1920 - 2015 (94 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 2 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Gail B Duncan |
Birth |
10 Feb 1920 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1930 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript | Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation | Veteran | Street |
7 | 1689 | Alonzo | Duncan | Head | Male | White | abt 1886 | 44 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 8 | 1689 | Jessie | Duncan | Wife | Female | White | abt 1886 | 44 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 9 | 1689 | Oreda | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1915 | 15 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 10 | 1689 | Aleda | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1917 | 13 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 11 | 1689 | Gail | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1920 | 10 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 12 | 1689 | Stella | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1922 | 8 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 13 | 1689 | Tanen | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1923 | 7 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 14 | 1689 | Owen | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1924 | 6 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 15 | 1689 | Blanch | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1926 | 4 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 16 | 1689 | Don | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1927 | 3 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 17 | 1689 | Dean | Duncan | Son | Male | White | abt 1927 | 3 | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | |
Transcript ID is dbid=6224&iid=4547395_00770 |
Initiatory (LDS) |
14 Sep 1944 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
6 Feb 2015 |
Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States |
Burial |
21 Feb 2015 |
Cedar City Cemetery, Iron, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I4926 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
James Alonzo Duncan, b. 28 Oct 1886, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 1 Dec 1971, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States (Age 85 years) |
Mother |
Jessie Ann Barkdull, b. 18 Sep 1886, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 5 Mar 1969, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 82 years) |
Marriage |
23 Mar 1911 |
Manti, Sanpete, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3157 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Audrey Jones Houchen, b. 24 Apr 1921, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States d. 16 Feb 2004, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States (Age 82 years) |
Marriage |
14 Sep 1944 |
St. George, Washington, Utah, United States |
Children |
Family ID |
F3413 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 10 Feb 1920 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1930 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 14 Sep 1944 - SGEOR |
 | Marriage - 14 Sep 1944 - St. George, Washington, Utah, United States |
 | Death - 6 Feb 2015 - Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States |
 | Burial - 21 Feb 2015 - Cedar City Cemetery, Iron, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Deseret News, The (Salt Lake City, UT) - Sunday, February 15, 2015
Gail Duncan
Cedar City UT United States
1920 ~ 2015 Our beloved father Gail B Duncan Completed his mortal life , a t home, February 6, 2015, in Cedar City, UT. He was born the third o f nin e children to James Alonzo Duncan and Jessie Ann Barkdull in Meadow , UT , February 10, 1920. Seven of his siblings, his wife, and one great- grand child preceded him in death. He is survived by his sister Stella An n Math ews, his children JoAnn Duncan (Daniel M.) Jones and Gail Neuman ( Lucind a Alvey) Duncan, 11 grandchildren, and 35 great-grandchildren.
Gail was married and sealed in the St. George Temple to Audrey Jones Hou c hen, September 14, 1944. Their union was one of love, joy, faith, testi mo ny, kindness, and unity. The sentiment in their song, "I'll be lovin g yo u 'Always'," was exemplified by Dad as he cared for Mom when she con tract ed Alzheimer's Disease. Gail is affectionately known as Opa to hi s grandc hildren. He was pleased to receive his son and his seven grandso ns into t he Eagle's Nest, and to help support his grandsons and two gran ddaughter s on their LDS missions. Dad's greatest legacy to us is his exa mple of se rvice, love, and hard work. He helped support his parents thro ughout thei r lives. Each year he grew a beautiful garden and shared th e harvest. Hi s neighbors continue to express their appreciation for hi s unselfish hel p in their yards and homes.
Gail graduated from Millard High School as the student body president . H e was an outstanding athlete in football, basketball and track. In 19 39 , armed with an academic scholarship, a bicycle, his father's best jer se y cow, a sack of flour, and some bottled peaches, he made his way to B A C in Cedar City, where he earned his Associate's Degree. He graduated f ro m Utah State University with his Bachelor's Degree, and later, from th e U niversity of Nevada with his Master's Degree. Gail served his countr y a s a pilot in the U.S. Army Air Force during World War II. From 1949 t o 19 85, his employment was with Vocational Rehabilitation. He loved hi s clien ts, and helped many handicapped people become trained for and rec eive job s. In 1966, he was named State, Regional, and National Rehabilit ation Cou nselor of the Year.
Dad served God by living a life of honesty and integrity and by servin g i n many capacities in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints . Som e of his callings include Bishop, Stake President, and four mission s wit h his sweetheart: England Coventry, Cedar West Stake, Church Employ ment C enter, and The St. George Temple. Dad loved family history, and pr oduce d the book, "Ancestors and Descendants of James Alonzo and Jessie A nn Dun can." Through his efforts, hundreds of his kindred dead have recei ved the ir temple blessings.
Gail was truly a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfa t her. All of us have tender memories of fishing and camping trips, fami l y gatherings, and reunions that he so lovingly organized.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, February 21, 2015, at 1:00 p m i n the 2nd Ward Chapel (256 S 900 W, Cedar City). Friends and family m ay v isit Friday evening from 6:30-8:30 pm at Southern Utah Mortuary (19 0 N 30 0 W), and Saturday morning from 11:30-12:30 at the church. Interme nt wil l be in the Cedar City Cemetery under the direction of Southern Ut ah Mort uary.