1860 - 1920 (59 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and 27 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Thomas Cluley Greaves |
Birth |
2 Nov 1860 |
Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Initiatory (LDS) |
26 May 1887 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
5 May 1920 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Burial |
16 May 1920 |
Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Person ID |
I2663 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Joseph Greaves, b. 22 Feb 1832, Liverpool, Lancashire, England d. 19 Jun 1904, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States (Age 72 years) |
Mother |
Sarah Priscilla Cluley, b. 13 Feb 1831, Liverpool, Lancashire, England d. 13 Apr 1865, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States (Age 34 years) |
Marriage |
20 Feb 1853 |
Liverpool, Lancashire, England |
Family ID |
F385 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Hannah Kidd, b. 22 Mar 1864, Jarrow, County Durham, England d. 29 Nov 1910, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 46 years) |
Marriage |
26 May 1887 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. Ethel Greaves, b. 11 May 1888, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States d. 12 Oct 1975 (Age 87 years) |
+ | 2. Thomas Kidd Greaves, b. 1 Jan 1890, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States d. 4 Feb 1973, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 83 years) |
| 3. Levean Greaves, b. 20 Apr 1892, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 17 Jan 1962 (Age 69 years) |
+ | 4. Cluely Kidd Greaves, b. 19 Oct 1894, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 6 May 1978, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 83 years) |
| 5. Daughter Greaves, b. 2 Mar 1897, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
+ | 6. Seymour Kidd Greaves, b. 29 Jul 1903, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 3 Feb 1990, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 86 years) |
| 7. Thelma Greaves, b. 11 May 1906, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 22 Jan 1908 (Age 1 year) |
| 8. Aleda Greaves, b. 8 Apr 1908, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 20 Jul 1908 (Age 0 years) |
| 9. Donald Kidd Greaves, b. 20 Jan 1910, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 18 Aug 1996, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 86 years) |
Family ID |
F1898 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Family 2 |
Alice Sina Jensen, b. 16 Apr 1876, Trout Creek, Bannock, Idaho, United States d. 22 Mar 1963, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 86 years) |
Marriage |
5 Dec 1912 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Children |
+ | 1. Vaughn Jensen Greaves, b. 20 Dec 1913, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 22 Jan 2008 (Age 94 years) |
+ | 2. Leo Jensen Greaves, b. 21 Mar 1916, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 6 Jun 1988, Idaho, United States (Age 72 years) |
| 3. Elsie Jensen Greaves, b. 6 Nov 1919, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 31 Mar 1996 (Age 76 years) |
Family ID |
F1899 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 2 Nov 1860 - Provo, Utah, Utah, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 26 May 1887 - LOGAN |
| Marriage - 26 May 1887 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 5 Dec 1912 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
| Death - 5 May 1920 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
| Burial - 16 May 1920 - Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Notes |
Thomas C. Greaves, of Preston, Idaho, one of the progressive and repre s e n tative farmers and stockmen of Oneida county, living on a well-impr ov e d a nd highly cultivated ranch two miles north of Preston, was bor n a t Pr ovo, Utah, on November 2, 1860, the son of Joseph and Sarah P. ( Clul ey) Grea ves, natives of England and residents of Liverpool. In 185 0 the y w ere con verted to the Mormon faith and soon after were married . On th e da y therea fter they set sail for America, intending to live a t the he adqua rters o f the Mormon Church, and to accomplish this resul t they cro ssed t he plain s with ox teams to Utah, bringing cattle wit h them. The y remaine d at Sal t Lake City about two years, then went t o Provo, wher e they too k up gover nment land and went to farming. Afte r a residence o f six year s near Prov o they moved to the vicinity of Lo gan, being amon g the firs t settlers i n that neighborhood. They then lo cated on land o n the outski rts of the to wn and for a number of years a gain engaged i n farming. Th e father then we nt to work at his trade o f stone-mason, be ing employed o n the Temple at S alt Lake City, but als o continued his fa rming operation s while he was thu s engaged until 189 2. At that time h e returned to hi s earlier trade of ta iloring, at whic h he had wrought i n Liverpool; at t his he is still workin g in Logan, a nd there he has a p rosperous merchan t tailoring establishmen t. His wif e died in 186s and w as buried at Logan.
Thomas C. Greaves grew from Childhood to manhood at Logan and was educ a t e d in the public schools of the town. He remained at home and work e d o n th e farm with his father until he was twenty-one, and in the spr in g o f 188 2 he moved to Preston, Idaho, and took up the ranch on whic h h e no w lives, two miles north of the town. Here he was busily occupie d i n far ming unt il 1890, when he went to work for his brother, John C . Gre aves, in his ge neral merchandising establishment at Preston. He wo rked i n th is store fo r nine years, carrying on at the same time his fa rming a nd st ock industri es, during this time steadily improving his pl ace, adv ancin g its cultivat ion until he has one of the best and most a ttractiv e count ry homes in thi s section of the county. In 1903 he form ed a merc antile a ssociation wit h his brother, John C. Greaves, and T . W. R. Nels on, unde r the firm titl e of J. C. Greaves & Co., and the y have erecte d the fines t business bloc k of the town, being constructe d of stone an d containin g their large stor e, the Bank of Preston, an d several office s. This buil ding was occupied b y them on November 2. 1 903, since whic h time they hav e conducted very pro sperous merchandisin g.
In October, 1900 he was sent on a church mission to England, and wh i l e h e traveled over most of the island and did missionary work in eve r y p art, his principal field of labor was in Liverpool, the old home o f h i s pare nts. In November, 1901, he was called home by sickness in hi s fa mi ly, an d since then he has devoted his time to farming. He has an othe r ra nch bes ides the home place, distant from it about a mile, on w hic h he i s buildin g a good two-story frame dwelling. On May 26, 1886 a t Sa lt Lake, Mr. Grea ves married Miss Hannah Kidd, a native of Englan d an d a daught er of Samue l and Sarah J. (Small) Kidd, they being als o nativ es of tha t country. He r parents came to Utah and settled at Log an in 18 73, remain ing there unti l their deaths, the mother passing awa y in 188 6 and the fa ther in 1897. M r. and Mrs. Greaves have four child ren, Ethe l, Thomas K., Levean, Clule y and Seymour. In 1902 Mr. Greave s was calle d as counselo r to Bishop Carv er of the Third ward of Presto n and is eff ectively perfo rming the dutie s of this office.
[Source: Progressive men of Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Fremont and O n e i da counties; By A.W. Bowen & Co; Publ. 1904; Transcribed and submit t e d b y Andrea Stawski Pack.]