1929 - 2021 (91 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 3 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
J Ralph Wood |
Birth |
27 Jul 1929 |
Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Initiatory (LDS) |
5 Dec 1952 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
29 Mar 2021 |
Mesquite, Clark, Nevada, United States |
Person ID |
I5119 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
John Ralph Wood, b. 22 Mar 1896, Holden, Millard, Utah, United States d. 24 Feb 1968, American Fork, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 71 years) |
Mother |
Leah Hegglund Duncan, b. 12 Oct 1898, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 23 Mar 1982, American Fork, Utah, Utah, United States (Age 83 years) |
Marriage |
2 Oct 1918 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3153 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Jacqueline Jensen, b. 4 May 1934, Emery, Emery, Utah, United States d. 26 Aug 2005, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 71 years) |
Marriage |
5 Dec 1952 |
Manti, Sanpete, Utah, United States |
Children |
Family ID |
F3596 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Family 2 |
Barbara Jill Bunker, b. 30 Apr 1932, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States d. 3 Sep 2018, Mesquite, Clark, Nevada, United States (Age 86 years) |
Marriage |
14 Sep 2006 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3597 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 27 Jul 1929 - Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 5 Dec 1952 - MANTI |
 | Marriage - 5 Dec 1952 - Manti, Sanpete, Utah, United States |
 | Marriage - 14 Sep 2006 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
 | Death - 29 Mar 2021 - Mesquite, Clark, Nevada, United States |
Notes |
- Millard County Chronicle Progress, April 14, 2021:
J. Ralph Wood
27 July 1929 ~ March 29, 2021
J. Ralph passed away peacefully in his sleep on March 29, while his belo v ed daughter, Heather, was visiting him in Nevada.
J. Ralph was born on July 1929 to John Ralph Wood and Leah Duncan Woo d i n Fillmore, Utah. He and his sisters Anna and Elaine enjoyed their wo nder ful home and family growing up in Fillmore .
J. Ralph's family spent summer vacations at Fish Lake and it was there t h at he met Jacqueline Jensen, his future wife. The Wood family spent ma n y happy summers fishing and boating on the lake. After high school, h e at tended BYU and as the Korean War escalated, he joined the Air Forc e in 19 52 and was assigned to the 4th Fighter Intercepter Wing, flyin g a Sabreje t. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross for meritoriou s performanc e in Korea.
He married Jacqueline upon his return to Utah on December 5, 1952. The n e wlyweds moved to Florida so he could finish more pilot training. Upon r et urning to Salt Lake, J. Ralph worked for the First Security Title Comp an y while flying part time for the Air National Guard. The family grew a s R ussell (1954), Randall (1955) and Heather (1959) were born .
The family moved to Montgomery, Alabama from 1968-1969 for J. Ralph to a t tend the War College. They returned to Salt Lake and J. Ralph continue d h is career with First Security Title and Utah Air National Guard for t he n ext thirty years.
His first son, J. Russell Wood, cherished wife Jaqueline, and dear seco n d wife, Jill, preceded him in death. J. Ralph is survived by his childr en . Randall, Jill and their son, Zachary live in Colorado. Heather and h e r husband Toby Levitt, their children, Julie and John Edison (Eleanor) , G regory and Pauline Schlesinger, Sara Levitt, Matt Levitt, and Hanna L evit t live Utah.
After Jacqueline's passing, J. Ralph was blessed with a new beginning wh e n he ran into an old friend from high school, Jill Bunker. Jill brough t h er love for adventure and her wonderful family into his life. Larry a nd K athleen Jensen's family (Draper), Clark Johnson's family (Park City ) an d Eric and Christy Johnson's family (Salt Lake City) welcomed J. Ral ph in to their lives.
Ralph and Jill moved to Nevada and enjoyed their new beginning. J. Ral p h was surrounded by wonderful friends and neighbors .
The Wood and Levitt families would like to thank Carolyn Mcvey, Gary a n d Suzanne Egeland, and Jack and Elaine O'Neil for their wonderful frien ds hip, support and caring for J. Ralph during his many years with them .
Ralph's Cocktail Memorial will be held Thursday, May 27 from 4:30 to 6: 3 0 p.m. PST at Ralph's home.