Abt 1617 - 1685 (68 years) Has no ancestors but more than 100 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
John Whipple |
Prefix |
Captain |
Birth |
Abt 1617 |
England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
16 May 1685 |
Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
7 Nov 1906 |
FamilySearch ID |
LZZ8-M4R |
Burial |
North Burial Ground, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Headstones |
Submit Headstone Photo |
Person ID |
I721 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Family |
Sarah, b. 1624, England d. 1666, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 42 years) |
Marriage |
1638 |
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. Ensign John Whipple, b. 9 Mar 1641, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 15 Dec 1700, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 59 years) |
+ | 2. Sarah Whipple, b. 2 Feb 1642, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. Aft 12 May 1710, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age > 68 years) |
+ | 3. Samuel Whipple, c. 17 Mar 1644, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 12 Mar 1711, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 66 years) |
+ | 4. Eleazer Whipple, c. 8 Mar 1646, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 25 Aug 1719, Lime Rock, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 73 years) |
+ | 5. Mary Whipple, c. 9 Apr 1648, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 12 Jun 1698, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 50 years) |
+ | 6. William Whipple, c. 16 May 1652, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 9 Mar 1712, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 59 years) |
+ | 7. Benjamin Whipple, c. 4 Jun 1654, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 11 Mar 1704, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 49 years) |
+ | 8. Ensign David Whipple, c. 28 Sep 1656, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 18 Dec 1710, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States (Age ~ 54 years) |
+ | 9. Abigail Whipple, b. Abt 1657, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 19 Aug 1725, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 68 years) |
+ | 10. Colonel Joseph Whipple, b. Abt 1662, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 28 Apr 1746, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 84 years) |
+ | 11. Lieutenant Jonathan Whipple, b. 17 Mar 1664, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 8 Sep 1721, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 57 years) |
Family ID |
F625 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - Abt 1617 - England |
 | Marriage - 1638 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
 | Death - 16 May 1685 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 7 Nov 1906 - MANTI |
 | Burial - - North Burial Ground, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Notes |
- SOURCE: Email from Charles Whipple (email hidden) to Weldon Whipple, 2 0 S ep 2008. John was "buried in 1685 [in his home gravelot and reburie d in t he North Burial Ground] in about 1750."
SOURCE: The following primary sources of information were supplied by Ch a rles Whipple (charlemail hidden) to the Whipple Website, 1 Aug 2008:
Place of birth of John Whipple: According to his gravestone, John was bo r n circa 1617/18. There is absolutely no published primary research dat a t hat proves that John Whipple was born in Milford, Wales--or anywher e else . As quoted in: Charles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sar ah Whip ple of Dorchester, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island : A Multigen erational Study of the First Whipple Family in America (Vict oria, BC: Tra fford Publishing Company, 2007) 2 & 34.
First evidence of John Whipple's presence in America: "September 16, 163 2 , being the Lord's Day. In the Evening, Mr. Pierce, in the ship Lyon ar ri ved and came to an anchor before Boston...." [James K. Hosmer, ed., Go ver nor Winthrop's Journal. 1630-1649 (New York: Scribner and Sons, 1908 ) 1:9 2. As quoted in: Charles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sar ah Whi pple... 2 & 33.
First record of public activity in America: "3 October 1632, John Wipp l e and Alex Miller were ordered to pay fines of 3s, 4d to their master I sr ael Stoughton, for wasteful expenditure of powder and shot." [Nathanie l B . Shurtleff, ed. Records of the Governor and Company of the Massachus ett s Bay in New England, 6 volumes in 5 (Boston: W. White, 1853-54) 1974 ] [J ohn O. Austin, Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island (Albany, NY : 1887 ; Reprint ed, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1978) 22 1.] A s quoted in: Charles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sarah W hipple ...1 & 33.
Church membership at Dorchester: Sarah Whipple, on 29 October 1641, addr e ssed as "Goodwife Whipple," one of the lowest social class distinction s , was admitted to the Dorchester church. [Records of the First Churc h a t Dorchester in New England, 1636-1734 (Boston: George H. Ellis, 1891 ) 6. ] John would have had to be a member by then, as freemen were requir ed t o be members of the church. It is believed that the record of John' s admi ttance to membership was taken to Connecticut in 1635/36. "There i s littl e hope of finding these ancient records either in Windsor or in D orcheste r." [Records of First Church, iv & xi]. As quoted in: Charles Wh ipple , A History of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 6.
