1866 - 1950 (84 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 73 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Elizabeth Emma Duncan |
Birth |
8 Feb 1866 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Christening |
8 May 1866 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
19 Dec 1883 |
Census |
1900 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript |
Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | Years Married | Children Born/Living | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation |
10 | 11056 | James M | Stewart | Head | Male | White | Sep | 48 | Married | 0 | | | Missouri | Scotland | Scotland | | | 11 | 11056 | Mary | Stewart | Wife | Female | White | Apr | 46 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | Scotland | Scotland | | | 12 | 11056 | Nephi R | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Feb | 23 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 13 | 11056 | Duncan | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Sep | 17 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 14 | 11056 | Christina | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | Apr | 13 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 15 | 11056 | George L | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Feb | 11 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 16 | 11056 | Ephraim | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Sep | 7 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 17 | 11056 | Clifford | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Oct | 5 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 18 | 11056 | Angus | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Mar | 3 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 19 | 11056 | Elizabeth E | Stewart | Wife | Female | White | Feb | 33 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | Scotland | Scotland | | | 20 | 11056 | Emma J | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | Nov | 15 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 21 | 11056 | Niel M | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Feb | 13 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 22 | 11056 | Ruth E | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | Aug | 10 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 23 | 11056 | Isaac | Stewart | Son | Male | White | Sep | 7 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 24 | 11056 | Zina | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | Jul | 4 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | 25 | 11056 | Violet | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | Jan | 2 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | |
ED: 0107 Sheet: 10A Microfilm: 1241683 Transcript ID is dbid=7602&iid=004115258_00739 |
Census |
1920 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript | Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation | Veteran | Street |
3 | 50 | Elizabeth | Stewart | Head | | White | abt 1862 | 58 | Married | Utah | Scotland | Scotland | | | | | 4 | 50 | Isac | Stewart | Son | Male | White | abt 1890 | 30 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 5 | 50 | Violate | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1900 | 20 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 6 | 50 | Grace | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1902 | 18 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 7 | 50 | Blanche | Stewart | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1906 | 14 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 8 | 50 | Golden | Stewart | Son | Male | White | abt 1908 | 12 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | |
Roll: T625_186 Transcript ID is dbid=6061&iid=4391982_00634 |
Census |
1930 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript | Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation | Veteran | Street |
38 | 7479 | James M | Stewart | Head | Male | White | abt 1852 | 78 | | Missouri | Scotland | Scotland | | | | | 39 | 7479 | Elizebeth E | Stewart | Wife | Female | White | abt 1866 | 64 | | Utah | Scotland | Scotland | | | | | 40 | 7479 | Golden | Stewart | Son | Male | White | abt 1906 | 24 | | Utah | Missouri | Utah | | | | |
Transcript ID is dbid=6224&iid=4547395_00772 |
FamilySearch ID |
KWCB-66D |
Death |
10 Apr 1950 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Burial |
13 Apr 1950 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
i6451 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
James Duncan, b. 5 Feb 1828, Greenend, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 11 Jan 1912, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 83 years) |
Mother |
Jennette Snedden, b. 24 Apr 1830, Gartsherrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 28 Jul 1914, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 84 years) |
Marriage |
1850 |
St. Louis, Missouri, United States |
Family ID |
F3391 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
James Murdoch Stewart, b. 22 Sep 1851, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States d. 5 Jan 1932, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 80 years) |
Marriage |
19 Dec 1883 |
St. George, Washington, Utah, United States |
Children |
| 1. Emma Jennette Stewart, b. 8 Nov 1884, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 8 Jul 1919 (Age 34 years) |
+ | 2. Neil Murdoch Stewart, b. 10 Feb 1887, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 23 Jul 1972, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 85 years) |
+ | 3. Ruth Ellen Stewart, b. 24 Aug 1889, Benjamin, Utah, Utah, United States d. 8 Sep 1968, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 79 years) |
+ | 4. Isaac "Ike" Stewart, b. 25 Sep 1892, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 27 May 1938, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 45 years) |
+ | 5. Zina Stewart, b. 8 Jul 1895, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 2 Aug 1986, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 91 years) |
+ | 6. Violet Stewart, b. 2 Jan 1898, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 29 Mar 1967, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 69 years) |
+ | 7. Grace Stewart, b. 28 Jul 1901, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 27 Mar 1933, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 31 years) |
+ | 8. Blanche Stewart, b. 17 Oct 1903, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 19 Apr 1977, San Dimas, Los Angeles, California, United States (Age 73 years) |
| 9. Golden D Stewart, b. 7 Mar 1906, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 19 Jan 1974 (Age 67 years) |
Family ID |
F3150 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
3 Sep 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 8 Feb 1866 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Christening - 8 May 1866 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 19 Dec 1883 - SGEOR |
| Marriage - 19 Dec 1883 - St. George, Washington, Utah, United States |
| Census - 1900 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Census - 1920 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Census - 1930 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Death - 10 Apr 1950 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Burial - 13 Apr 1950 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Written by: Ada Stott Stewart (a daughter in-law)
Elizabeth is the daughter of James and Janet Snedden Duncan. Her par e n t s were both born in Scotland and came to Utah in the summer of 185 1 . T he y settled first at Sessions, Utah later named Bountiful. Then th e y mo ve d south and settled in Fillmore, Utah. Their first two childre n , Mar y Jan et and James, were born there.
