1883 - 1923 (39 years) Has more than 100 ancestors and more than 100 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Frank Taft Benson |
Birth |
23 Apr 1883 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1900 |
Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Image | | Transcript |
Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | Years Married | Children Born/Living | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation |
16 | 135 | George T | Benson | Head | Male | White | May | 54 | Married | 0 | | | Iowa | Connecticut | Massachusetts | | | 17 | 135 | Louisa B | Benson | Wife | Female | White | Feb | 50 | Married | 0 | | | Switzerland | Switzerland | Switzerland | | | 18 | 135 | Serg B | Benson | Son | Male | White | Oct | 22 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Iowa | Switzerland | | | 20 | 135 | Frank T | Benson | Son | Male | White | Apr | 17 | Single | 0 | | | Utah | Iowa | Switzerland | | | 21 | 135 | Carmen | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | Nov | 12 | Single | 0 | | | Idaho | Iowa | Switzerland | | | 22 | 135 | Jenny | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | Jun | 9 | Single | 0 | | | Idaho | Iowa | Switzerland | | | 23 | 135 | Kathisha | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | Mar | 6 | Single | 0 | | | Idaho | Iowa | Switzerland | | |
ED: 0095 Sheet: 12B Microfilm: 1240234 Transcript ID is dbid=7602&iid=004113690_00455 |
Initiatory (LDS) |
27 Sep 1905 |
Census |
1910 |
Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Image | | Transcript |
Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | Years Married | Children Born/Living | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation |
10 | 530 | Frank T | Benson | Head | Male | White | abt 1884 | 26 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | Iowa | Switzerland | | | 11 | 530 | Elizebeth G | Benson | Wife | Female | White | abt 1885 | 25 | Married | 0 | | | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | 12 | 530 | Gladys | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1910 | 0 | Single | 0 | | | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | |
Transcript ID is dbid=7884&iid=31111_4327542-00381 |
Census |
1920 |
Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Image | | Transcript | Ln | Hhold | Given | Surname | Relation | Gender | Race | BirthDate | Age | Status | BirthPlace | BirthPlace of Father | BirthPlace of Mother | Immigration Year | Occupation | Veteran | Street |
33 | 129 | Frank T | Benson | Head | Male | White | abt 1884 | 36 | Married | Utah | Iowa | Switzerland | | | | | 34 | 129 | Elizebeth E | Benson | Wife | Female | White | abt 1885 | 35 | Married | Utah | Utah | Utah | | | | | 35 | 129 | Gladas | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1910 | 10 | Single | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | | | | 36 | 129 | Cunnen | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1912 | 8 | Single | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | | | | 37 | 129 | Harold E | Benson | Son | Male | White | abt 1912 | 8 | Single | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | | | | 38 | 129 | Flora | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1917 | 3 | Single | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | | | | 39 | 129 | Zenda | Benson | Daughter | Female | White | abt 1919 | 1 | Single | Idaho | Utah | Utah | | | | |
Roll: T625_291 Transcript ID is dbid=6061&iid=4300162_00261 |
FamilySearch ID |
Death |
19 Feb 1923 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Burial |
21 Feb 1923 |
Logan City Cemetery, Cache, Utah, United States |
Headstones |
Submit Headstone Photo |
Person ID |
I266 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
George Taft Benson, b. 1 May 1846, Garden Grove, Decatur, Iowa, United States d. 16 May 1919, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States (Age 73 years) |
Mother |
Louisa Alexandrine Ballif, b. 25 Feb 1850, Lausanne, Vaud, Suisse d. 7 Feb 1922, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States (Age 71 years) |
Marriage |
20 Dec 1867 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F280 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Elizabeth Greaves Eames, b. 6 Jun 1884, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States d. 28 Dec 1966, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 82 years) |
Marriage |
27 Jan 1909 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Marriage: Western States Marriage Index, 1809-2011, Utah, Select Marriag e s, 1887-1966
Children |
+ | 1. Gladys Benson, b. 12 Nov 1909, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 27 Jan 1995, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 85 years) |
+ | 2. Carmen Benson, b. 4 Nov 1911, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 17 Aug 2001, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States (Age 89 years) |
+ | 3. Harold Eames Benson, b. 4 Nov 1911, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 20 Jul 1948, Park City, Summit, Utah, United States (Age 36 years) |
+ | 4. Flora Benson, b. 30 Jan 1916, Whitney, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 14 Oct 1984, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 68 years) |
+ | 5. Zenda Benson, b. 25 Oct 1918, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 27 Feb 2003, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 84 years) |
| 6. Frank Eames Benson, b. 26 Sep 1920, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 2 Jan 1923, Logan, Cache, Utah, United States (Age 2 years) |
+ | 7. Nellie Louisa Benson, b. 11 Sep 1923, Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States d. 11 Oct 1975, Pocatello, Bannock, Idaho, United States (Age 52 years) |
Family ID |
F80 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
25 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
 | Birth - 23 Apr 1883 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1900 - Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
 | Initiatory (LDS) - 27 Sep 1905 - LOGAN |
 | Marriage - 27 Jan 1909 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
 | Census - 1910 - Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
 | Census - 1920 - Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
 | Death - 19 Feb 1923 - Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
 | Burial - 21 Feb 1923 - Logan City Cemetery, Cache, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- From Kaye F. Nelson genealogy sheet.
Frankie Nelson Whipple Memories:
Papa Frank
"Papa wasn't much of a farmer."
When one of his daughters speaks of 'Papa" it is almost with reverenc e . He was a man who sang, and danced, and built toys for little ones. H e h ad a strong, rich voice and sang in the church choir. He sang at fami ly p arties and other gatherings. Some days he would come in from milkin g sing ing, "La..La..La..Lillie, b..b..b.. beautiful Lillie, You're the o nly gir l that I adore..." On days when he should perhaps have been in th e field s plowing, he would instead be on hands and knees scrubbing the f loors s o Grandma wouldn't have to. He made a family joke about Birthingt on's Was hday, the day when he could be found muscling the handle that ma de the an cient washer churn. And he would sing as he worked.
"We always had a big tree for Christmas."
Farm families created their own fun for holidays. Grandma made her Chri s tmas ornaments from walnut shells, glued together after the meat was ta ke n out. She circled each in lace then painted them gold. And the famil y al ways strung popcorn and cranberries for the tree. But the real magi c cam e from the candles. Papa placed tiny candles in holders all over th e tree . Then when the moment was right he would light them all, just fo r a fe w minutes before he and the children scrambled to blow them al l o ut. Bu t for a few minutes at Christmas the candles twinkled on the tre e and ref lected in the wide eyes of his children.
"Papa built things; oh, he was good at building things."
What Papa may have lacked in desire and ability as a farmer he more th a n made up for in woodworking skills. He built a fence and gates for th e h ouse that were works of art. And his children played on the teeter- t otte r and other toys he made for them.
"I don't remember if they kissed, but I'm sure they did."
There is little doubt that Papa loved Grandma. On cold nights he wou l d go to bed before she did, lying on her side of the bed to get it war m b efore she came in. Then he would move to the cold side to make room f or h er.
Papa's love for Grandma was easy and natural. When they drove anywher e h is arm just went around her. His affection was so open that his chil dre n did not even think about it. It was just there. The family lost th e far m and was forced to move to Logan. Grandma didn't want to leave, sh e wa s sad, but they drove to Logan with Papa's arm around her and sayin g to h er gently, "Lillie, we'll be back."