1925 - 2004 (79 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 4 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Gordon Randby Lund |
Birth |
13 Jan 1925 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Initiatory (LDS) |
22 Aug 1947 |
FamilySearch ID |
KWC8-Z61 |
Death |
26 Jul 2004 |
Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
Burial |
Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
Person ID |
I5001 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Djalmar Emanuel Lund, b. 4 May 1882, Søllested, Lolland, Sjælland, Kongeriget Danmark d. 11 Jul 1966, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 84 years) |
Mother |
Ågot Marie Rytterager, b. 11 Jan 1884, Kristiania, Oslo, Kongeriket Norge d. 9 Sep 1966, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 82 years) |
Marriage |
27 May 1903 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3105 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Joyce Morrison, b. 7 Jul 1926, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 11 Jan 2010 (Age 83 years) |
Marriage |
25 Aug 1947 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
Family ID |
F3477 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
12 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 13 Jan 1925 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 22 Aug 1947 - SLAKE |
| Marriage - 25 Aug 1947 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Death - 26 Jul 2004 - Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
| Burial - - Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States |
Notes |
- Death: U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Obituary: LUND, GORDON R. Born January 13, 1925 in Salt Lake City, UT. ; p assed away July 26, 2004 in Dallas. Survived by wife, Joyce Morriso n Lund ; daughters, Pat Chatterley and Terry Mahlum; sons, Mark Lund an d Craig L und; 13 grandchildren; 4 great grandchildren; 1 sister. Gordo n received m any awards and honors during a long and distinguished caree r that include d executive positions in the pharmaceutical, financial an d insurance indu stries. He was a championship bridge player and loved pl aying bridge anyw here, anytime. He gave generously of his time and mean s to community an d church. However, those who knew him best, and loved h im most, will reme mber best his commitment to his family. He loved assis ting Santa every Ch ristmas; his exploits as little league coach are lege ndary; he brought ex tended family together often and always had a Read y story, a humorous ane cdote or good advice at the Ready. We miss him. T here will be a viewing a t the church on Saturday from 11-11:30 AM wit h a 12:00 PM service at th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints , 14740 Meandering Way, Dall as, 75248. Interment Restland Memorial Park . Family to receive friends fr om 7-8 PM Friday, July 30, 2004 at Restlan d Funeral Home.
I was born on January 13, 1925 in Salt Lake City, Utah at 677 West Capit o l Street in a modest home. My father was Djalmar Emanuel Lund and my mo th er, Aagot Marie Randby. I weighed 13 lbs. 2 oz. My mother was 41 at th e t ime. I have 5 sisters and 1 brother. Connie is 2 years older than me , Aub rey 10 years older, LaVon 12 years older, Margot 14 years older, Te mmie 1 6 years older and Vange 18 years older. Temmie was our Santa Clau s and t he provider of all the frills. If there were any sort of gifts, o r mone y spent on anything other than the basics, Temmie provided. Fathe r and Mo ther spoke better Scandahoovian (which is a mixture of English a nd severa l Scandinavian languages) than they did English. I also picke d up some Sc andahoovian. I don’t think my mother ever could write Englis h .
When I was 4 years old, we moved to 266 Douglas Street which we consider e d to be located in a rich neighborhood. We had many professional peopl e l iving around us as neighbors. Our home was about 2 blocks away from t he U niversity of Utah.
When I was 5 years old, I was run over by an automobile. It happened o n 1 3th East Street. I was going to the store for a neighbor who gave m e an I ndian head penny for going. I was headed across 2nd South and obvi ously d arted across the street without looking and both wheels of the ca r went o ver my body and right leg. The story goes that I almost lost m y leg and w as going to die. Dad prayed and all and I came out of it wit h a scar on m y leg, scars on my face, and my right leg is an inch shorte r that the oth er. I am sure I was administered to. I was baptized on th e 4th of Novembe r 1933 by my father, Djalmar E. Lund .
I didn’t have much time for hobbies or interests because we didn’t hav e e nough money to go around. My dad lost his job at Western Savings an d Loa n as the head bookkeeper during the depression, and after tried sel ling i nsurance to make ends meet. When I was 7 or 8 I had a regular rout e selli ng magazines. I also sold homemade candy for a graduate student a t the U . of U. and his wife. Then I had about 10 lawns that I mowed an d some o f them that I watered. One of them was Stephen Covey’s parents.
I think I was a good student. I probably was a B+ or A- student. I don ’ t remember a lot of homework, but we had a lot of other things we ha d t o do to in providing another source of income for the family. We al l ha d to have part-time jobs in order to make ends meet because of the d epres sion.
In school, I played football and some track in discus, shot, and javeli n . I was a year ahead of where I was supposed to be somehow. I thorough l y enjoyed school as a child. I enjoyed grade school and junior high . I we nt to the Stewart grade school, which was a teaching facility of t he U. o f U. They had a very small student body. All the teachers were wo rking to ward getting their degree. It was sort of an experimental thing . We had v ery small classes, and it was considered to be a great honor t o be chose n to go there. It wasn’t any great honor in our case; we jus t lived withi n the boundaries, but a lot of people wished they could g o there becaus e it was so small and we received special attention. We li ved 1 ½ block s from it. I have no bad memories at all of grade school. E verything wa s fine; we had a lot of fun. We had a good bunch of kids, th ey were all r ich, I was the poorest one there, but it didn’t seem to mat ter; we all bl ended in very nicely. Several of us elected to go to Roos evelt Junior Hi gh, which was about two miles away. There were no schoo l buses and we ha d to walk. It was ridiculous to go that far.