In the year 1857 they moved to Meadow, Utah. They were the first fa m i l y to move to Meadow which was a creek of water with wild grassy ha y g ro wi ng along its banks. They were the parents of nine children, Eli zabe t h be ing the sixth Chil. She was born at Meadow, February 8, 18 6 6 i n a blu e adobe house which stood on the lot where Isaac, a son o f El izab eth buil t a nice modern home in 1928.
When she was eighteen years of age Elizabeth was married to James M. S t e w art on December 21, 1883. Nine children were born to them. She mar r i e d in polygamy. Her older sister, Mary Janet, was the first wife.
For several years after her husband’s return from his mission the gove r n m ent was trying to put a stop to the practice of polygamy and the Un it e d S tates Marshals were constantly after those who were involved i n th i s prac tice. The marshals were very bad and Elizabeth was runnin g fro m o ne plac e to another in hiding until after her fourth Child wa s bor n in 1892.
After this was over she took a course in obstetrics and nursing. S h e d i d this work for forty-four years and during this time she brough t a nd h el ped to bring hundreds of babies into the world. The closest d octo r wa s se ven miles away and very busy. Doctors weren’t called for s uch o rdin ary t hings as Childbirth but were reserved for real emergenci es. Ch ildr en wer e brought into the world by midwives—friendly neighbo r women . Reg ardles s of relationship they were always called “aunt” b y everyon e in to wn. El izabeth was lovingly known to everyone as "Aun t Bee'. Usua lly sh e live d in with the family and stayed as long as sh e was needed . Cookin g the f amily meals and caring for the mother and C hild. Whateve r pay wa s offere d was acceptable. Usually it was in mor e practical good s than m oney: Me at, fresh from the killing, a weaner c alf, a milk cow , severa l loads of h ay, or flour fresh from the grist m ill. Sometimes p ayment s tretched ou t over several years but love and a ppreciation laste d a lifet ime. She als o went out a great deal nursin g the sick in the to wn.
Elizabeth Emma Stewart died 10 April 1950 at eighty-four years of age.
(Most of this history was written when she was sixty-nine years ol d , i t i s February 1963 now. Six of her nine children are still living ) . Sh e ha s been a mother in every deed to all of them and they all lo v e and r espec t her.
(Note added by Granddaughter, Gloria Stewart Martin,)
Some parts in this history was left out because it was included in the H i story that was previously Submitted.
After the Emancipation Proclamation the polygamists were not allow e d t o c ontinue to live with more than one wife. A new Red Rock Home w a s bui lt f or Elizabeth across the street from the school and Mary stay e d in th e fam ily home. James split his time between his two wives. M y Mo ther a nd Dad, Rose and Isaac, lived with Grandma Bee the first yea r of t heir m arriage. My Mother told me that when Grandpa's time came t o go sta y wit h Mary t hat Elizabeth would pack his bag and say "Jim, It 's time f or y ou to g o to Mary's". Sometimes he wasn't very happy to ha ve to kee p movi ng bac k and forth.
A sketch of my life and a few things I have done. Elizabeth Emma Du n c a n Stewart born February 8, 1866 at Meadow, Millard County, daught e r o f Ja mes and Jenet Sneden Duncan. James Duncan born February 5, 18 2 8 Gre n End, Scotland. Jenet Snedden born April 21, 1830 Gargell, Scotl an d.
I had nine brothers and sisters: Mary, Jane, David, John, Christeen a , A d am, George and Richard. I lived in Meadow all my life, was marri e d t o Ja mes M. Stewart December 21, 1885. We had nine children, thre e bo y s and s ix girls: Emma Jennet, Neil Murdock, Ruth Ellen, Isaac, Zi na, V i olet, Gr ace, Blanche and Golden. I helped finance six missionari es.
Was president of the Relief Society eight years. Was president of t h e P r imary. Was a nurse and midwife forty-five years. Brought hundre d s o f ba bies into this world and nursed many. Worked hard, we had a fa mi l y of tw enty-one for years. We used to do most of our clothes for ou r f i rst chil dren. Did all the washing and ironing, all the bread and b utte r, in fac t everything we ate.
Elizabeth with some of her girlfriends would get up at daylight in t h e m o rning and go to the fields and glean grain along the ditch bank s an d i n o ther places where the grain was left. They would sell this g rai n an d bu y their winter clothes. She and her sister Mary would spen d muc h o f thei r time in the summer drying all kinds of fruit. They wou ld sel l s ome o f this fruit and buy clothes and other things they neede d. Some tim es the y would have drying bees and invite the neighbor wome n and the n ne ighbor s would have one and invite her. Sometimes they wou ld serve p icni cs.
Copied from a page written in Elizabe t h’s handwritin g .