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Surname List: Begins with F

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[no surname] ( . 1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z ` Æ

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All surnames beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Fabbri (2)
2. Fabri (27)
3. Fabry (1)
4. Fabyan (1)
5. Facer (11)
6. Facio (1)
7. Fackrell (15)
8. Fadburn (1)
9. Faddis (2)
10. Fagan (11)
11. Fagen (2)
12. Fagg (3)
13. Fahlborg (5)
14. Fahnestock (11)
15. Fahnstock (1)
16. Fahrenbach (1)
17. Fahrenkrog (2)
18. Fahrer (3)
19. Fahrni (1)
20. Fáid (1)
21. Faierno (2)
22. Fáil (1)
23. Failing (5)
24. Fair (7)
25. Fairbanks (53)
26. FairChild (19)
27. Fairfax (2)
28. Fairfield (1)
29. Fairgge (1)
30. Falaid (1)
31. Falco (1)
32. Falconnet (8)
33. Fales (2)
34. Falgout (9)
35. Falk (19)
36. Falkner (1)
37. Fall (1)
38. Falley (19)
39. Falquet (49)
40. Fals (1)
41. Fancher (1)
42. Fane (2)
43. Fangel (1)
44. Fanning (1)
45. Fanny (1)
46. Fantel (1)
47. Fantinge (1)
48. Farber (15)
49. Fargo (1)
50. Farguson (1)
51. Farington (1)
52. Faris (1)
53. Farlander (1)
54. Farley (28)
55. Farlow (17)
56. Farma (1)
57. Farmer (19)
58. Farmington (1)
59. Farmsworth (1)
60. Farnam (2)
61. Farnes (11)
62. Farnham (30)
63. Farnsworth (107)
64. Farnum (25)
65. Farnworth (16)
66. Farquar (1)
67. Farquhar (1)
68. Farquharson (1)
69. Farr (24)
70. Farrah (1)
71. Farrance (1)
72. Farrar (30)
73. Farrell (4)
74. Farrington (9)
75. Farron (1)
76. Farrow (38)
77. Farry (2)
78. Farsa (1)
79. Farsaidh (1)
80. Farwell (41)
81. Faskett (1)
82. Fassett (1)
83. Fastolf (6)
84. Fáthach (1)
85. Fatio (50)
86. Fattig (1)
87. Faught (1)
88. Fauley (1)
89. Faulkner (2)
90. Faun (2)
91. Faunce (4)
92. Faure (1)
93. Fausey (4)
94. Faussett (1)
95. Faust (1)
96. Fausta (1)
97. Faux (3)
98. Favey (1)
99. Favor (8)
100. Favre (61)
101. Fawcett (9)
102. Faxon (1)
103. Fay (14)
104. Fazan (6)
105. Feachtmar (1)
106. Fearnley (1)
107. Fearon (1)
108. Feart (1)
109. Feather (8)
110. Featherstnehaugh (1)
111. Featherstone (1)
112. Fechner (1)
113. Fedarko (1)
114. Feddw (1)
115. Feely (14)
116. Fehr (1)
117. Feichko (1)
118. Feidhlioch (1)
119. Feith (3)
120. Felkel (1)
121. Fell (11)
122. Fellow (1)
123. Fellows (38)
124. Fellure (1)
125. Felshaw (2)
126. Felt (14)
127. Felton (15)
128. Feltz (1)
129. Femling (1)
130. Fender (1)
   131. Fenn (29)
132. Fennar (1)
133. Fenne (3)
134. Fennel (1)
135. Fennels (1)
136. Fenner (37)
137. Fennet (1)
138. Fenninge (2)
139. Fenton (8)
140. Fenwick (5)
141. fercg Gwaethfoed (1)
142. ferch Coel (1)
143. ferch Cywryd (1)
144. ferch Dafydd (1)
145. ferch Eliseg (1)
146. ferch Goronwy (2)
147. ferch Gronwy (1)
148. ferch Gruffudd (2)
149. ferch Gruffydd (2)
150. ferch Gwerstan (1)
151. ferch Gwerystan (1)
152. ferch Hywel (1)
153. ferch Iago (1)
154. ferch Llewellyn (5)
155. ferch Llewelyn (1)
156. ferch Llud (1)