Record of John Whipple's public life in Dorchester: "Astonishingly, on l y twice in almost two decades does John's name appear in public records . " John Whiplle was the last proprietor to sign a fencing agreement [Dor ch ester Town Records, City Document 9, report 4, 1880, p. 27]. He was me nti oned in an estate in 1656. [New England Historical and Genealogical S ocie ty Record, Vol. 6, 1852, p. 41.] [Robert C. Anderson, The Great Migr atio n Begins, Immigrants to New England, 1632-1633, 3 vols. (Boston: Ne w Engl and Historical and Genealogical Society, 1995) 3:1974.]. As quote d in: Ch arles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 9.
John Whipple sold his 45 acre Dorchester property, 15 November 1658: "Jo h n Whipple, carpenter...his now dwelling house and housements scituate a n d being in Dorchester near the river Naponset together with thirty-sev e n acres of upland more or less thereto adjoining, also eight acres of s al t marsh more or less lying near the place commonly called the penny fe rry ." Suffolk Land Records, Deeds, 14 vols. (Boston: 1880-1906) 3:204-05 . A s quoted in: Charles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sarah Whi pple ... 16.
Church membership at Providence: "Was it coincidence that one month aft e r the proclamation of the death penalty for Quakers, 19 October 1658, J oh n sold his property...and began preparation to leave for Rhode Island , th e only safe haven in New England for members of that sect? However , it i s just as conceivable that Captain John could have become disenthr alled w ith religion in general." Irvin Richman, Rhode Island, Its Makin g and Mea ning (New York: B.P. Putnam Sons, 1908) 292.
"He was received as a preacher at Providence in 1659." This quote, whi c h appears only in [Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Islan d , 3 vols (Chicago: J.H.J. Beers and Company, 1908) III:1639] is an appa re nt miss-reading, by the compiler or editor, of the well known statemen t t hat appeared in earlier histories, "He was received as a proprietor a t Pr ovidence in 1659." There is no record that Captain John Whipple or h is ch ildren were members of the clergy. As quoted in: Charles Whipple , A Histo ry of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 15-16.
Captain John Whipple's tavern: John's short lived, one room, Inn was n o t "staid or sober," nor was it a particularly popular meeting place a s ch ronicled in previous histories. That honor belongs to John Whipple J unior 's tavern. At least three of John's children and four grandsons own ed mor e popular taverns. However, John's was the best known of the two e arlies t taverns. [Gertrude Kimball, Providence in Colonial Times (Boston : Hough ton Mifflin Company, 1912) 126. As quoted in: Charles Whipple , A Histor y of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 23.
John Whipple's military title: His title of "Captain" was strictly honor a ry. There is no record that he or his compatriots, including Roger Will ia ms, used a weapon against the warring Indians of 1675/76 (the Indian s ref used to take up arms against Williams), or ever led a group of me n into b attle as an officer. [Early Records of the Town of Providence, 2 1 vols, c ollected and compiled by the Record Commissioners (Providence : Snow and F arnham, city printers, 1892-1915). XV:153.] As quoted in: Ch arles Whipple , A History of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 25.
Last Will and Testament: John's last Will and Testament was flawed, whi c h allowed his grandson, John Whipple III, to win a law suit against fo u r of his Whipple uncles. They had to pay him hundreds of dollars to ret ai n their inherited properties. [The Early Records of the Town of Provid enc e, 21 vols, collected and compiled by the Records Commissioners (Prov iden ce: Snow and Farnham, city printers, 1892-1915) XX:274-75.] As quote d in : Charles Whipple, A History of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 25 -27.
The deaths of John and Sarah Whipple: John and Sarah's gravestones wer e c arved around the year 1750, subsequent to the removal of their remain s t o the North Burial Grounds. Sarah died in 1666, being dead then for a ppro ximately 85 years before her gravestone was carved. Moreover, John w oul d have been dead for approximately 65 years in 1750. A lack of accura te a nd complete cemetery information was the result. Those who had acces s t o the truth were long since deceased themselves. Well-meaning descend ants , likely their grandsons, Deputy Governor Joseph Junior and his brot her , John, were insufficiently prepared to carry out Captain John's 168 2 dir ective to their father to see to it that "I be decently buried." I t mus t be pointed out that John and Sarah's gravestones are recognized t o be t he earliest dated in the cemetery. [John E. Sterling, North Buria l Ground , Old Section, 1700-1848, Special Publication #5 (Providence: Rh ode Islan d Genealogical Society, 2000) xii. As quoted in: Charles Whippl e, A Histo ry of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 28-31.
