1835 - 1905 (70 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 11 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Ira Patchen Tiffany |
Birth |
14 Feb 1835 |
Eaton Township, Lorain, Ohio, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1860 |
Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
8 Mar 1869 |
Census |
1870 |
Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
Census |
1880 |
Payson, Utah, Utah, United States |
Census |
1900 |
Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
21 Mar 1905 |
Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
Burial |
24 Mar 1905 |
Salem City Cemetery, Utah, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I18545 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
George Tiffany, b. 4 May 1808, Delhi, Delaware, New York, United States d. 21 Jun 1885, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 77 years) |
Mother |
Almira Whipple, b. 13 Jun 1810, Sanford, Broome, New York, United States d. 4 Feb 1889, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 78 years) |
Marriage |
31 Mar 1829 |
Newfield, Tompkins, New York, United States |
Family ID |
F598 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Mary Ann Davis, b. 4 Oct 1843, Avening, Gloucestershire, England d. 21 Jul 1885, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 41 years) |
Marriage |
23 Sep 1862 |
Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
Children |
| 1. Ira Davies Tiffany, b. 24 Jul 1863, Provo, Utah, Utah, United States d. 27 Oct 1902, Mount Glen, Union, Oregon, United States (Age 39 years) |
| 2. Zenos William Tiffany, b. 21 Aug 1865, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 14 Feb 1938, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 72 years) |
| 3. Sylvia Ann Tiffany, b. 14 Nov 1867, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 23 Dec 1936, Pleasant Grove, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 69 years) |
| 4. Cynthia Jane Tiffany, b. 27 Feb 1870, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. Bef 1877 (Age < 6 years) |
| 5. Mary Elizabeth Tiffany, b. 17 May 1871, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 5 Nov 1887, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 16 years) |
| 6. Almira Tiffany, b. 29 Dec 1873, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 21 Sep 1887, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 13 years) |
| 7. Franklin Brayn Tiffany, b. 29 Feb 1876, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 4 Oct 1877, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 1 year) |
| 8. Eliza Tiffany, b. 30 Jan 1878, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 2 Jun 1957, Orem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 79 years) |
| 9. George Hyrum Tiffany, b. 17 Apr 1880, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 18 Mar 1939, Nampa, Canyon, Idaho, United States (Age 58 years) |
| 10. Albert Henry Tiffany, b. 5 Nov 1882, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 2 Dec 1956, La Grande, Union, Oregon, United States (Age 74 years) |
| 11. Ray Tiffany, b. 21 Jul 1884, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States d. 16 Oct 1885, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 1 year) |
Family ID |
F9096 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Family 2 |
Sarah Ann Jolley, b. 18 Dec 1837, Dresden, Weakley, Tennessee, United States d. 9 Jan 1919, Salem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 81 years) |
Marriage |
29 Jun 1900 |
Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F9097 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 14 Feb 1835 - Eaton Township, Lorain, Ohio, United States |
 | Census - 1860 - Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Marriage - 23 Sep 1862 - Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 8 Mar 1869 - EHOUS |
 | Census - 1870 - Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1880 - Payson, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1900 - Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Marriage - 29 Jun 1900 - Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Death - 21 Mar 1905 - Salem, Utah, Utah, United States |
 | Burial - 24 Mar 1905 - Salem City Cemetery, Utah, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Ira was a second-generation Mormon who, although not yet thirty-five, h a d already seen it all. Born in Eaton, Ohio, in 1835, on the same day Jo se ph Smith ordained the first Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Resto re d Church. He and his parents moved with the Saints successively west : fir st Kirtland, then Nauvoo, then Florence Nebraska, after stops alon g a thi rteen-hundred-mile wilderness to Utah .
They used both ox teams and cows to pull their wagons. They milked t h e cows and if they did not use all the milk it was put in a jar and car ri ed along with them. The shake of the wagon churned the milk into butte r f or them. After about four months of traveling they arrived in Utah an d se ttled in Ogden for a while. They were tillers of the soil at most o f th e places they lived in.
They then came on to Provo and lived there about a year in a small sh a ck covered with the remains of a wagon cover. Their next move was to Sa le m where they made their home.
Ira Tiffany grew into a rugged frontiersman: he guarded against Johns t on’s Army, freighted with down-and-back wagon trains, and fought in th e B lackhawk War. This was gritty hard work. In Salem he helped make th e cana l and was a member of the town and school boards for several year s .
Up until now, the town of Salem had no Elders Quorum, but on Sunday , M arch 8, 1868, they met to organize one. At a meeting called for the p urpo se of organizing the Elders Quorum by choosing a President and Counc il, I ra P. Tiffany was appointed President, Wm Davis and Samuel T. Curti s coun selors and Alvin Kempton clerk.
Tiffany's first counselor was a man somewhat different than himself . W illiam Davis was fifteen years older than Tiffany and had spent mos t of h is life in his native England, where he joined the Church as an ad ult. Da vis, his wife Eliza, and their four children had immigrated to Ut ah in 18 62. In the spring of 1862 there was a train of wagons that wen t back to F lorence, Nebraska and got immigrants and Ira went with them . It was whil e Tiffany worked as a driver in the wagon train that he fir st met the Dav ises. Tiffany fell in love with Williams’s oldest daughte r Mary Ann, an d the two married soon after the company arrived at Echo C anyon in Utah .
He was committed to the people of Salem and to the cause of religio u s liberty for which they had been driven so far and for so long. Fo r t he next nine years, Ira Tiffany would lead the Salem elders, with Dav is a nd Curtis by his side. The year after becoming Elders Quorum Preside nt, h e and his wife would be sealed together in the Endowment House in S alt La ke City. They had 11 children, only six of which lived to adulthoo d. Mar y Ann, at age 42, died giving birth to the last child Ray who onl y live d 2 ½ months.
“God will not exalt a man very high that will not learn and do al l h e can here,” Ira Tiffany taught. Learning and doing, was rewarded i n th e heavens.
The Life Summary of Ira Patchen
When Ira Patchen Tiffany was born on 14 February 1835, in Eaton Townshi p , Lorain, Ohio, United States, his father, George Tiffany, was 27 and h i s mother, Almira Whipple, was 24. He married Mary Ann Davis on 23 Septe mb er 1862, in Salem, Utah, Utah Territory, United States. They were th e par ents of at least 6 sons and 5 daughters. He lived in Pottawattamie , Iowa , United States in 1850 and Provo, Utah, Utah Territory, United St ates i n 1860. He registered for military service in 1854. He died on 2 1 March 1 905, in Salem, Utah, Utah, United States, at the age of 70, an d was burie d in Salem, Utah, Utah, United States.