1 | 1898 | |
2 | 1901 | |
3 | 1903 | - 1903—1903: Workers' Education Association (WEA) formed in Britain
- 1903—1903: Women's Social and Political Union formed in Britain by Emmeline Pankhurst
- 1903—1903: Henry Ford sets up his motor company
- 14 Dec 1903—14 Dec 1903: First flight of Wilbur & Orville Wright
- 17 Dec 1903: First Flight
4 | 1904 | - 1904—1904: Leeds University established
- 8 Apr 1904—8 Apr 1904: France and UK sign the Entente Cordiale
- 4 May 1904—4 May 1904: America takes over construction of the Panama Canal from the French
(completed 1914)