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Betty Lou Clements

Betty Lou Clements

Female 1927 - 2018  (90 years)  Submit Photo / DocumentSubmit Photo / Document    Has 2 ancestors but no descendants in this family tree.

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  • Name Betty Lou Clements 
    Birth 9 May 1927  Park City, Summit, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Female 
    Initiatory (LDS) 11 Aug 1950  MANTI Find all individuals with events at this location 
    FamilySearch ID LNV7-7F8 
    Death 24 Feb 2018  Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 2 Mar 2018  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID I166903  mytree
    Last Modified 25 Feb 2024 

    Father Thomas Earl Clements,   b. 12 Oct 1890, Payson, Utah, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Mar 1975, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 84 years) 
    Mother Anna Ivins Snow,   b. 29 Apr 1895, St. George, Washington, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 9 Aug 1976, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 81 years) 
    Marriage 16 Jun 1920  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F42185  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 9 May 1927 - Park City, Summit, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsInitiatory (LDS) - 11 Aug 1950 - MANTI Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 24 Feb 2018 - Cottonwood, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 2 Mar 2018 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Notes 
    • Betty Lou (Clements) Lassetter passed peacefully to a reunion with her h u sband, Jimmy S. Lassetter, on February 24, 2018, in her home in Cottonw oo d Heights. She was born May 9, 1927, in the small mining town of Par k Cit y, Utah, to Dr. Thomas Earl Clements and Anna Snow Clements, the fo urth o f five children. As a child she tapped danced in church and civi c event s with her older brother Blaine. She joined a Girl Scout troop an d love d the outdoors She became a competent pianist who loved to play Sc huber t and Chopin. She also played the flute in the Park City High Schoo l ban d and orchestra. She accompanied the school choir on the piano .

      Her father moved his practice and his family to Salt Lake City in 1944 . S he transferred in her senior year to East High where she graduated i n 194 5. The new family home was, by design, at the foot of the Universit y of U tah campus. She matriculated that fall and joined the Delta Gamm a sororit y. Her two older brothers both served in the military in WWII a nd the old est, Howard, served in the infantry in some of the largest bat tles of th e European war. The brother’s military service delayed their s tudies so t hat all three graduated together in June 1949. She receive d a degree in e ducation. Her older sister, Jean, and younger brother, Ro ger, are U alumn i.

      At the University she met Jimmy Shiblon Lassetter, a Tennessee native a n d member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Jimmy had been recruited to hel p le ad the school’s football team. He proposed to Betty Lou after a brie f cou rtship. They were married August 29, 1950 in the Salt Lake City Tem ple b y Spencer W. Kimball and moved into married student housing near th e stad ium. Jimmy played his final season of football during the 1950-5 1 season . Betty Lou taught second grade in the Granite District after gr aduatio n and in May 1951 bore their first child, a boy .

      Her husband was commissioned into the US Air Force that spring and beg a n a thirty-year career in the military. Betty Lou loved the adventur e o f moving around the country as Jimmy’s career in the Air Force advanc ed . They served tours of duty in Arizona, California twice, Idaho, Texa s tw ice, Alabama, Nebraska, Hawaii, Virginia, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and A laska . Her mother thought she was a little daft, but Betty Lou thrived o n th e change and the challenge. In between these many moves she bore fiv e mor e children. Four girls and a boy (who died at birth during complica tion s in delivery).

      When Jim retired in 1980 in Texas, they moved back to Utah and built a h o me in Cottonwood Heights. They spent the following three and a half dec ad es in the company of their Salt Lake family and friends. Jimmy died Au gus t 27, 2015. She loved her family and her church. She served in many w ar d and stake assignments in the Primary and Relief Society. She enjoye d Un iversity of Utah and BYU football and basketball games, Jazz basketb all , sunny weather, the Hallmark Channel, crossword puzzles, and diet Co ke . Betty Lou was a loving mother and a devoted wife. She warmed those a rou nd her with her laugh and genuine concern.