Latitude: 41.6885978, Longitude: -71.5642076
BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 106 1 2 3 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
Angel, Mary E | 29 Dec 1858 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106100 |
2 |
Angell, Cora Isabella | 27 Aug 1867 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106093 |
3 |
Angell, Edna Matilda | 11 Jul 1870 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106102 |
4 |
Angell, Ezra P | 1 May 1861 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106101 |
5 |
Angell, Susan Adeline | 11 May 1855 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106099 |
6 |
Bates, Sarah | 18 Feb 1746 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176173 |
7 |
Bly, Daniel | 2 Dec 1782 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I117864 |
8 |
Bowen, Alma | 16 Feb 1762 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54213 |
9 |
Bowen, Anne | 18 Jan 1779 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176035 |
10 |
Bowen, Asaph | 23 Jun 1723 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54222 |
11 |
Bowen, Asaph | 22 Jul 1765 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176029 |
12 |
Bowen, Benjamin | 8 Apr 1769 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54216 |
13 |
Bowen, Betsey | 16 Jan 1775 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54219 |
14 |
Bowen, Christopher | 14 Apr 1783 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176038 |
15 |
Bowen, Elizabeth | 1 Mar 1764 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54214 |
16 |
Bowen, Elizabeth | 26 Mar 1781 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176037 |
17 |
Bowen, George | 17 May 1787 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176040 |
18 |
Bowen, Huldah | 27 May 1764 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176028 |
19 |
Bowen, John | 3 Jan 1769 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54217 |
20 |
Bowen, Lydia | 22 Jul 1775 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176033 |
21 |
Bowen, Mahala | 16 Feb 1773 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176032 |
22 |
Bowen, Mary | 26 Jun 1767 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176030 |
23 |
Bowen, Nathan | 2 Jul 1771 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54218 |
24 |
Bowen, Oliver | 1 Aug 1785 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176039 |
25 |
Bowen, Richard | 17 Feb 1777 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176034 |
26 |
Bowen, Robe | 29 Nov 1766 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54215 |
27 |
Bowen, Major Stephen | 30 Mar 1771 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176031 |
28 |
Briggs, Phebe | 1690 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47650 |
29 |
Cahoon, Martha | 25 May 1715 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26711 |
30 |
Cahoon, Sarah | 14 Mar 1704 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30172 |
31 |
Cleveland, Mary | Abt 1686 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I48231 |
32 |
Colvin, Abigail | Abt 1725 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47644 |
33 |
Colvin, Phebe | Abt 1729 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47655 |
34 |
Colvin, Richard | Abt 1723 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47653 |
35 |
Colvin, Rufus | Abt 1730 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47656 |
36 |
Colvin, Samuel | 18 Apr 1732 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47657 |
37 |
Colvin, Sarah | 1726 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47654 |
38 |
Colvin, Thomas | Abt 1712 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47651 |
39 |
Corp, Celia Anna | 5 Oct 1857 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106400 |
40 |
Dexter, Edward | Abt 1732 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I18799 |
41 |
Gorton, Sarah E | 1833 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I105038 |
42 |
Havens, Raymond Frederick | 14 Apr 1895 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I105991 |
43 |
Hopkins, Deacon Jeremiah | 4 Mar 1774 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176068 |
44 |
Howard, John | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26817 |
45 |
Howard, Sarah | 1757 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30309 |
46 |
Hudson, Dorothy Isabella | 16 Apr 1900 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I105992 |
47 |
Johnson, Augustus | 1811 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106326 |
48 |
Johnson, Catherine | 1823 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106329 |
49 |
Johnson, Celia | 1809 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106324 |
50 |
Johnson, Cynthia | 1 Jun 1825 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106330 |
1 2 3 Next»
ChristeningMatches 1 to 11 of 11
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Christening |
Person ID |
1 |
Bowen, Mary | 29 Mar 1767 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176030 |
2 |
Lockwood, Sarah | 20 Oct 1708 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176742 |
3 |
Potter, Captain Abel | 18 Dec 1702 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176741 |
4 |
Potter, Abel | 17 Feb 1739 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176748 |
5 |
Potter, Dinah | 2 Mar 1738 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176747 |
6 |
Potter, Margaret | 18 Feb 1734 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176746 |
7 |
Potter, Phebe | 14 Sep 1728 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176743 |
8 |
Potter, Phebe | 30 Nov 1730 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176744 |
9 |
Potter, Prudence | 27 Jun 1732 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176745 |
10 |
Whipple, Almy | 14 Jan 1761 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I112269 |
11 |
Wickes, Olive | 30 Oct 1750 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177323 |
DeathMatches 1 to 50 of 67 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
Allerton, John | 1750 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54237 |
2 |
Arnold, Benjamin | 9 Dec 1831 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30242 |
3 |
Arnold, Clara Don | 1968 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106429 |
4 |
Bates, Edward Henry | 8 Jul 1988 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106124 |
5 |
