1886 - 1959 (72 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 21 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
David William Duncan |
Suffix |
Jr |
Birth |
6 Oct 1886 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1900 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Image | | Transcript |
Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | Years Married | Children Born/Living | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation |
23 | 1662 | Mary Jane | Duncan | Head | Female | White | Sep | 37 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | England | England | | | 24 | 1662 | Alice | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Sep | 18 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 25 | 1662 | Mary E | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Dec | 15 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 26 | 1662 | David W | Duncan | Son | Male | White | Oct | 13 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 27 | 1662 | Lula M | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Feb | 10 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 28 | 1662 | Laura J | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Sep | 6 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 29 | 1662 | Verda | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Oct | 4 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 30 | 1662 | Vanda | Duncan | Daughter | Female | White | Oct | 4 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 31 | 1662 | Joseph C | Duncan | Son | Male | White | Jun | 3 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | |
ED: 0107 Sheet: 11B Microfilm: 1241683 Transcript ID is dbid=7602&iid=004115258_00741 |
Initiatory (LDS) |
3 Oct 1907 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
22 Feb 1959 |
Garden Grove, Orange, California, United States |
Burial |
25 Feb 1959 |
Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, United States |
Person ID |
I4901 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
David William Duncan, b. 4 Feb 1859, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 1 Aug 1906, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 47 years) |
Mother |
Mary Jane Stott, b. 2 Sep 1862, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States d. 19 Sep 1930, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 68 years) |
Marriage |
8 Dec 1880 |
St. George, Washington, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F3112 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Louie Stringham, b. 15 May 1889, Holden, Millard, Utah, United States d. 17 Dec 1988, Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States (Age 99 years) |
Marriage |
3 Oct 1907 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. David Reed Duncan, b. 3 Sep 1908, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 2 Oct 2000 (Age 92 years) |
+ | 2. Mary Louise Duncan, b. 21 Apr 1910, Holden, Millard, Utah, United States d. 14 May 1988, Norwalk, Los Angeles, California, United States (Age 78 years) |
+ | 3. Lorraine Duncan, b. 25 Oct 1911, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 31 May 2005, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States (Age 93 years) |
+ | 4. Joseph Stringham Duncan, b. 7 Jan 1913, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States d. 11 Feb 1997, Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States (Age 84 years) |
+ | 5. J Blair Duncan, b. 26 Nov 1914, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 22 Feb 1975 (Age 60 years) |
+ | 6. Blenda Duncan, b. 7 Dec 1916, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States d. 7 Jun 2007, Great Falls, Cascade, Montana, United States (Age 90 years) |
+ | 7. Odetta Duncan, b. 26 Aug 1919, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States d. 16 Jan 1988 (Age 68 years) |
+ | 8. Letha Duncan, b. 23 Jun 1921, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States d. 9 Nov 2009, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 88 years) |
Family ID |
F3388 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 6 Oct 1886 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1900 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 3 Oct 1907 - SLAKE |
 | Marriage - 3 Oct 1907 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
 | Death - 22 Feb 1959 - Garden Grove, Orange, California, United States |
 | Burial - 25 Feb 1959 - Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, United States |
Notes |
- Meadow Ward records, baptism 8 Dec 1894 by James M. Stewart. Confirmati o n 9 Dec 1894 by Hyram B. Bennett. Ordained Deacon 11 Feb 1901 by John G ul l. Ordained Seventy 11 Aug 1907 by Andrew Stephenson. Removed from Mea do w 26 Jun 1910.
David William Duncan was born October 6, 1886 and Meadow, Millard Count y , Utah. He was one of nine children born to Mormon pioneer parents, Dav i d and Mary Stott Duncan. He was educated in the Millard County school s .
He married Louie Stringham of Holden, Utah, in the Salt Lake City Temp l e on October 3, 1907. He is survived by his wife, Louie and eight son s an d daughters. Sons are; David Reed of Weston organ, Joseph Stringha m of Da llas, Oregon and J. Blair of Downey, California. Daughters are; L ouise Wh iteside of Downey, California, Lorraine Nance of Keysville, Utah , Blend a Barrett of Linwood, California, Odetta Wiggins of South Gate, C aliforni a, and Gaylord of Whittier, California.
All of these devoted sons and daughters are here today. He is also survi v ed by a brother, Clem Duncan and sisters, Mrs. Lulu Gill and Miss Laur a E dwards and Mrs. Vanda Swallow, all of Meadow, Utah, and his sister Mr s. V erda Gull of Salt Lake City, Utah. He also has 24 grandchildren an d 28 gr eat-grandchildren surviving.
David William Duncan assumed the responsibility of the family farm an d o f caring for the family at Meadow, Utah at an early age when his fath er p assed away. He assumed this responsibility successfully and gained r espec t to all who knew him for it his industrious effort .
At the age of 23, he moved to Clearfield, Davis County, Utah and was p u t in charge of the Woods Cross Company farm property there. In a very s ho rt time his industrious effort and ability was recognized by his compa ny , and added the responsibility of superintendent of the Woods Cross Ca nni ng Factory to his care. He successfully managed this business, togeth er w ith his own farming and stock raising activities for 25 years. He ma de ma ny lifelong friends among farmers and businessman in the area, whil e enga ged in this business.
He was very active in local community affairs while living in Clearfiel d . He was a member of the town board for several terms and was chosen t o t ake part in the activities that many local farm and irrigation associ atio n groups.
After a successful career as a farmer, stock raising and canning in Clea r field, David William Duncan, for reasons pertaining to his health, mov e d to Compton, California in 1933. He is been living in Compton, wher e h e established his home since that time, until recently, when he and M rs . Duncan moved to Garden Grove. All this time while living in Californ ia , he was devoted to his family, his church and personal affairs to th e ex tent his condition of health would permit .
David William Duncan was always active in boyhood and route his entire l i fe in his church. He was a teacher in the Sunday school class, while li vi ng in Meadow. He was ordained a Seventy at the age of 22 while in Clea rfi eld. He served as a teacher of the Seventies Quorum for many years. H e al so devoted much of his time to the work of one of the Seven Presiden ts o f the Seventies in the North Davis Stake. He was a leader in M.I.A . and o ther youth activities in his Clearfield Ward .
At the age of 45 he was ordained a high priest, and was active in his qu o rum in Clearfield. He was a member of the High Priest Quorum in the Com pt on Ward and had been active as his health would permit .
He was interested in the development of the church in Compton and duri n g his early years there, when the membership was small and the work wa s h eavy. He assisted in the building of the Chapel and the development o f th e missionary work there.
His has been an active and useful life. His friends, family and neighbo r s are proud of him and will forever cherish their memory of him.