I started going with Pat Wilkins. Her dad was one of the richest men i n U tah at the time. He was head legal counsel for U.S. Steel. They live d i n a house up on Military Way. It later became one of the official bui ldin gs of the U. of U. when they moved. She was one of my last adventure s i n that regard.
I attended East High School. I set the trend on clothes to wear to schoo l . I was on the football team; you wore levis and an old sweater and hob na il boots and that was it. So I wore the same pants and the same sweat e r I think for 2 or 3 years. My recollections of High School were grea t ex cept for the money thing again. We had no car and I had to line u p a rid e before I could get a date.
I had part time jobs and I was the night watchman in a residential hot e l (the Ambassador) in town. I worked from 11 pm till 7am. That made dat in g tough. In fact, it made it real tough because I had to go to work a t 1 1 o’clock. Sometimes I had a little trouble getting enough sleep, bu t I h ad time to get some homework done and do some sleeping. I had to t ake th e time clock around and punch it on different floors, but I’d loc k up th e building shortly after I got there and I’d also open it up at m aybe 5 i n the morning to let the milkman and paperboy and all in. It was n’t tha t difficult. I was 16 or 17 at the time.
When I graduated from high school, I went to the U. of U. Of course Wor l d War II had broken out and everyone was going to go to war and there w a s no sense in making plans for anything. I was 16 ½ when I started at t h e U. We all signed up for a branch of the service we would like to go i nt o when we reached the right age which I guess was 18 .
I finished 1 ½ years at the U. and then things got tough. The Navy sai d , “You’re all V12 coming in now.” We weren’t even 18 yet. Then we all g o t sworn in and I joined the V12 program which was an officers trainin g pr ogram with continued education until you got your degree and then yo u wer e an officer and shipped overseas immediately. The University of Co lorad o at Boulder was where they sent our particular group. It was all m ilitar y. There must have been 5000 of us Navy, AF, Army, and Marines. Th ey ha d a Japanese language school, a cooks and bakers school and durin g that t ime I was playing football. I got over to Boulder and though t I was goin g to have a pretty easy time with football because everyon e was off in th e service. I got over there and I remember going to sig n up and they pu t me in the 15th squad; they had that many football play ers. They had All -Americans from all over. It was sort of the headquarte rs for all the ath letes for some reason or other. There I was on the 15t h squad; they thre w me an old baseball shirt and said go down to the boo nies, which was lik e 2 miles away at one of the practice fields. Believ e me it took a long t ime to work our way back up to campus to get up t o school. The first gam e I played in was against the U. of U. all the “ sickies” were playing fo r the U. because they didn’t have any of the ser vice people there. It wa s made primarily up of 4-Fs and male cheerleader s. I remember Warren Stac k was a cheerleader when I left and when I go t in there he was one of th e star performers on the football team.
From there I was shipped to a mental hospital; it was a rehabilitation h o spital up in the Rockies to wait there to see if I was going oversea s i n the Hospital Corps or go on to med school. I was up there for 9 mon th s at a Navy convalescent hospital on bedpan patrol.
The commanding officer pulled some strings with the dean of the medica l s chool at Temple University in Philadelphia where they were starting a ccel erated classes because of the war. All of a sudden I was on a troo p trai n going to Philadelphia to go to med school. It was great back the re. W e had officers uniforms and good pay, more money than I had ever se en. Pl us clothes and all tuition and books paid. It was a fantastic deal . Bu t 2 months later the war ended and they kicked us all out. I couldn’ t aff ord to continue so I went back to Salt Lake.
I got a job working for Salt Lake Transfer driving a truck. I started da t ing in earnest. I had broken up with Pat, realizing I couldn’t provid e fo r her in the fashion she was accustomed. I kept seeing this same gir l whe never I dated. I thought, boy, she really must be popular. Well,i t turne d out there were two of them, Jean and my Joyce. I dated Joyce an d on th e 2nd date I decided to ask her to marry me, after telling her th at I wa s reformed and was going to Priesthood meeting and wanted to go o n a miss ion. Three months later we were married on August 25, 1947 in th e Salt La ke Temple.
Shortly after we were married, I had to rush back to Philadelphia to g e t back to med school. I didn’t have any money and had odd jobs befor e I g ot married. I ran the elevator in the hospital; worked in Breyers i ce cre am factory at night packing ice cream. The tuition and books wer e reall y high. Six months later we were coming home from our last socia l event o f the year because Joyce was becoming heavy with child, to fin d that we h ad been robbed. I think the excitement brought on ruptured me mbranes, s o we took her to the hospital. She was 6 ½ months pregnant. I t was horrib ly expensive to be in the hospital and of course they couldn ’t do anythin g for her except try to hold onto the baby which meant sh e had to lie fla t on her back and do nothing. In the meantime we had tho se hospital bill s building up.
After a couple of weeks, we couldn’t take that any more financially , s o I told the hospital that I would take her home and change the sheet s my self at home. We walked the 1 ½ blocks from the hospital. We were PO OR . I was even selling blood. Joyce was 7 ½ months pregnant when we wen t ba ck to the hospital the second time and Pat was born. She was in th e incub ator for 1 month (more expense of course).
Things got really tough financially, the real squeeze was on. I couldn ’ t finish school. The chief of obstetrics who delivered Pat had a frien d w ho worked for a small pharmaceutical firm in Philadelphia called Smit h, K line and French (SKF). I went to work for them and I decided to go i nto s ales.
I had my choice of place. We decided on Atlanta. We were there for a f e w months when the guy that had interviewed me for the job in medical re se arch came down and said