1848 - 1938 (90 years) Has 2 ancestors and 79 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Peter Pearson |
Birth |
28 Aug 1848 |
Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
Christening |
30 Aug 1848 |
Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
Gender |
Male |
Initiatory (LDS) |
29 May 1901 |
FamilySearch ID |
KWZZ-62N |
Death |
19 Oct 1938 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Burial |
22 Oct 1938 |
Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Headstones |
Submit Headstone Photo |
Person ID |
I34337 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Pehr Olofsson, b. 26 Feb 1818, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 29 Mar 1873 (Age 55 years) |
Mother |
Kierstin Larsdotter, b. 3 Feb 1822, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 8 May 1902, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige (Age 80 years) |
Marriage |
9 Feb 1845 |
Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
Family ID |
F14700 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Karin Erickson, b. 9 Dec 1851, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 26 Oct 1931, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 79 years) |
Marriage |
1872 |
Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
Children |
| 1. Karin Pearson, b. 14 Oct 1873, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 26 Oct 1943 (Age 70 years) |
| 2. Eric Alexander Pearson, b. 23 Nov 1875, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 23 Mar 1900 (Age 24 years) |
+ | 3. Peter Wilford Pearson, b. 10 Dec 1877, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 30 May 1969 (Age 91 years) |
| 4. Anna Christina Pearson, b. 1 Jan 1880, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 23 Mar 1947, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 67 years) |
+ | 5. Hilma Cecelia Pearson, b. 22 Aug 1882, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 22 Jun 1962, Delta, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 79 years) |
+ | 6. Karl Emil Pearson, b. 11 Oct 1884, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 28 Dec 1970, Delta, Millard, Utah, United States (Age 86 years) |
| 7. Sigrid Matilda Pearson, b. 1 Jan 1887, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 23 Jan 1958 (Age 71 years) |
| 8. Emma Marie Pearson, b. 9 Dec 1888, Torp, Österåker, Södermanland, Konungariket Sverige  |
| 9. Ellen Pearson, b. 10 Sep 1890, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 15 Apr 1891 (Age 0 years) |
| 10. August Pearson, b. 8 Apr 1892, Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige d. 1 Oct 1892 (Age 0 years) |
+ | 11. Albin Evan Pearson, b. 19 Jun 1895, Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States d. 3 Jan 1976 (Age 80 years) |
Family ID |
F3395 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 28 Aug 1848 - Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
 | Christening - 30 Aug 1848 - Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
 | Marriage - 1872 - Österåker, Vingåkers, Södermanlands, Konungariket Sverige |
 | Death - 19 Oct 1938 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
 | Burial - 22 Oct 1938 - Meadow, Millard, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Obituary: "Millard County Progress" Published 10/28/1938
LAST RITES CO N DUCTED FOR PETER W. PEARSON. Funeral services were condu c ted in the Meadow Ward Sunday, Oct. 23, at one p.m. for Peter W. Pearso n , long time resident of Meadow, who died at the home of his daughter, M rs . Annie Larson, in Salt Lake City, October 19th of causes incident t o age . Mr. Pearson was born in Sweden 90 years ago last August 28th. A b irthda y party was held for him on the ninetieth birthday, at which tim e he wa s enjoying fairly good health. Mr. Pearson was married in Swede n and al l but his two youngest children were born there. He and his fami ly were c onverted to the gospel by Brother John A. Beckstrand. His wif e preceded h im in death by about six years, since which time he has spen t most of th e time in Salt Lake with his three daughters who live in Sal t Lake.
He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Sigurd Bird, Hatton, Uta h ; Emil Pearson, Delta; Mrs. Hilma Stewart, Hinckley, Peter W. Pearson , Me adow; Mrs. Annie Larson, Mrs. Carrie Christensen, Mrs. Emma Stewart , Sal t Lake City and Mr. A.E. Pearson, Midvale. Bishop Milton Beckstran d condu cted the services at which Edwin Stott offered the opening prayer , John A . Beckstrand, J.J. Bennett and a Mr. Paxton were the speakers. M usical nu mbers were furnished by the Meadow Ward and by visiting relativ es. Charle s Swallow pronounced the benediction and the grave was dedicat ed by Howar d Bushnell. Six grandsons, from different families acted as p all bearers . A large and beautiful floral offering testified to the este em in whic h Mr. Pearson and his family were held in the various communit ies in whic h they lived.