja n 25, 1935 she died quietly in her own home in Magna, Utah .

      A blessing on the head of Eliza Jane West, daughter of John west and Rac h el Keeling B by Nelson Whipple B Mar. 7, I858
      Eliza Jane, I lay my hands upon your head for and in behalf of your fath e r, and bless you as the Spirit of God dictates. I place upon you a fat he r's blessing in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. Your days shall be man y , for the destroyer shall not have power over you. Your mind shall b e en lightened by the Spirit of God until you shall comprehend, to a grea t ext ent, the things of His Kingdom. You shall yet be an orna¬ment in t he Kin gdom of God and in the family of some of his servants, for the ey e of th e Lord is upon you for good, and he will preserve you to do good . Your p osterity shall be a comfort to you. You are of the posterity o f Ephrai m through Joseph and I seal upon you all the blessings of Abraha m, Isaa c and Jacob. You shall officiate in the House of the Lord for yo ur proge nitors on the female side. As long as you live, your knowledg e shall gre atly increase. You shall have an understanding of the thing s of the Kingd om of God, spoken by his servants, the prophets. You shal l return to th e place of the building of the New Jerusalem, and enjoy, w ith the daughte rs of Zion, and mothers of Israel. The time of the redem ption is near, w hich shall cause your heart to rejoice when you are abl e to comprehend it . Blessings shall be multiplied upon you and your pos terity for you shal l be mother to sons and daughters, who shall honor yo u and look to you fo r counsel and you shall keep the counsel of the serv ants of God. Think o f those words that I say unto you and remember them , and they shall comfo rt you in time of sorrow and affliction, and clai m those promises at th e hand of the Lord in humility and they surely wil l be given accordingl y to your humble desire. I pray God my Eternal Fat her to preserve your l ife and direct your steps by His Spirit that you m ay attain to all thes e blessings that I pronounce upon you and enjoy the m in time and in all e ternity in the society of the Saints on our Father 's kingdom, even so, Am en.