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David William Duncan, Jr

David William Duncan, Jr

Male 1886 - 1959  (72 years)  Submit Photo / DocumentSubmit Photo / Document    Has more than 100 ancestors and 21 descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name David William Duncan 
    Suffix Jr 
    Birth 6 Oct 1886  Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Census 1900  Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Initiatory (LDS) 3 Oct 1907  SLAKE Find all individuals with events at this location 
    FamilySearch ID KWCR-4XQ 
    Death 22 Feb 1959  Garden Grove, Orange, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 25 Feb 1959  Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I4901  mytree
    Last Modified 25 Feb 2024 

    Father David William Duncan,   b. 4 Feb 1859, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1 Aug 1906, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 47 years) 
    Mother Mary Jane Stott,   b. 2 Sep 1862, Fillmore, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Sep 1930, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 68 years) 
    Marriage 8 Dec 1880  St. George, Washington, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F3112  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Louie Stringham,   b. 15 May 1889, Holden, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Dec 1988, Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 99 years) 
    Marriage 3 Oct 1907  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    +1. David Reed Duncan,   b. 3 Sep 1908, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 Oct 2000 (Age 92 years)
    +2. Mary Louise Duncan,   b. 21 Apr 1910, Holden, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 14 May 1988, Norwalk, Los Angeles, California, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 78 years)
    +3. Lorraine Duncan,   b. 25 Oct 1911, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 31 May 2005, Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 93 years)
    +4. Joseph Stringham Duncan,   b. 7 Jan 1913, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 11 Feb 1997, Salem, Marion, Oregon, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 84 years)
    +5. J Blair Duncan,   b. 26 Nov 1914, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Feb 1975 (Age 60 years)
    +6. Blenda Duncan,   b. 7 Dec 1916, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Jun 2007, Great Falls, Cascade, Montana, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 90 years)
    +7. Odetta Duncan,   b. 26 Aug 1919, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Jan 1988 (Age 68 years)
    +8. Letha Duncan,   b. 23 Jun 1921, Clearfield, Davis, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Nov 2009, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 88 years)
    Family ID F3388  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 25 Jan 2025 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 6 Oct 1886 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - 1900 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsInitiatory (LDS) - 3 Oct 1907 - SLAKE Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 3 Oct 1907 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 22 Feb 1959 - Garden Grove, Orange, California, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 25 Feb 1959 - Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • Meadow Ward records, baptism 8 Dec 1894 by James M. Stewart. Confirmati o n 9 Dec 1894 by Hyram B. Bennett. Ordained Deacon 11 Feb 1901 by John G ul l. Ordained Seventy 11 Aug 1907 by Andrew Stephenson. Removed from Mea do w 26 Jun 1910.

      David William Duncan was born October 6, 1886 and Meadow, Millard Count y , Utah. He was one of nine children born to Mormon pioneer parents, Dav i d and Mary Stott Duncan. He was educated in the Millard County school s .

      He married Louie Stringham of Holden, Utah, in the Salt Lake City Temp l e on October 3, 1907. He is survived by his wife, Louie and eight son s an d daughters. Sons are; David Reed of Weston organ, Joseph Stringha m of Da llas, Oregon and J. Blair of Downey, California. Daughters are; L ouise Wh iteside of Downey, California, Lorraine Nance of Keysville, Utah , Blend a Barrett of Linwood, California, Odetta Wiggins of South Gate, C aliforni a, and Gaylord of Whittier, California.

      All of these devoted sons and daughters are here today. He is also survi v ed by a brother, Clem Duncan and sisters, Mrs. Lulu Gill and Miss Laur a E dwards and Mrs. Vanda Swallow, all of Meadow, Utah, and his sister Mr s. V erda Gull of Salt Lake City, Utah. He also has 24 grandchildren an d 28 gr eat-grandchildren surviving.

      David William Duncan assumed the responsibility of the family farm an d o f caring for the family at Meadow, Utah at an early age when his fath er p assed away. He assumed this responsibility successfully and gained r espec t to all who knew him for it his industrious effort .

      At the age of 23, he moved to Clearfield, Davis County, Utah and was p u t in charge of the Woods Cross Company farm property there. In a very s ho rt time his industrious effort and ability was recognized by his compa ny , and added the responsibility of superintendent of the Woods Cross Ca nni ng Factory to his care. He successfully managed this business, togeth er w ith his own farming and stock raising activities for 25 years. He ma de ma ny lifelong friends among farmers and businessman in the area, whil e enga ged in this business.

      He was very active in local community affairs while living in Clearfiel d . He was a member of the town board for several terms and was chosen t o t ake part in the activities that many local farm and irrigation associ atio n groups.

      After a successful career as a farmer, stock raising and canning in Clea r field, David William Duncan, for reasons pertaining to his health, mov e d to Compton, California in 1933. He is been living in Compton, wher e h e established his home since that time, until recently, when he and M rs . Duncan moved to Garden Grove. All this time while living in Californ ia , he was devoted to his family, his church and personal affairs to th e ex tent his condition of health would permit .

      David William Duncan was always active in boyhood and route his entire l i fe in his church. He was a teacher in the Sunday school class, while li vi ng in Meadow. He was ordained a Seventy at the age of 22 while in Clea rfi eld. He served as a teacher of the Seventies Quorum for many years. H e al so devoted much of his time to the work of one of the Seven Presiden ts o f the Seventies in the North Davis Stake. He was a leader in M.I.A . and o ther youth activities in his Clearfield Ward .

      At the age of 45 he was ordained a high priest, and was active in his qu o rum in Clearfield. He was a member of the High Priest Quorum in the Com pt on Ward and had been active as his health would permit .

      He was interested in the development of the church in Compton and duri n g his early years there, when the membership was small and the work wa s h eavy. He assisted in the building of the Chapel and the development o f th e missionary work there.

      His has been an active and useful life. His friends, family and neighbo r s are proud of him and will forever cherish their memory of him.