SOURCE: Dr. Charles M. Whipple, in an email to the Whipple Website dat e d 11 Mar 2021, cites Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Isla n d (Chicago: J.H. Beers, 1908), 3:1676-1677 as the only known source th a t gives Sarah's maiden name They. Suggesting that evidence to positive l y identify Sarah's maiden name is as yet inconclusive, he writes:
Three hundred years of anecdotal and theoretical primary research attemp t s have proven to be of no use whatsoever in explicating the mystery o f Sa rah's wayward surname that appears on the Whipple marriage certifica te o f 1638. I therefore undertook an empirical attempt, using the above- cite d 1908 secondary source--the only known source that gives her name a s "Th ey"--to determine Sarah's maiden name once and for all. I advance d the po ssibility of the standalone name "They," or a proximate varian t of the na me, "Theyer," having conceivably been Sarah’s name. The evide nce proved e ncouraging yet indeterminate. (See my post Sarah Theyer Whip ple, Putativ e Wife of Captain John Whipple <https://whipplewebsite.blogs pot.com/2021/ 02/sarah-theyer-whipple-putative-wife-of.html>, 25 Februar y 2021, on th e Whipple Website blog).
SOURCE: Abby Isabel Brown Bulkley, The Chad Browne Memorial, Consistin g o f Genealogical Memoirs of a Portion of the Descendants of Chad and El izab eth Browne (Brooklyn, N.Y., 1888), p. 44.
IMMIGRATION: "Banks lists John Whipple of Bocking, Essex County, Englan d , in 1632, as a passenger on a ship called 'The Lyon.' This ship: wit h Mr . William Peirce as Master, sailed from London, June 22, and arrive d Sept ember 16th at Boston." Charles M. Whipple, Jr., Sons and Daughter s of Jes se: A 360 Year History of the Whipple Family (Oklahoma City: Sou thwester n Press, 1976), p. 10. The same reference says he married Sara h They? o r Darling? about 1639. (The quotation might actually refer to R IN 5890 o r 5933 [father and son John Whipple, who were born in Bocking , Essex, Eng land]? Neither 5890 or 5933 had a wife named Sarah They or D arling.)
BIRTH: Variant place: Milford, Pembroke, Wales. --Brenda Bova (email hid d en), in a post to the Whipple Mailing List (email hidden) 5 Oct 1997. R ec ords of the Edson Whipple Family family Organization list Milford, Sur rey , England. (We probably don't know where Captain. John was born ... - -Wel don Whipple)
BIRTH: Philip Currier, The Currier Family Records, v.4, p. 12, shows Cap t ain John born in Bocking, Essex, England, on 19 Dec. 1588. (Being bor n i n Bocking would seem to refer to one of the Ipswich Whipples. -- Weld on W hipple)
DEATH: Age at death: 68.
BIRTH: Date from John Osborne Austin, _Genealogical Dictionary of Rhod e I sland_ (Albany, N.Y., 1887; reprint ed. Baltimore: Genealogical Publi shin g Co., 1978.
DEATH: Date from Austin, _Dictionary_, p. 221.
RESIDENCES: Dorchester, Mass., and Providence, R.I. (Austin, _Dictionary _ , p. 221.)
RESIDENCES: In 1658, John sold his house and some 40 or 50 acres of la n d in Dorchester, Mass., to James Minot, and soon after moved with his f am ily to Providence, R.I. Land was granted to him in Providence in Jul y 165 9, and he was admitted as an inhabitant. --Nancy Cluff Siders (emai l hidd en) to the Whipple Family discussion list (email hiddena.edu), 5 A pr 1997 , citing "The Steere Genealogy" by James P. Root, 1890.
NOTE: 3 Oct 1632 ordered to give 3s. 4d. to his master Israel Stoughto n f or wasteful expenditure of powder and shot. (Austin, p. 221)
SOURCE: Reprint of the "Brown genealogy of 1851," submitted to the Whipp l e Website by Ian Mackie, 20 Oct 2003.
OCCUPATION: Carpenter by trade. --Brown genealogy of 1851.
SOURCE: Mail from Charles M. Whipple, Jr., to Weldon Whipple, 8 Dec 200 6 . Estimates marriage in 1638 or earlier (previously entered as 1639/40 ) b ased on the Early Records of the Town of Providence, XVII:53-4: "On 2 4 No v 1684, John junior made a declaration that he was 45 years old at t he ti me, making his date of birth 1639." Thus his parents likely marrie d in 16 38 or earlier.