1618 - 1695 (77 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 2 ancestors and 8 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Frances Nurse |
Birth |
18 Jan 1618 |
Bristol, Gloucestershire, England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
22 Nov 1695 |
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States |
Initiatory (LDS) |
22 Mar 1922 |
FamilySearch ID |
LZ7P-P4Q |
Person ID |
I80632 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Family |
Rebecca Towne, b. 13 Feb 1621, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England d. 19 Jul 1692, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 71 years) |
Marriage |
24 Aug 1644 |
Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States |
Children |
| 1. Sarah Nurse, b. 1644, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States |
| 2. John Francis Nurse, b. 1645, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 10 Dec 1716, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 71 years) |
| 3. Rebcca Nurse, b. Abt 1648, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 1719, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 71 years) |
| 4. Samuel Nurse, b. 3 Feb 1649, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 15 Jul 1715, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 66 years) |
| 5. Mary Nurse, b. 1653, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. Abt 28 Jun 1749, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 96 years) |
| 6. Elizabeth Nurse, b. 9 Jan 1665, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 22 Dec 1733 (Age 68 years) |
| 7. Francis Nurse, b. 3 Feb 1660, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 5 Feb 1716, Reading, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 56 years) |
| 8. Benjamin Nurse, b. 1665, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States d. 1747, Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States (Age 82 years) |
Family ID |
F2672 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Notes |
- Biography (from Wikipedia - contains various sources. )
Francis Nurse of Salem, born England, about 1618; (he deposed November 2 6 , 1666, that he was forty-five years old), married Aug. 24, 1644, Rebec ca , daughter of William and Jane (Blessing) Towne of Yarmouth England. R ebe cca was baptized Feb. 16, 1621 and hanged during the Salem Witch Hyst eria , July 19, 1692.
Francis was first of Salem in about 1638. His trade was tray-maker, mak e r of wooden trays, plates and kitchen items, as pewter was a scarce com mo dity. His judgment was much relied on by his neighbors and he is menti one d more frequently as umpire to settle disputes or arbitrator to adjus t co nflicting claims. He often served on committees to determine boundar ies o r estimate valuations, or on local juries to lay out highways and a sses s damages.
In 1678, he purchased a large farm of 300 acres in Salem from James All e n of Boston on favorable rental terms in 1678. He then conveyed the lar ge r half of the farm to his children, reserving the homestead and a conv eni ent amount of land in his own possession. This arrangement with his d esce ndants helped pay for the large acreage. His sons and sons-in-law ma intai ned the roadway throughout their parcels.
He was known as a farmer and mechanic on a small scale, without any pecu n iary means to get possession of such a large property and spread out h i s family to such an extent, as was inexplicable and not relished perha p s by some of his neighbors. This caused animosity towards the Nurse fam il y.
Here Francis and Rebecca were living in truly patriarchal style, occupyi n g the mansion of Townsend Bishop when the witchcraft delusion occurred . D uring this time, they and their children were all clustered within th e li mits of the three hundred acre farm.
1638: Of Salem.
1640: 1:31: Salem Court: Frances (sic) Nurse, a youth, for stealing of v i ctualls & for suspicion of breaking a house.
1655/6: Francis Nurse of Salem discharged from training .
1666: Sworn court deposition of Francis Nurse, age about 45 .
1662: December Francis Nurse purchases salt marsh from Christopher Walle r .
1678: Purchases 300 acres Salem farmland from James Allen .
1682: January: Rebecca and Francis Nurse and her sisters, inherit "movea b les" from the estate of her father William Towne.
1689: Francis Nurse sells to son Samuel portions of the James Allen la n d purchased in 1678.
1689: Sells to son in law Thomas Preston 52 acres .
1689: Sells to son in law John Tarbell 55 acres.
1694: Equally divides his estate among his eight children: John, Samue l , Francis and Benjamin Nurse, Michael Bowden, Thomas Preston, John Tarb el l and William Russell.
Francis died at age 77 at Salem Village Nov. 22, 1695.
His death was recorded in the Danvers Church Record.
His will was dated December 4, 1694, and proved on December 23, 1695. H i s estate to be divided equally among his eight children: John Nurse, Sa mu el Nurse, Francis Nurse, Benjamin Nurse, Michael Bowden, Thomas Presso n , John Tarbell, William Russell. The will also mentions grandson John , so n of John Nurse.
1. John Nurse, born about 1645; died 1715 (vs. 1719); married on Nov . 1 , 1672, Elizabeth, daughter of John Smith. She was born June 5, 166 2 an d died Oct. 12, 1673. He married second Elizabeth, daughter of Samue l an d Alice Very/Vary, on Aug. 17, 1677 .
2. Rebecca, born about 1647; died 1719; married April 15, 1669, Thomas P r eston, born at Ipswich in 1643, son of Robert and Martha Preston. Die d No v. 22, 1695
3. Samuel, born Feb. 3, 1649; died July 3, 1715; married Mary Smith, dau g hter of John on April 5, 1677. Died Jul. 15, 1715 .
