1900 - 1969 (69 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has more than 100 ancestors and one descendant in this family tree.
Name |
Anor Whipple Margetts |
Birth |
28 Feb 1900 |
Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
Gender |
Male |
Initiatory (LDS) |
FamilySearch ID |
Burial |
1969 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Death |
15 Apr 1969 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I18849 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Frederick Bateman Margetts, b. 9 Oct 1861, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 7 Feb 1950 (Age 88 years) |
Mother |
Sylvia Gay Whipple, b. 18 May 1862, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 20 Jan 1940, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 77 years) |
Marriage |
12 Nov 1884 |
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F8724 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family 1 |
Frances Taylor "Fannie" Ostler, b. 8 Jan 1898, Nephi, Juab, Utah, United States d. 8 Oct 1971, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 73 years) |
Marriage |
29 Mar 1920 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
| 1. Barbara Margetts, b. 30 Nov 1921, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 12 Feb 2010, Escondido, San Diego, California, United States (Age 88 years) |
Family ID |
F9255 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Family 2 |
Gertrude Merle McFarlane, b. 10 Nov 1907, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 5 Sep 1984, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 76 years) |
Marriage |
18 Sep 1938 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F9256 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 28 Feb 1900 - Preston, Franklin, Idaho, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - COMPLETED - IFALL |
| Marriage - 29 Mar 1920 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 18 Sep 1938 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Burial - 1969 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Death - 15 Apr 1969 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Anor was born in Preston, Idaho but the family moved back to Salt Lake w h en Anor was just a baby. They lived in various [laces in the northwes t pa rt of Salt Lakie City. About 1905 or 1906 the family moved to 270 Vi ne St reet where they spent the major part of Anor's childhood. He attend ed th e Lafayette School - an older building which burned down but locte d jus t north of the present Lafayete School at North Temple and State St reet w hich has now been converted into the Mission Home for the LDS Chur ch.
When Anor was about six years of age, the family took a trip to Montan a t o a ranch just out of Dillon. The ranch was owned and operated by hi s mot her's sister and her husband - Mary and Dick Waddoups. It was inten ded a s a summer vacation but it was a trip long remembered and treasure d memor ies for the entire family.
As he grew up he and a cousin - Art Clayton - spent many hours going o u t toward Salt Air hunting jack rabbits. They sold some of them and th e fa mily had many a meal from their "catch". They had an agreement tha t the y would eat (or at least try to eat) some of everything they caugh t - bu t he never could eat a part of a snake the had killed even thoug h it wa s cooked to perfection.
He was nick-named "Cotton" because of the light color of his blond hair.
Religion in the home: There was very little active religion in the hom e d uring the growing up years, The family had to struggle very hard fo r th e bare necessities of life with the Mother carrying the main burde n of th e family problems. Each of the children was more or less on thei r own an d went to work at an early age bringing in what little money the y could e arn. The Father left home when Anor was about 14 years of age a nd was nev er heard from again. His mother helped support the family by n ursing serv ices - she went out on maternity cases with Dr. W. R. Calderw ood.
Anor enlisted in 1917 in the First World War - joining the Cavalry Divis i on of the Army. He had never been on a horse before but with the traini n g he received "could have ridden a razor blade when he got back". Firs t w ent by train to the east coast (Florida) and then shipped all the wa y bac k also by train to the Mexican Border for active duty. There were m any pe ople (enemies included) who found it easy to get to Mexico and the n too k their chances to cross the border into the United States. Anor ha d bee n put in charge of the group that left Salt Lake even though he wa s the y oungest of the entire company. He served for 18 months.
After returning from was service he met Fanny Ostler and after a short c o urtship they were married in Salt Lake City. They lived in Salt Lake f o r a short while then moved to a ranch owned by her father, George, nea r G oshen, Utah. They stayed there for about a year and then moved back t o Sa lt Lake. He worked for Madsen Furniture Company as a mechanic and ja ck o f all trades. Some of these duties were to grab a white coat and ans wer c alls for ambulance service. In 1925 he started working for Utah Ga s and C oke in their office located in the Boston Building.He had attende d nigh t school and was employed as bookkeeper, cashier, assistant credi t man an d other positions. This company was changed to Mountain Fuel Sup ply and m oved up to 45 South Main and then to 36 South State. He left th ere in 193 6 and worked for Home Owners Loan - a government agency to hel p farmers a nd individuals keep their home during the Great Depression ye ars. The Gov ernment guaranteed and refinanced the mortgages on the home s and farms. W hen that agency was fazed out he worked for a short whil e for Salt Lake C ity in the traffic department. Then in 1942 got what h e thought at the ti me to be a chance of a life time - a job with the Off ice of Price Adminis tration in the legal department. His starting salar y was $2,000.00 per ye ar which was "heaven" to him at the time. It wa s a good job, though, an d he received many advancements and promotions a nd pay increases - real g ood money for those days. After OPA was finishe d he started to work for S ears Roebuck and Company as a furniture salesm an in July 1947(July 9th) w hich position he held until his retirement i n 1965.
Daughter Barbara was born to Anor and Fanny Ostler on November 30, 192 1 i n Salt Lake City. They lived in several places around Salt lake mainl y ap artments on Capitol Hill and later and later purchased a home at 54 9 Deso to Street where they lived until they were divorced in December 19 34.
In 1938 (September 18) Anor married Merle McFarlane in Salt Lake City. T h e ceremony was performed in the Jade Room of the Hotel Utah by Fred W . Sc hwendiman - Bishop. A wedding breakfast was served there for famil y and c lose friends (about 50 guests) followed by an open house receptio n at th e McFarlane home in the afternoon. They had a good marriage.
They lived in an apartment at 240 1st Avenue (Wilshire Arms Apartments ) f or about 3 years. Anor Wayne Margetts (a son) was born November 30,19 41 a t LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City. After his birth they lived at 35 0 Harri son Avenue (the McFarlane home). In December 1943 they moved to 1 539 Sout h 7th East where they lived for 12 years until they purchased th e home a t 804 Nibley Circle.
Anor always enjoyed hunting and fishing and had many friends with who m h e made regular trips. For a while he would have "rather quit his job " tha n miss a yearly deer hunt.However, the deer hunts got to be too har d wor k for the joy derived - especially after one of his friends shot hi msel f in the foot and was in the hospital for many weeks.
He had most of the childhood diseases. Enjoyed very good health during m o st of his adult life with an occasional bout with the "flu" or simila r ai lments. In 1966 the Doctor discovered a spot on his lung which was r emove d on February 22, 1966. It was supposedly a successful operation bu t on F ebruary 22nd, 1968 when he had a prostate gland operation they dis covere d that other spots were developing in his lung. The primary cance r had no t been in the lung but another part of the body with the spots b eing fe d to the lung through the blood stream. He kept going until Jul y 1968 bu t after that time spent most of his time in bed never giving u p to comple te invalidism but failing fast until April 15, 1969 when he p assed away.
Anor was a kind, tender and loving husband and father. He had a great se n se of humor. He enjoyed life and people and was loved and admired by a l l who knew him well.
Information in this sketch was related by Susan Shippee (Anor's sister ) t o Merle Margetts at 296 Nashua St., Murray, Utah on November 28, 1976 . La ter information was added by Merle Margetts and transcribed by Wayn e Marg etts.