1799 - 1853 (54 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 2 ancestors and 84 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Dorothy Kimball |
Birth |
6 Apr 1799 |
Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
10 Jan 1846 |
FamilySearch ID |
2W3B-PW6 |
Death |
23 Sep 1853 |
Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Burial |
Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I19942 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
John Kimball, b. 11 Feb 1764, Glocester, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 29 Feb 1844, Moira, Franklin, New York, United States (Age 80 years) |
Mother |
Dorothy Hoyt, b. 19 Feb 1766, Fremont, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States d. 17 Sep 1842, Moira, Franklin, New York, United States (Age 76 years) |
Marriage |
Abt 1788 |
Glocester, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Family ID |
F9576 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Benjamin Bullock, b. 30 Mar 1792, Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States d. 27 Jul 1852, North Platte, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States (Age 60 years) |
Marriage |
24 Jan 1818 |
Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States |
Children |
| 1. Jane Kelton Bullock, b. 4 Sep 1819, Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States d. 15 Sep 1910, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 91 years) |
| 2. Benjamin Kimball Bullock, b. 27 Jan 1821, Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States d. 22 Mar 1901, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 80 years) |
+ | 3. Isaac Bullock, b. 21 Oct 1824, Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States d. 16 Mar 1891, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 66 years) |
| 4. Mary Ann Polly Bullock, b. 19 Sep 1829, Franklin, Delaware, New York, United States d. 18 Aug 1901, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 71 years) |
| 5. Willis W Bullock, b. Apr 1832, Moira, Franklin, New York, United States d. Dec 1915, Doniphan, Kansas, United States (Age 83 years) |
| 6. Jared John Bullock, b. 2 Apr 1834, Moira, Franklin, New York, United States d. 22 Nov 1909, Lonetree, Uinta, Wyoming, United States (Age 75 years) |
| 7. Dorothy Melissa Bullock, b. 10 Feb 1839, Moira, Franklin, New York, United States d. 7 Jan 1844 (Age 4 years) |
Family ID |
F8697 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 6 Apr 1799 - Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States |
| Marriage - 24 Jan 1818 - Grafton, Grafton, New Hampshire, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 10 Jan 1846 - NAUVO |
| Death - 23 Sep 1853 - Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
| Burial - - Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- The Bullock lineage stems back to the ancient seat in Arborfield, Berk s h i re, England. The surname is traced 300 years before general adopt i o n o f surnames and was spelled Bulluc, Bullok, Bullae, and Bulloch. I t s coa t of arms is very ancient, characterized by several bullock s a mi d o ther emblems. Family tradition sustains the record that findi n g a ch il d in a bull's manager was the origin of the name.
Richard Bullock, an immigrant born in 1622 in Essex, England, was acco m p a nied in 1636 by his two brothers Henry and Edward to America. One s et t le d in Virginia. Richard lived most of this life in Rehoboth, but a ls o i n N ewton, L.l., for a time. Lists of emigrants give Henry of St . Law renc e, E ssex and Edward of Berkshire, but no county is listed fo r Richa rd.
The maternal lineage of Drake, Reed, Richmond & Rogers descends fr o m T h omas Rogers of the Mayflower who died in 1621 in Plymouth. Drak e i s o n e of the oldest families of history. The name Drake is from lat in " drag o • and signifies one who draws or leads. The first Drake or Dr ago i n Eng la nd was a Roman soldier who came with the army of Julius Ca esar . Instea d o f returning to Rome, he stayed in England and settled i n Dev on when W illi am I came in 1066.
Mt. Drake was an early manor to Musbury. It was given to the Drak e s b y W illiam of England. It was
home of most of our ancestry.
The Bullocks and Kimballs were prominent in New Hampshire where Benj a m i n and Dorothy were married, only a short distance from the Prophe t Jo se p h Smith's birthplace 20 years before. After the third baby wa s born , th e y moved to Moira, New York, where Dorothy and family were c onverte d thr ou gh John Riggs as missionary. Soon John married Jane, th e eldest , but M orm ons being extremely unpopular, the townspeople mobbe d them, s o the co upl e left town. When his mission was over, the Bulloc ks moved t o Nauvoo.
