1905 - 1973 (67 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 3 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Alonzo Davies Bushnell |
Birth |
18 Nov 1905 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1910 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript |
Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | Years Married | Children Born/Living | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation |
6 | 58 | Daniel B | Bushnell | Head | Male | White | abt 1868 | 42 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | England | England | | | 7 | 58 | Susan | Bushnell | Wife | Female | White | abt 1870 | 40 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | England | England | | | 8 | 58 | Charlotta | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1889 | 21 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 9 | 58 | Daniel D | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1893 | 17 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 10 | 58 | Flora | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1895 | 15 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 11 | 58 | Dell L | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1901 | 9 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 12 | 58 | Bertha | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1904 | 6 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 13 | 58 | Alonzo | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1906 | 4 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 14 | 58 | Leland M | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1909 | 1 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 15 | 58 | Alice | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1910 | 0 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | |
Transcript ID is dbid=7884&iid=4454874_00342 |
Census |
1920 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript | Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation | Veteran | Street |
28 | 19 | Daniel B | Bushnell | Head | Male | White | abt 1863 | 57 | Married | Utah | England | England | | | | | 29 | 19 | Susan | Bushnell | Wife | Female | White | abt 1870 | 50 | Married | Utah | England | England | | | | | 30 | 19 | Dell L | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1901 | 19 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 31 | 19 | Bertha | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1904 | 16 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 32 | 19 | Alonzo | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1906 | 14 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 33 | 19 | Leland | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1909 | 11 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 34 | 19 | Alice | Bushnell | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1911 | 9 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 35 | 19 | Evert | Bushnell | Son | Male | White | abt 1914 | 6 | Single | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | |
Roll: T625_186 Transcript ID is dbid=6061&iid=4391982_00630 |
Death |
20 Aug 1973 |
San Carlos, San Mateo, California, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
5 Dec 2001 |
FamilySearch ID |
Burial |
Murray City Cemetery, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
i4731 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Daniel Brockbank Bushnell, b. 22 Jun 1862, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States d. 7 Dec 1940, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 78 years) |
Mother |
Susan Dearden, b. 22 Dec 1869, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 22 Oct 1943, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 73 years) |
Marriage |
13 Feb 1888 |
Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3120 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Alonzo Davies Bushnell, b. 18 Nov 1905, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 20 Aug 1973, San Carlos, San Mateo, California, United States (Age 67 years) |
Marriage |
29 Jun 1927 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. Boneta Josephine Bushnell, b. 1 Jun 1928, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 16 Jan 2019, Orem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 90 years) |
| 2. Donna Dean Bushnell, b. 28 Mar 1930, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 4 Apr 1998, Orem, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 68 years) |
Family ID |
F3245 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
3 Sep 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 18 Nov 1905 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Census - 1910 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Census - 1920 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 29 Jun 1927 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Death - 20 Aug 1973 - San Carlos, San Mateo, California, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 5 Dec 2001 - MTIMP |
| Burial - - Murray City Cemetery, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Obituary:
9 Dec 1940
Daniel B. Bushnell - Meadow - Funeral for Daniel B. Bushnell, 18, who di e d on Saturday, Dec 7, at his home in Meadow, will be held in the Meado w W ard Chapel Tuesday at 12:30 p.m.
He was born in Fillmore, Utah June 22, 1862, son of Elizabeth Brockban k a nd John Bushnell who emigrated from England in 1852.
Mr. Bushnell was a High Priest and an active Church member all his lif e . Surviving him are his widow, Susan Dearden Bushnell, eight children : Mr s. Ezra Dame, Leland M. Bushnell, and Everet M. Bushnell of Meadow ; and M rs. C. Orval Stott, Mrs. Mark Stephenson, Mrs. Blake Stephenson , Dan D. B ushnell and Alonzo D. Bushnell of Salt Lake City; the followin g brother s and sister, Mrs. Alison Stott, Howard B. Bushnell, and Joshu a B. Bushne ll, of Meadow; 30 grand children, and six great-grandchildren .
