1624 - 1666 (42 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has no ancestors but more than 100 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Sarah |
Birth |
1624 |
England |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
1666 |
Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
21 Dec 1881 |
FamilySearch ID |
L13S-ZY2 |
Burial |
North Burial Ground, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Person ID |
I725 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Family |
Captain John Whipple, b. Abt 1617, England d. 16 May 1685, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 68 years) |
Marriage |
1638 |
Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. Ensign John Whipple, b. 9 Mar 1641, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 15 Dec 1700, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 59 years) |
+ | 2. Sarah Whipple, b. 2 Feb 1642, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. Aft 12 May 1710, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age > 68 years) |
+ | 3. Samuel Whipple, c. 17 Mar 1644, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 12 Mar 1711, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 66 years) |
+ | 4. Eleazer Whipple, c. 8 Mar 1646, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 25 Aug 1719, Lime Rock, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 73 years) |
+ | 5. Mary Whipple, c. 9 Apr 1648, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 12 Jun 1698, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 50 years) |
+ | 6. William Whipple, c. 16 May 1652, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 9 Mar 1712, Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 59 years) |
+ | 7. Benjamin Whipple, c. 4 Jun 1654, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 11 Mar 1704, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age ~ 49 years) |
+ | 8. Ensign David Whipple, c. 28 Sep 1656, Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States d. 18 Dec 1710, Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States (Age ~ 54 years) |
+ | 9. Abigail Whipple, b. Abt 1657, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 19 Aug 1725, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 68 years) |
+ | 10. Colonel Joseph Whipple, b. Abt 1662, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 28 Apr 1746, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 84 years) |
+ | 11. Lieutenant Jonathan Whipple, b. 17 Mar 1664, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States d. 8 Sep 1721, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States (Age 57 years) |
Family ID |
F625 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 1624 - England |
| Marriage - 1638 - Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States |
| Death - 1666 - Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 21 Dec 1881 - SGEOR |
| Burial - - North Burial Ground, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island, United States |
Notes |
- SOURCE: The following primary sources of information were supplied by Ch a rles Whipple (charles at whipple dot net) to the Whipple Website, 1 Au g 2 008:
Church membership at Dorchester: Sarah Whipple, on 29 October 1641, ad d ressed as "Goodwife Whipple," one of the lowest social class distinctio ns , was admitted to the Dorchester church. [Records of the First Churc h a t Dorchester in Newand, 1636-1734 (Boston: George H. Ellis, 1891) 6. ] Joh n would have had to be a member by then, as freemen were required t o be m embers of the church. It is believed that the record of John's adm i ttanc e to membership was taken to Connecticut in 1635/36. "There is li ttl e ho pe of finding these ancient records either in Windsor or in Dorc hester. " [Records of First Church, iv & xi]. As quoted in: Charles Whipp le, A Hi story of Captain John and Sarah Whipple... 6.
Sarah Whipple's maiden name: Previous antiquarian researches claim th a t Sarah's maiden name, among others, could have been: Hutchinson, Darli ng , or They. Regrettably, none of these writers provided requisite proo f fo r their assertions. Sarah's birthplace and date of birth are likewis e unk nown.
The deaths of John and Sarah Whipple: John and Sarah's gravestones we r e carved around the year 1750, subsequent to the removal of their remai n s to the North Burial Grounds. Sarah died in 1666, being dead then fo r ap proximately 85 yearsore her gravestone was carved. Moreover, John wo uld h ave been dead for approximately 65 years in 1750. A lack of accurat e an d complete cemetery information was the result. Those who had acces s to t he truth were long since deceased themselves. Well-meaning descend ants, l ikely their grandsons, Deputy Governor Joseph Junior and his brot her, Joh n, were insufficiently prepared to carry out Captain John's 168 2 directiv e to their father to see to it that "I be decently buried." I t must be po inted out that John and Sarah's gravestones are recognized t o be the earl iest dated in the cemetery. [John E. Sterling, North Buria l Ground, Old S ection, 1700-1848, Special Publication #5 (Providence: Rh ode Islan d Gene alogical Society, 2000) xii.
Death: Age at death: 42.
SOURCE: Dwane V. Norris, Whipple Family Tree, Revised 23 Jul 1996 (Jacks o n, Mich.: D.V. Norris, c1993), p. 81.
SOURCE: Judith Whipple, "Genealogy Chart of Captain John Whipple 1617-16 8 5 to Grace Louise (Whipple) Pitcher 1892 and Alfred Whipple 1903, and J oh n Whipple 1904 and Lorey Whipple 1910-1970" (Portland, Tex., c1977). C op y in the NEHGS library, call number CS71.W574 1977.
!NAME: Philip Currier, The Currier Family Records, v.4, p. 12, gives Sar a h's surname as Hutchinson. The name Sarah Hutchinson occurs much less f re quently than "Sarah They? or Darling?" as Captain John's wife. One Sar a h Hutchinson does appear in the Whipple genealogy (RIN 3573 in this dat ab ase)--married to Joseph(4), Joseph(3), Matthew(2), Matthew(1) of the I psw ich/Bocking Whipple line.
Birth: Date from John Osborne Austin, _Genealogical Dictionary of Rhod e I sland_ (Albany, N.Y., 1887; reprinted. Baltimore: Genealogical Publis hin g Co., 1978. Judith Whipple gives birth place of Massachusetts (no da te g iven).
Burial: Sarah's grave marker in the Whipple section of the North Buria l G rounds, Providence, R.I., reads: "IN MEMORY / of / Mrs. Sarah WHIPPL E / w ife of / Capt. John Whipple / She was born in Dorchester, in New En gland ; and died in / Providence, Anno Dona, 1666 / aged about 42 years . " -- D . V. Norris, p. 81.
RESIDENCES: Dorchester, Mass., and Providence, R.I. (Austin,_Dictionar y _ , p. 221.)
SOURCE: Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island (Chicago: J. H . Beers, 1908), 3:1676-1677. Gives surname They.
SOURCE: Mail from Charles M. Whipple, Jr., to Weldon Whipple, 8 Dec 200 6 . Estimates marriage in 1638 or earlier (previously entered as 1639/40 ) b ased on the Early Records of the Town of Providence, XVII:53-4: "On 2 4 No v 1684, John junior made a declaration that he was 45 years old at t he ti me, making his date of birth 1639." Thus his parents likely marrie d in 16 38 or earlier.