After the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, they moved south of Na u v o o to Green Plain. The next year their home as burned before their e ye s, a nd in the spring of 1846, they fled into the wilderness west of M iss i ssip pi, living at Council Bluff until 1852, when they set out fo r Utah . On th e North Platte River, Benjamin took sick and asked to be b aptized . His so n Isaac did this to the joy of all. However, the ailmen t prov e d to be ch olera. He was buried 27 July 1852.
The bereaved widow marched on with the family, settling in Provo whe r e J o hn and Jane Riggs had gone before and secured their home. On 23 S ep tem be r 1853, Dorothy also died of Cholera unable to see her two elde s t son s b ecome 2nd and 3rd Mayors of Provo. Not only results of indust ri ous sa cr i fices, but a heritage of pioneer leadership is ours.
In October 1956, a plaque of Mormon Pioneers was dedicated at Garden G r o v e, Iowa by Apostle Ezra Taft Benson in honor of those driven from N au v o o and stopped at this Iowa City, in their long trek westward. Pres ide n t I.A. Smoot of Chicago was a guest speaker whose own grandparent s we r e list ed there 104 years before.
With Benjamin and Dorothy Kimball Bullock were three sons Benjamin Kim b a l l, with his wife, Isaac and Jared John and Mary Ann (Roberts). Jan e R i gg s had migrated west in 1851 with Dr. John, her husband, preparin g f o r th e Bullocks coming.
Dorothy (Dolly) Kimball was born 6 April 1799 in Grafton, New Hampshi r e . She was a cousin of Heber C. Kimball, who later became an apost l e i n t he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) church.
She married Benjamin Bullock III on the 24th of January 1818 in Graft o n , New Hampshire. They had 7 children, the two youngest, Dorothy, dy i n g b efore she was two years old, and the next one being named Doroth y M el issa, dying just before turning 5 years old. Both born in Moira , N e w Yor k about the time she heard of the Church.
However, she had heard only bad lies about the church, and when she f o u n d a Book of Mormon hidden in her house, she was going to burn it . B u t cu riosity was too much and she decided to read it first and upo n rea di ng it, knew it was true. A missionary, Elder John Riggs, contac ted a n d taugh t the family; fell in love with their daughter, Jane, who m he l at er marri ed on 8 October 1843 in Moira, New York. Dorothy was t he fir s t member o f their family to join the Church. She dearly loved t he miss i onaries. B ecause of the threats of the townspeople to tar an d feathe r J ohn Riggs, t he Bullocks left Moira, packing their wagons an d drivin g the ir animals be fore them.
All of her family joined the church in Moira except her husband, Benja m i n. He supported the rest of the family in their beliefs, but becau s e o f p ersecution, probably thought he could be of more help not bei n g a mem ber.
When they arrived in Nauvoo in 1844, they found out that Joseph and H y r u m had just been martyred. They bought a new house in Green Plains , j u s t south of Nauvoo. In 1845 their new house was burned before thei r e y e s and they moved into Nauvoo for safety where they worked on th e temp l e f or a while. However, they fled with the body of the Church i n 184 6 a nd s ettled in Council Bluffs, Iowa until 1852 when they left f or th e Wes t. T hey were in the 17th Company of Saints to cross the plai ns an d chol era br oke out. Benjamin had their son, Isaac, baptize him i n th e Platt e river. He was sick with this disease and passed away soo n after , bein g burie d in a blanket on the banks of the river.
They settled in Provo, close to her daughter, Jane and her husband D r . J o hn Riggs, as soon as they arrived in the valley. It was almos t a y ea r t o the day, September 23, 1853, after arriving in Utah that D oroth y pa sse d away also of Cholora at the age of 54.