1927 - 2018 (90 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 2 ancestors but no descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Betty Lou Clements |
Birth |
9 May 1927 |
Park City, Summit, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
11 Aug 1950 |
FamilySearch ID |
LNV7-7F8 |
Death |
24 Feb 2018 |
Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Burial |
2 Mar 2018 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I166903 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Thomas Earl Clements, b. 12 Oct 1890, Payson, Utah, Utah, United States d. 30 Mar 1975, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 84 years) |
Mother |
Anna Ivins Snow, b. 29 Apr 1895, St. George, Washington, Utah, United States d. 9 Aug 1976, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 81 years) |
Marriage |
16 Jun 1920 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F42185 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Betty Lou (Clements) Lassetter passed peacefully to a reunion with her h u sband, Jimmy S. Lassetter, on February 24, 2018, in her home in Cottonw oo d Heights. She was born May 9, 1927, in the small mining town of Par k Cit y, Utah, to Dr. Thomas Earl Clements and Anna Snow Clements, the fo urth o f five children. As a child she tapped danced in church and civi c event s with her older brother Blaine. She joined a Girl Scout troop an d love d the outdoors She became a competent pianist who loved to play Sc huber t and Chopin. She also played the flute in the Park City High Schoo l ban d and orchestra. She accompanied the school choir on the piano .
Her father moved his practice and his family to Salt Lake City in 1944 . S he transferred in her senior year to East High where she graduated i n 194 5. The new family home was, by design, at the foot of the Universit y of U tah campus. She matriculated that fall and joined the Delta Gamm a sororit y. Her two older brothers both served in the military in WWII a nd the old est, Howard, served in the infantry in some of the largest bat tles of th e European war. The brother’s military service delayed their s tudies so t hat all three graduated together in June 1949. She receive d a degree in e ducation. Her older sister, Jean, and younger brother, Ro ger, are U alumn i.
At the University she met Jimmy Shiblon Lassetter, a Tennessee native a n d member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Jimmy had been recruited to hel p le ad the school’s football team. He proposed to Betty Lou after a brie f cou rtship. They were married August 29, 1950 in the Salt Lake City Tem ple b y Spencer W. Kimball and moved into married student housing near th e stad ium. Jimmy played his final season of football during the 1950-5 1 season . Betty Lou taught second grade in the Granite District after gr aduatio n and in May 1951 bore their first child, a boy .
Her husband was commissioned into the US Air Force that spring and beg a n a thirty-year career in the military. Betty Lou loved the adventur e o f moving around the country as Jimmy’s career in the Air Force advanc ed . They served tours of duty in Arizona, California twice, Idaho, Texa s tw ice, Alabama, Nebraska, Hawaii, Virginia, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and A laska . Her mother thought she was a little daft, but Betty Lou thrived o n th e change and the challenge. In between these many moves she bore fiv e mor e children. Four girls and a boy (who died at birth during complica tion s in delivery).
When Jim retired in 1980 in Texas, they moved back to Utah and built a h o me in Cottonwood Heights. They spent the following three and a half dec ad es in the company of their Salt Lake family and friends. Jimmy died Au gus t 27, 2015. She loved her family and her church. She served in many w ar d and stake assignments in the Primary and Relief Society. She enjoye d Un iversity of Utah and BYU football and basketball games, Jazz basketb all , sunny weather, the Hallmark Channel, crossword puzzles, and diet Co ke . Betty Lou was a loving mother and a devoted wife. She warmed those a rou nd her with her laugh and genuine concern.