157. ferch Llydocca (1)
158. ferch Llywarch (2)
159. ferch Llywelyn (4)
160. ferch Maelgwn (1)
161. ferch Osbern (1)
162. ferch Owain (2)
163. ferch Rhiwallon (1)
164. ferch Rhys (1)
165. ferch Wempel (1)
166. Fergan (1)
167. Ferguison (1)
168. Ferguson (87)
169. Ferguson Cullen (1)
170. Fergusson (14)
171. Ferman (1)
172. Fermor (12)
173. Fernandez (9)
174. Ferne (1)
175. Fernley (2)
176. Fernstrom (1)
177. Ferra (23)
178. Ferrat (2)
179. Ferrell (6)
180. Ferreolus (1)
181. Ferrers (6)
182. Ferret (1)
183. Ferrier (11)
184. Ferrin (2)
185. Ferris (5)
186. Ferry (4)
187. Ferry Crosby (1)
188. Fethers (2)
189. Fette (6)
190. Fetters (1)
191. Fetzer (7)
192. Fetzner (1)
193. Feucht (1)
194. Fey (7)
195. Fickett (1)
196. Fidler (5)
197. Fieber (1)
198. Fiedler (3)
199. Field (43)
200. Field Dunham (1)
201. Field III (1)
202. Fielden (30)
203. Fielding (32)
204. Fields (14)
205. Fieldsend (1)
206. Fiennes (9)
207. Fiest (6)
208. Fiester (1)
209. Fiet (3)
210. Fietkau (1)
211. Fievre (1)
212. Fife (63)
213. Fifield (1)
214. Fike (1)
215. Filbach (1)
216. Filbeck (1)
217. Filby (1)
218. File (2)
219. Filer (1)
220. Filley (1)
221. Fillhouer (1)
222. Filliettaz (1)
223. Fillippi (1)
224. Fillmore (43)
225. Fillong (1)
226. Fillongly (1)
227. Filloon (1)
228. Filmore (1)
229. Finch (45)
230. Fincham (1)
231. Findlay (7)
232. Findley (1)
233. Finelli (1)
234. Finger (3)
235. Fink (4)
236. Finke (17)
237. Finlayson (2)
238. Finley (13)
239. Finlinson (7)
240. Finn (28)
241. Finn Olsen (1)
242. Finnegan (6)
243. Finnerty (1)
244. Finney (1)
245. Finnicum (1)
246. Finnsdatter (6)
247. Finnsdottir (2)
248. Finnsen (7)
249. Finnssen (1)
250. Fion Feachtnuigh (1)
251. Fionn (1)
252. Fionoluidh (1)
253. Fiore (1)
254. Fiorenzo (1)
255. Firth (2)
256. Fischbeck (2)
257. Fischer (3)
258. Fish (51)
259. Fishburn (3)
260. Fisher (248)
   261. Fisher Gardner (1)
262. Fisk (32)
263. Fiske (138)
264. Fisketjon (1)
265. Fister (1)
266. Fitch (49)
267. Fitche (10)
268. Fitches (7)
269. Fite (2)
270. Fithian (1)
271. Fitton (14)
272. Fitts (15)
273. Fitz (1)
274. fitz Gilbert de Clare (2)
275. fitz Osbert (1)
276. fitz Pons (1)
277. fitz Robert (1)
278. fitz Thorfinsson (1)
279. FitzAlan (40)
280. FitzBaderon (3)
281. FitzBernard (2)
282. FitzBryan (6)
283. FitzEdith (1)
284. FitzEdward (1)
285. FitzEllis (1)
286. FitzEustace (1)
287. FitzFlaald (3)
288. Fitzgeoffrey (2)
289. FitzGeoffrey de Mandeville (3)
290. FitzGerald (78)
291. FitzGerold (1)
292. Fitzgerrell (1)
293. FitzGilbert (9)
294. FitzHaimo (2)
295. FitzHamon (2)
296. FitzHenry (1)
297. FitzHerbert (11)
298. FitzHugh (3)
299. FitzJohn (11)
300. FitzMaurice (10)
301. FitzOsbern (3)
302. FitzOsule (1)
303. FitzOtho (1)
304. FitzPatrick (8)
305. FitzPayn (1)
306. Fitzpayne (1)
307. FitzPeter (1)
308. Fitzpiers (1)
309. FitzRandolf (1)
310. FitzReinsfred (1)
311. FitzRichard (7)
312. FitzRobert (10)
313. FitzRoger (1)
314. FitzRoy (1)
315. FitzScrob (1)
316. FitzSiward (2)