4. Mary married John Tarbell at Salem, Oct. 25, 1678. She died June 28 , 1 749 in her 90th year.
5. Francis Jr., born Feb. 3, 1661; died Feb. 5, 1716 at Reading, MA; mar r ied Sarah ___ (?Tarbell or Craggen) on Jan. 15, 1685. Lived in Readin g an d Framingham. Sarah Craggen was born at Woburn, Aug. 10, 1664, daugh ter o f John and Sarah (Dawes) Craggen.
6. Sarah born in 1663; married Michel Bowden of Marblehead and Salem o n D ec. 15, 1669, at Topsfield, MA. (*Question about this marriage, thes e i s possibly another daughter Sarah, born about 1651).
7. Elizabeth born Jan. 9, 1665; married William Russell, son of Willia m a nd Elizabeth Russell, of Salem Village on 25: 8 m: 1678 .
8. Benjamin born Jan. 22 1666; died 1748; married first Tomasin/Tamesin/ T hamesin Smith on Feb. 21, 1688. She was born at Salem 1: 2 m: 1671, dau gh ter of John and Margaret (Buffum) Smith; married second Elizabeth Mors e , widow of Joseph Morse, daughter of John and Mary Sawtelle .
(NOTE: Mary and Tamesin Smith were sisters that married Samuel and Benja m in Nurse, Mary & Tamesin were daughters of John and Margaret (Thompson ? B uffum) Smith of Salem.)
Nurse, Benjamin, s. Frances and Rebecka, Jan. 26, 1665. Smith, Tamsen, d a ughter of John and Margaret, 1: 2m: 1671 .
Find a Grave Entry:
Francis Nurse
BIRTH 18 Jan 1618
Bristol, England
DEATH 22 Nov 1695 (aged 77)
Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA
BURIAL Unknown, Specifically: Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 50647036 · View Source
"On account of the witchcraft delusion in Salem, [Francis] and his wif e b ecame historical characters. The name of Rebecca Nurse (or Nourse) i s per haps the best known of all of its unfortunate victims.
Francis Nourse was an early settler in Salem, and was a proprietor of t h e town 1647. He lived for forty years near Sperry's, on North River Str ee t, between the main village and the ferry to Beverly. He was a woodwor ker , called a tray-maker. In those days, wooden trays and dishes were th e ru le; there was little pewter, less silver and china, and the plates , tray s and trenchers of wood were the ordinary dishes.
He was a skilled workman, and a respectable man of great stability and s t rength of character. He was called frequently as umpire and arbitrato r i n cases of dispute over land boundaries. He served on local committee s t o lay out grants and highways, and on juries. He bought the Bishop fa rm o f some three hundred acres at Salem Village, April 29, 1678, and set tle d there. His sons all built their homes and lived on it, and were me n o f influence in town and church; were prosperous, and it is believed t ha t their success in acquiring a large estate, paying for it and prosper ing , was the cause of the charges against wife and mother, Rebecca Nours e.
The story of her trial is well known. She was arrested and protested h e r innocence on the charge of witchcraft. With steadfast dignity and unw av ering patience she bore the ordeal of her trial. Thirty-nine of her fr ien ds among the highest and most respectable in the town, signed a state men t testifying to her blameless character and faithfulness to the churc h. T hese names have been inscribed on a tablet on the memorial recentl y erect ed over her grave in Danvers.
They jury found her not guilty, but the court reversed the verdict and c o ndemned her to death. She was hanged on Witch Hill, and buried in the l it tle cemetery at Danvers.
Francis Nourse married [Rebecca] on August 24, 1644...She and her husba n d were members of the First Church of Salem, and he was a deacon."
--- "Genealogical and Personal Memoirs Relating to the Families of Bost o n and Eastern Massachusetts"; William Richard Cutter Published in 190 8 (P age 1489).
--- Provided by Gone Too Soon [47644196]
Salem Marriages:
Russell, William, and Elizabeth Nursse, 25: 8m: 1678 .
Nursse, Elizabeth, and William Russell, 25: 8m: 1678 .
Nurse, Mary, and John Tarbell, Oct. 25, 1678 .
Nursse, Rebecka, and Thomas Preston, Apr. 15, 1669 .
Nurse, Benjamin, and Tomasin Smith, Feb. 21, 1688 .
Nurse, Samuell, and Mary Smith, Apr. 5, 1677 .
Nurss, John, and Elizabeth Smith, 1: 9m: 1672 .
Nurss, John, 2d m., and Elizabeth Verry, Aug. 17, 1677 .
Salem Deaths:
Nurse, Francis, Nov. 22, 1695, a. 77 y. CR 2
Tarbell, Mary, June 28, 1749, in her 96th y. PR1 7
Nurss, Elizabeth (Smith), w. John, 22: 8m: 1673 .
Topsfield Marriages:
Nurse, Sarah, and Michaell Bauden, Dec. 15, 1669 .
Reading Deaths:
Nurs, Francis, Feb. 5, 1715-6.
Framingham Marriages:
Nurse, Benjamin and Elizabeth Morse of Watertown, Feb. 16, 1713-4. In Wa t ertown.