1820 - 1906 (86 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 52 ancestors but no descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Susan Brownell Anthony |
Birth |
15 Feb 1820 |
Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Death |
13 Mar 1906 |
Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
Burial |
15 Mar 1906 |
Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
9 Dec 1910 |
FamilySearch ID |
L7GY-8LD |
Person ID |
I99266 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Daniel Anthony, b. 27 Jan 1794, Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States d. 25 Nov 1862, Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States (Age 68 years) |
Mother |
Lucy Read, b. 2 Dec 1793, Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States d. 3 Apr 1880, Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States (Age 86 years) |
Marriage |
10 Jun 1817 |
Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States |
Family ID |
F31346 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Event Map |
| Birth - 15 Feb 1820 - Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States |
| Death - 13 Mar 1906 - Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
| Burial - 15 Mar 1906 - Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, Monroe, New York, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 9 Dec 1910 - SLAKE |
Pin Legend |
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: Location
: City/Town
: County/Shire
: State/Province
: Country
: Not Set |
Notes |
- Champion of temperance, abolition, the rights of labor, and equal pay f o r equal work, Susan Brownell Anthony became one of the most visible lea de rs of the women’s suffrage movement. Along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton , s he traveled around the country delivering speeches in favor of women' s su ffrage.
Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts . H er father, Daniel, was a farmer and later a cotton mill owner and man age r and was raised as a Quaker. Her mother, Lucy, came from a family th at f ought in the American Revolution and served in the Massachusetts sta te go vernment. From an early age, Anthony was inspired by the Quaker bel ief th at everyone was equal under God. That idea guided her throughout h er life . She had seven brothers and sisters, many of whom became activis ts for j ustice and emancipation of slaves .
After many years of teaching, Anthony returned to her family who had mov e d to New York State. There she met William Lloyd Garrison and Frederic k D ouglass, who were friends of her father. Listening to them moved Susa n t o want to do more to help end slavery. She became an abolition activi st , even though most people thought it was improper for women to give sp eec hes in public. Anthony made many passionate speeches against slavery.
In 1848, a group of women held a convention at Seneca Falls, New York . I t was the first Women’s Rights Convention in the United States and be ga n the Suffrage movement. Her mother and sister attended the conventio n bu t Anthony did not. In 1851, Anthony met Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Th e two w omen became good friends and worked together for over 50 years fi ghting f or women’s rights. They traveled the country and Anthony gave sp eeches de manding that women be given the right to vote. At times, she ri sked bein g arrested for sharing her ideas in public.
Anthony was good at strategy. Her discipline, energy, and ability to org a nize made her a strong and successful leader. Anthony and Stanton co-fo un ded the American Equal Rights Association. In 1868 they became editor s o f the Association’s newspaper, The Revolution, which helped to sprea d th e ideas of equality and rights for women. Anthony began to lecture t o rai se money for publishing the newspaper and to support the suffrage m ovemen t. She became famous throughout the county. Many people admired he r, ye t others hated her ideas.
When Congress passed the 14th and 15th amendments which give voting righ t s to African American men, Anthony and Stanton were angry and opposed t h e legislation because it did not include the right to vote for women. T he ir belief led them to split from other suffragists. They thought the a men dments should also have given women the right to vote. They formed th e Na tional Woman Suffrage Association, to push for a constitutional amen dmen t giving women the right to vote.
In 1872, Anthony was arrested for voting. She was tried and fined $100 f o r her crime. This made many people angry and brought national attentio n t o the suffrage movement. In 1876, she led a protest at the 1876 Cente nnia l of our nation’s independence. She gave a speech—“Declaration of Ri ghts” —written by Stanton and another suffragist, Matilda Joslyn Gage.
“Men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing l e ss.”
Anthony spent her life working for women’s rights. In 1888, she helpe d t o merge the two largest suffrage associations into one, the Nationa l Amer ican Women’s Suffrage Association. She led the group until 1900. S he trav eled around the country giving speeches, gathering thousands of s ignature s on petitions, and lobbying Congress every year for women. Anth ony die d in 1906, 14 years before women were given the right to vote wit h the pa ssage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.