 1959 - 2019 (60 years) Has 2 ancestors and 4 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Karen Lynn Rasmussen |
Birth |
8 Mar 1959 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
1 Sep 1978 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
23 Nov 2019 |
Mint Hill, Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States |
Headstones |
Submit Headstone Photo |
Person ID |
I46 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Notes |
- Obituary:
Karen Lynn Whipple CHARLOTTE - Karen Lynn Whipple was born in Salt Lak e C ity, Utah on March 8th, 1959. She lost her years-long fight with canc er a t her home in Charlotte, North Carolina on Saturday, November 23rd , 2019.
She was the daughter of Joseph Carl and Max Joyce Rasmussen, and was t h e youngest of five siblings: Tawnya, John, David and Terry. She love d t o be outdoors and create with her hands. She spent hours in the backy ar d creating fairy gardens, troll gardens, and her own secret garden. Sh e l oved animals, spending time with her dogs and cats, as well as the ot he r animals that she sat.
She was an active participant and mentor at the Carolina Renaissance Fes t ival with her character, Maggie Bliss. She was always one to accept unc on ditionally, assist those in need, take those who needed shelter, and l ov e without restraint.
She is survived by her husband of 41 years, Randall Owen, and their fo u r children: Randall Jacob (Ivan), Heather Lynn (Brandon), Jessie Hayde n ( Rebecca) and John Carl (Elizabeth). She also has three grandchildren.
Published by Charlotte Observer on Nov. 29, 2019.