Alonzo (Lon) Davies Bushnell was born on November 18, 1905 in Meadow, Mi l lard, Utah to Daniel Brockbank Bushnell and Susan Dearden. While he se rv ed his mission to California as a young man, he met the lovely Doroth y Jo sephine Cox. They both served faithfully as missionaries, however u pon t he completion of her mission he sent Dorothy a letter requesting th at sh e not make any major changes in her life until he was released fro m his m ission. When he returned home, they began the courting process a nd foun d that they were very much in love and well suited for each other . Lon a nd Dorothy were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on June 28th, 192 7 .
They started out their marriage in a 2 room house in Meadow and Lon's fa m ily was very helpful to them. Lon would herd sheep west of town and Do ro thy would join him in the summers. Because herding sheep did not allo w L on to be home for weeks, he was not particularly fond of the job an d ofte n looked for better opportunities. However, jobs and money wer e scarc e during this time.
A job as a fireman on a train hauling ore became available to Lon in El y , Nevada so he packed up his family to be with him while he worked ther e . They endured bad living conditions. During this time, a daughter w a s born to them on June 1st, 1928 in Meadow, Boneta Josephine. When Lo n w as laid off from his fireman job, he and Dorothy and Boneta (Bonnie ) pack ed everything that they owned in their old broken down model T For d and d rove to Salt Lake City to live with Dorothy's family. They wer e guided b y the hand of Providence because their car got them where the y were goin g and never ran again. They lived in very humble circumstanc es, but fel t very blessed. Lon was able to make a livelihood by haulin g cattle. Th eir second daughter was born to them at this time in Holy C ross Hospita l - Donna Dean Bushnell. The four of them then made anothe r move back t o Meadow to stay with family, while Lon sent to Southern Ut ah to sell pea ches. He did well at fruit selling, so the family was the n able to retur n to Salt lake City. At this time, Lon was able to fin d a job with Clove r Leaf Dairy delivering milk to stores and restaurants . He left at 4 a m and walked a distance to work, because they had no ca r .
One day, an opportunity to buy an apartment house store came to Lon an d D orothy. Both of them felt that this was a move that they should mak e i n order to provide some financial relief. Dorothy ran the store fro m 7a m to 10 pm every day, including Sundays. It proved to be a good inv estme nt, so Lon was able to quit his job at the Dairy and help with th e store . They were especially grateful that now they could stop operati ng the s tore on Sundays and now they could attend church as a family. T hey als o bought a refrigerated meat counter and Grandpa Cox taught Lon h ow to cu t meat.
With the store no longer open on Sundays, Lon was able to be more full y i nvolved in Church activities and he was able to serve a Stake mission . T hen a great opportunity came his way in the form of a job offer work ing a t Associated Foods. This was became a huge blessing and better sou rce o f income.
One Saturday when Lon was at work, he lost his speech ability and the u s e of his arms and legs. He had suffered a stroke and because of his hi g h blood pressure, he was given very little hope for recovery. 22 mont h s later, Lon suffered another stroke and loss of memory. In the hospit al , Lon was given a blessing and then his memory registered better and h e w as able to remember grocery orders. Truly a miracle had occurred. H owev er, the doctors cautioned Lon about going to work again - that it w oul d kill him.
Fortunately, a job opportunity came to Lon and Dorothy to do baby photog r aphy in the San Francisco Bay area. This was a totally new venture fo r t his couple and they prayerfully considered it. After years in Utah , Lon , Dorothy and Donna made the big move to the Bay area to make thi s opport unity work. Dorothy and Donna ran the business and Lon was abl e to help . Amid the rigorous schedule of doing baby pictures for sever al hospita ls, Dorothy and Lon were able to enjoy several trips together ; to Hawai i and an Alaskan cruise. They also enjoyed visits from Bonnie 's famil y - Keith and their seven children, who would visit from Missour i. In 19 73, Lon's health took a serious turn for the worse. His fee t were swell ing and his veins were very dark. Doctors wanted to amputat e his legs be cause of blood clots. It was a difficult decision to submi t to this. Ho wever, on August 20th, Lon suffered a massive stroke and n ever regained c onsciousness. He passed beyond the veil on that day, le aving behind hi s beloved Dorothy, Bonnie and her husband Keith, Donna, a nd seven grandch ildren. Lovingly and respectfully submitted by Sandr a Lynn Williams Bec k