317. FitzSwein (1)
318. FitzWalter (10)
319. FitzWaltheof (1)
320. Fitzwater (2)
321. FitzWilliam (10)
322. FitzWimarc (1)
323. Fjeldsted (1)
324. Fjerstad (1)
325. Flaccilla (1)
326. Flack (45)
327. Fladoes (1)
328. Flagg (3)
329. Flaitel (4)
330. Flake (46)
331. Flamville (3)
332. Flanagan (16)
333. Flanah (1)
334. Flandern (1)
335. Flanders (44)
336. Flanegan (1)
337. Flanigan (6)
338. Flannagan (2)
339. Flashman (1)
340. Flattery (3)
341. Flavia (1)
342. Flavius (2)
343. Fleeman (1)
344. Fleener (14)
345. Fleenor (1)
346. Fleet (1)
347. Fleetwood (1)
348. Fleming (114)
349. Fleming 4th Earl of Wigton (1)
350. Fleming Douglas (1)
351. Flesher (1)
352. Fletcher (146)
353. Fleuri (1)
354. Fleury (21)
355. Flewell (1)
356. Flick (3)
357. Flicker (1)
358. Flinders (2)
359. Flindt (1)
360. Flinn (2)
361. Flint (31)
362. Flippence (6)
363. Flocken (1)
364. Flood (31)
365. Floody (1)
366. Flora (2)
367. Flores (1)
368. Flory (1)
369. Flournois (6)
370. Flower (1)
371. Flowerday (1)
372. Floyd (16)
373. Flud (2)
374. Fluehmann (1)
375. Fluhart (6)
376. Fluhman (2)
377. Fluhrer (1)
378. Fluke (4)
379. Flury (1)
380. Flygare (6)
381. Flynn (14)
382. Fobes (1)
383. Foderaro (3)
384. Fogel (1)
385. Fogerty (1)
386. Fogg (5)
387. Foghlas (1)
388. Fogle (2)
389. Foidh (1)
390. Folchain (1)
   391. Foley (7)
392. Folger (1)
393. Foliot (12)
394. Foljambe (9)
395. Folland (1)
396. Follansbee (11)
397. Follas (2)
398. Follensbee (1)
399. Follet (3)
400. Follett (231)
401. Follette (8)
402. Follis (1)
403. Folsom (27)
404. Folz (1)
405. Fonda (13)
406. Fones (1)
407. Foord (1)
408. Foot (1)
409. Foote (50)
410. Forbes (28)
411. Forbush (1)
412. Ford (356)
413. Forddred (1)
414. Fordham (17)
415. Fording (1)
416. Foreman (1)
417. Foremaster (1)
418. Foresman (1)
419. Forez (1)
420. Forgey (1)
421. Forgie (10)
422. Forker (1)
423. Forkner (1)
424. Forlong (1)
425. Forman (2)
426. Forqueran (4)
427. Forrest (4)
428. Forrester (9)
429. Forsey (2)
430. Forsgren (30)
431. Forssen (1)
432. Forster (9)
433. Forsyth (26)
434. Forsythe (6)
435. Forsythe Bennett Carnes (1)
436. Fort (1)
437. Fortamail (2)
438. Forte (1)
439. Fortescue (12)
440. Forth (1)
441. Forthe (3)
442. Fortie (1)
443. Fortier (1)
444. Fortner (1)
445. Fortrén (1)
446. Fortune (2)
447. Fosdick (17)
448. Fose (1)
449. Fosket (1)
450. Fosnaugh (2)
451. Foss (15)
452. Foster (206)
453. Foster Pritchett (1)
454. Fothergill (4)
455. Foucher (3)
456. Fouleshurst (3)
457. Foulger (7)
458. Foulkes (8)
459. Foundas (1)
460. Fountain (7)
461. Foust (6)
462. Fouts (16)
463. Foutz (17)
464. Fowers (1)
465. Fowkes (1)
466. Fowle (4)
467. Fowler (153)
468. Fowles (16)
469. Fox (88)
470. Foy (2)
471. Foye (1)
472. Fradianni (2)
473. Frager (1)
474. Fraise (1)
475. Fraiser (1)
476. Frakes (2)
477. Frame (5)
478. Frampton (26)
479. Franberg (1)
480. Franc (3)
481. France (1)
482. Frances (1)
483. Francetti y Roca (1)
484. Franchetti (2)
485. Franciotti (1)
