1929 - 2017 (88 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 4 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Beulah Fisher |
Birth |
27 Apr 1929 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Christening |
7 Jul 1929 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
18 Sep 1951 |
FamilySearch ID |
KWZN-9N1 |
Death |
8 Dec 2017 |
South Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Burial |
18 Dec 2017 |
Camarillo, Ventura, California, United States |
Person ID |
I34579 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Albert Hyrum Fisher, b. 28 Dec 1888, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 10 Jul 1973, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 84 years) |
Mother |
Alta Jane Beckstrand, b. 18 Aug 1894, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 8 Dec 1973, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 79 years) |
Marriage |
4 Oct 1916 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F9539 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
William Charles Marz, b. 17 Apr 1929, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 25 Aug 1994 (Age 65 years) |
Marriage |
19 Sep 1951 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
Family ID |
F14779 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 27 Apr 1929 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Christening - 7 Jul 1929 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 19 Sep 1951 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Death - 8 Dec 2017 - South Jordan, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Burial - 18 Dec 2017 - Camarillo, Ventura, California, United States |
Notes |
- I, Beulah Fisher Marz, was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on 27 April 192 9 . I was the fifth child born to Albert Hyrum Fisher and Alta Jane Becks tr and Fisher. My brothers and sisters are: Lela, born 1917; Carol, bor n 191 9; Wanda, born 1922; Albert LeRoy, born 1925 and Joseph Gerald, bor n 1933 .
My parents bought a home in Salt Lake City in March 1929 and on 27 Apr i l 1929, I was born. It was the family home until after my parents bot h di ed in 1973, and a few years later it was sold. I attended kindergart en an d part of first grade at Forest Elementary School and grades one th roug h six at Columbus Elementary School in Salt Lake City. I attended Ir vin g Junior High School and graduated from South High School in 1946 . I too k some classes in the Oxnard Junior College system in California , durin g the 1970 and 1980's, not working towards a degree.
I married William Charles Marz on Wednesday, 19 September 1951, in the S a lt Lake LDS Temple after his return from the Netherlands Mission. We be ca me engaged in January 1949, and Bill left on his mission in March 1949 . H e returned to Salt Lake City on 6 September 1951, and after the happ y reu nion, it was decided that the marriage was meant to be, so the wedd ing re ception invitations were mailed (having already been previously ad dressed ). It was a long two and one-half years of waiting, but I kept my self ver y busy with both work and church activities. The morning of 20 S eptembe r 1951, Bill enrolled at the University of Utah to complete his u niversit y training. As a result, our honeymoon was spent attending the U tah Stat e Fair that weekend. The following June after spring semester, w e had a d elayed honeymoon to Salt Francisco and Los Angeles. We had a wo nderful ti me and remember driving through the Camarillo area and express ing how nic e it would be to live there. Little did we know that some fou rteen year s later, we would move to Camarillo.
I was employed as a secretary for approximately 40 years and retired i n A pril 1994. From 1976 through 1994, I held the position of office mana ge r at Pacific Materials Laboratory, Inc. of Camarillo, California, civi l e ngineers specializing in soils engineering and geology for the buildi ng i ndustry. Prior to 1976, I worked in the offices of Dr. James Freelan d an d Dr. Ray Linford. I was employed in the office of Wasatch Dry Clean ers o f Salt Lake City from 1946 through 1961 until Bill obtained a posit ion a s advertising manager for a machinery manufacturing firm and we mov ed t o St. Louis, Missouri.
Bill majored in advertising art at the University of Utah. Upon graduati o n in 1954, he worked for his father, William J. Marz, at the Wasatch D r y Cleaners. On 25 March 1953, Charlyn was the first child to arrive o n th e scene, followed by Steven William Marz on 17 August 1955 and Jeffr ey Ch arles Marz on 14 October 1958. All were born at Cottonwood Maternit y Hosp ital in Murray, Utah, where Emery Argyle was the attending physici an. I n September 1961, we moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where Daniel Sco tt Mar z was born at Jewish Hospital on 7 February 1962. Because he was b orn a t Jewish Hospital and my doctor was a fine Jewish doctor, Melvin Sc hwartz , we decided to give him a good Old Testament name, and thought Da niel so unded great. We would, in a teasing way, say that he was named Da niel bec ause he was in a "lion's den" with older siblings. Also, Danny p roved t o be a typical Missourian - the "show me" state. In 1961, Bill ob tained e mployment as advertising manager for a machinery manufacturer i n St. Loui s, Missouri. The company built dry cleaning machinery with a n internation al market. This gave Bill the opportunity to work in the fi eld of his cho ice. In the spring of 1964, we were transferred to Waco, T exas, at whic h time Bill was elected president of Imperial Products, th e marketing por tion of the parent company, Hammond Industries. In 1965 , the opportunit y came for him to join Ajax Machinery Company of Salt La ke City as the We st Coast Sales Manager requiring relocating in Californ ia. His position s working in Missouri, Texas and California gave Bill mu ch opportunity t o travel throughout the United States and in so doing me t many new friend s. Through activity in the California State Fabricare O rganization, bot h Bill and Beulah had the opportunity to meet many new f riends and Bill a ssisted whenever possible serving on professional commi ttees. For some 2 0 years, he wrote a monthly article relating to adverti sing and sales fo r the New Era Magazine, a dry cleaning trade magazine p ublished in Long B each with national distribution.
When our family moved to California in 1965, Bill had the option to li v e in either the San Francisco or Los Angeles areas. After searching dif fe rent areas, he chose to locate in Camarillo, a choice that was never r egr etted. Bill was determining where to take up residency and drove nort h pa st Thousand Oaks and through the Conejo Grade area of Highway 101 a s it d escends onto the Oxnard plain. The view was so beautiful that he f elt "th is is the place." He made a wise decision because it has truly be en a won derful place to live. We have made many good friends in and ou t of the ch urch and have a real feeling of family. Bill served in numero us position s in all the organizations of the church, particularly in th e priesthoo d quorums and his favorite calling, that of teaching the gosp el doctrin e class, which he taught for many years. Beulah also served i n all the or ganizations and the past ten years plus has been in the prim ary as secret ary and currently teaching the darling six-year old childre n. There has b een a mutual love affair with both teacher and child. The y are all so swe et. I also served 15 years in Relief Society as teacher , counselor and se cretary.
As of 1995, our family has grown to number 13 grandchildren and two grea t -grandchildren. Charlyn and John Parker has three children and two gran dc hildren. Steven and Suzanne had one daughter and Jeff and Elaine are p are nts of nine children. Daniel is currently unmarried and is living i n Lanc aster, California.
The low point in all our lives was on 25 August 1994, when our husband , f ather, grandfather and great-grandfather, William C. (Bill) Marz, die d i n an automobile crash. It was a tragic event and one that will neve r be f ully understood. We miss him dearly, but pray that he is in bette r hand s than ever. He was buried at the Conejo Mountain Memorial Park wi th a be autiful view of our wonderful productive valley, surrounding moun tains an d view of the Pacific Ocean--a place that Bill had come to trul y love.
[Beulah spent the next twelve years as an independent woman before falli n g in love with, and marrying Guy E. Lester, one of the kindest men on e ar th. They spent an incredible twelve years together. Guy made Beulah’ s gol den years truly happy. He is loved and appreciated by her entire fa mily.
Beulah Fisher Marz Lester returned home to her Heavenly Father on 8 Dece m ber 2017 at the age of 88.]