Bentley, Elmer Clifford | 7 Jun 1977 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106105 |
6 |
Bentley, John Stanton | 11 Mar 2007 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106109 |
7 |
Bowen, Aaron | 21 Apr 1774 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54220 |
8 |
Bowen, Huldah | 27 Jul 1764 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176028 |
9 |
Bowen, Ichabod | 27 Feb 1816 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54225 |
10 |
Bowen, Captain Israel | 26 Apr 1819 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26866 |
11 |
Bowen, Nathan | 31 Jan 1855 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54218 |
12 |
Briggs, Phebe | 5 Oct 1754 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47650 |
13 |
Cahoon, Rebecca | 21 Jul 1786 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30171 |
14 |
Colvin, Samuel | 22 Oct 1759 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47649 |
15 |
Colvin, Thomas | 24 Jan 1805 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47651 |
16 |
Cooke, Charles | 14 Jan 1817 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177003 |
17 |
Fisk, Hezekiah | 10 Jul 1803 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I94511 |
18 |
Franklin, Joshua | 9 Feb 1835 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47648 |
19 |
Frye Harrington, Betsey | 11 Dec 1869 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106399 |
20 |
Gorton, Elnathan | 20 Jan 1824 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26868 |
21 |
Gorton, Sarah | 28 Oct 1820 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26865 |
22 |
Greene, Audrey | 7 Apr 1763 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I175938 |
23 |
Greene, Caleb | 11 Jan 1793 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I175835 |
24 |
Greene, Esther | 24 Jun 1818 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177320 |
25 |
Greene, Job | 29 Mar 1798 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176696 |
26 |
Greene, Nathan | 1828 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177354 |
27 |
Greene, Timothy | 1780 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177352 |
28 |
Holden, Charles Jr | 16 Nov 1817 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I26796 |
29 |
Holden, Joseph Warren | Jun 1795 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30306 |
30 |
Hopkins, Deacon Jeremiah | 6 Nov 1858 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176068 |
31 |
Hopkins, Sarah | 30 Jan 1863 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176067 |
32 |
Jerauld, Freelove | 4 Oct 1823 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177687 |
33 |
Johnson, Augustus | 21 Feb 1899 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106326 |
34 |
Johnson, Catherine | 25 Nov 1853 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106329 |
35 |
Johnson, Celia | 19 Mar 1897 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106324 |
36 |
Johnson, Cynthia | 25 Nov 1887 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106330 |
37 |
Johnson, Ebenezer | 4 Sep 1834 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176013 |
38 |
Johnson, Elipha | 26 Feb 1894 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106325 |
39 |
Johnson, Ezekial | 9 Oct 1791 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176010 |
40 |
Johnson, Obadiah | 29 May 1793 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I48224 |
41 |
Johnson, Thomas | 16 Aug 1884 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106328 |
42 |
Kennedy, Nora | 21 Dec 1999 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106115 |
43 |
Knight, Alice B | 7 Aug 1833 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I112274 |
44 |
Matteson, Francis | 28 Apr 1750 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I94484 |
45 |
Nichols, John | 1744 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I48232 |
46 |
Nichols, Remina | 10 Feb 1875 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106323 |
47 |
Nichols, Sarah | Aft Apr 1800 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I48225 |
48 |
Poole, Rhoda Francis | 8 Feb 2012 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106120 |
49 |
Rice, Caleb | 13 May 1821 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I30142 |
50 |
Rice, Caleb | 13 May 1821 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177686 |
1 2 Next»
BurialMatches 1 to 13 of 13
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Burial |
Person ID |
1 |
Angell, Cora Isabella | 15 Nov 1945 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106093 |
2 |
Bentley, Elmer Clifford | 10 Jun 1977 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I106105 |
3 |
Bowen, Aaron | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I54220 |
4 |
Bowen, Anne | 1867 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176035 |
5 |
Bowen, Asaph | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176029 |
6 |
Bowen, Lydia | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176033 |
7 |
Bucklin, Joseph | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177439 |
8 |
Colvin, Josiah | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47675 |
9 |
Franklin, Joshua | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I47648 |
10 |
Nichols, John | 1744 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I48232 |
11 |
Tarbox, Edith | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I43137 |
12 |
Vaughn, Caleb | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I176732 |
13 |
Wickes, John | | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | I177321 |
MarriageMatches 1 to 9 of 9
Family |
Marriage |
Family ID |
1 |
Capwell / Apley | 18 Dec 1901 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F31675 |
2 |
Franklin / Colvin | Abt 1748 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F18059 |
3 |
Hervey / Olney | 20 Nov 1862 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F32775 |
4 |
Howard / Rice | 1757 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F12344 |
5 |
Johnson / Matteson | 18 Apr 1765 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F18153 |
6 |
Johnson / Nichols | 16 Jan 1744 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F18154 |
7 |
Johnson / Nichols | 1807 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F32828 |
8 |
Tripp / Sweet | Jun 1729 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F43328 |
9 |
Whipple / Knight | 18 Jan 1778 | Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island, United States | F33666 |