486. Francis (32)
487. Francis Sr. (1)
488. Francisco (6)
489. Francois (3)
490. Francoise Stoudman (1)
491. Francom (2)
492. Franconis (1)
493. Francotti (1)
494. Frandsen (5)
495. Frank (1)
496. Franke (3)
497. Frankland (1)
498. Franklin (63)
499. Franks (2)
500. Frankson (1)
501. Fransson (1)
502. Frantz (4)
503. Franzina (1)
504. Franzwa (12)
505. Frary (3)
506. Frasemer (1)
507. Fraser (29)
508. Fraser Rowell (1)
509. Frashier (1)
510. Frasier (8)
511. Fratenhausen (1)
512. Fraughton (2)
513. Frawley (2)
514. Frayer (4)
515. Frayne (1)
516. Fraysher (1)
517. Frazee (9)
518. Frazer (1)
519. Frazier (25)
520. Freawinesson (1)
   521. Frechette (7)
522. Freckleton (8)
523. Frecklington (2)
524. Fredenburg (1)
525. Frederichsen (2)
526. Frederick (3)
527. Fredericks (1)
528. Fredericksdatter (7)
529. Fredericksen (7)
530. Frederickson (3)
531. Frederiksdatter (1)
532. Frederiksdotter (4)
533. Frederiksen (31)
534. Fredesende (1)
535. Fredikstad (1)
536. Fredrich (1)
537. Fredrick (2)
538. FredrickAndrews (1)
539. Fredricks (1)
540. Fredricksen (1)
541. Fredrickson (4)
542. Fredriksdatter (1)
543. Fredriksen (2)
544. Fredrikson (1)
545. Free (11)
546. Freeland (1)
547. Freeman (145)
548. Freer (26)
549. Freese (1)
550. Freestone (14)
551. Freeze (2)
552. Frehner (1)
553. Freije (2)
554. French (123)
555. Frend (1)
556. Frenette (1)
557. Freothalaf (1)
558. Frerlink (1)
559. Freshwater (8)
560. Fretwell (1)
561. Frew (2)
562. Frewin (4)
563. Frey (3)
564. Freymiller (3)
565. Frick (4)
566. Fricke (1)
567. Friderichsen (2)
568. Fridleifsson (2)
569. Friedly (4)
570. Friel (1)
571. Frielink (9)
572. Friend (1)
573. Frierson (1)
574. Friess (2)
575. Friis (10)
576. Frings (1)
577. Frink (4)
578. Frisbie (8)
579. Frisby (3)
580. Frischknecht (14)
581. Friswith (1)
582. Frithugarsson (1)
583. Frithuwald (1)
584. Fritton (4)
585. Fritts (1)
586. Fritz (2)
587. Frizzle (1)
588. Frobisher (11)
589. Frodasson (5)
590. Frodsham (7)
591. Frohlich (1)
592. Froman (9)
593. Frome (20)
594. Froom (1)
595. Frossard (77)
596. Frost (74)
597. Frostasdotter (1)
598. Fruechy (1)
599. Fruit (1)
600. Fry (16)
601. Fryar (6)
602. Frye (75)
603. Frye Harrington (1)
604. Fryer (16)
605. Frykholm (1)
606. Fryrear (1)
607. Fuelner (1)
608. Fugal (9)
609. Fuhriman (15)
610. Fuhrman (9)
611. Fuhrmann (3)
612. Fulcher (1)
613. Fulford (1)
614. Fuller (226)
615. Fullerton (14)
616. Fulleshurst (2)
617. Fullington (2)
618. Fullman (1)
619. Fullmer (28)
620. Fullsome (1)
621. Fulmor (1)
622. Fulshaw (1)
623. Fulswasser (1)
624. Fulthorpe (1)
625. Fulton (22)
626. Fulwater (15)
627. Funch (9)
628. Funk (28)
629. Funkhouser (8)
630. Funnel (1)
631. Funnell (8)
632. Fuqua (1)
633. Furbay (7)
634. Furbish (1)
635. Furbush (5)
636. Furgason (3)
637. Furguson (1)
638. Furhman (2)
639. Furnald (1)
640. Furness (1)
641. Fursdon (2)
642. Futch (1)
643. Futcher (13)
644. Fuzey (1)
645. Fyfe (1)
646. Fynymore (1)
647. Fyske (1)