1924 - 2015 (91 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 2 ancestors and 2 descendants in this family tree.
Name |
Bobette Heppler Peterson |
Birth |
28 Jan 1924 |
Richfield, Sevier, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
15 Aug 1949 |
FamilySearch ID |
KW8S-HP4 |
Death |
4 Dec 2015 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Burial |
12 Dec 2015 |
Johnson Ranch, Aurora, Sevier, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I163958 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
James Morten Peterson, b. 12 Jul 1879, Richfield, Sevier, Utah, United States d. 7 Jul 1939, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 59 years) |
Mother |
Louisiana Carrie Heppler, b. 6 Jul 1882, Glenwood, Sevier, Utah, United States d. 16 Jul 1970, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 88 years) |
Marriage |
18 Nov 1903 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F41604 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Glendon Elwood Johnson, b. 19 Feb 1924, Cleveland, Emery, Utah, United States d. 9 Oct 2011, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 87 years) |
Marriage |
15 Aug 1948 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Children |
| 1. Eric Andrew Johnson, b. 29 Jun 1954, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 29 Jun 1976, Galveston, Galveston, Texas, United States (Age 22 years) |
| 2. Tawny Bobette Johnson, b. 20 Feb 1966, Houston, Harris, Texas, United States d. 26 Aug 1978, Galveston, Galveston, Texas, United States (Age 12 years) |
Family ID |
F41609 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
12 Jan 2025 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 28 Jan 1924 - Richfield, Sevier, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 15 Aug 1948 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 15 Aug 1949 - SLAKE |
| Death - 4 Dec 2015 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Burial - 12 Dec 2015 - Johnson Ranch, Aurora, Sevier, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Obituary: Obit: the Washington Post Wednesday 9 December 2015
Bobette Heppler Peterson Johnson, 91, passed away in Salt Lake City, Ut a h on 4 December 2015 surrounded by her family. For almost 92 years, s h e shared her great spirit, sense of humor, classy style, and musical ta le nts with everyone she met. Her testimony of The Church of Jesus Chris t o f Latter-day Saints sustained her throughout her life.
Born 28 January 1924 in Richfield, Utah, Bobette was the daughter of Jam e s M Peterson II (Jr), a banker and Louisiana Heppler. She married Glend o n E Johnson on 15 August 1947(1949) and his law and insurance career l e d them to homes in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Chevy Chase, Maryland; Hou st on, Texas; Galveston, Texas; Miami, Florida and Salt Lake City, Utah . Th ey were a stunning couple, known as living testimonies of love-fo r each o ther, for their friends, and for the Lord.
Preceding her in death are her husband Glendon; a son Eric Andrew "Sha d " and a daughter Tawny.
She is survived by her son Glendon Jr "Woody," his wife Page, and thre e g randdaughters and their families: Jenny and Mark Champoux (Justin, Br ooke , Jack); Erin and Kyle Stewart (Ellie and Avery); Katie and Matt Cri tchfi eld.
Funeral services are Friday 11 December 2015 at noon Monument Park 16t h W ard 1320 Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah with a viewing beforehan d fr om 10 to 11:30am. Interment will be Saturday 12 December 2015 at th e fam ily ranch in southern Utah.
Funeral Directors Larkin Mortuary.
Obit: Salt Lake Tribune Utah Tuesday 8 December 2015
Bobette Heppler Peterson Johnson passed away in Salt Lake City on Decemb e r 4, surrounded by her family. She had broken her hip in a fall the d a y before Thanksgiving.
She was a lovely and loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, an d f riend. For almost 92 years, she shared her great spirit, sense of hu mor , and musical talents with everyone she met. Her testimony of the Ch urc h of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sustained her through many tri als , including scarlet fever as a child, hepatitis as an adult and the d eath s of two children and her husband Glendon E Johnson.
Throughout their lives together, Glendon and Bobette were living testimo n ies of love, for each other, for their friends and for the Lord. Bor n 2 8 January 1924 in Richfield, Utah, Bobette was the daughter of Jame s M Pe terson II(Jr) a banker and Louisiana Heppler. As the last of 11 c hildren , she learned early about self-reliance and sharing. Bobette oft en sai d that her parents' story profoundly influenced her own. Their ser vice a s missionaries in Texas and Louisiana and her father's calling a s a couns elor in the Manti Temple Presidency after a heart attack taugh t her lesso ns in sacrifice and service that she would emulate the rest o f her life . She was 14 when her father died and her mother's cheerful o utlook duri ng difficult times, faithful church service, and devotion t o family woul d later be reflected in Bobette's own life. When Bobette m et Glendon a t East High School, they began an eight-year courtship tha t led to 64 mar ried years together. After her graduation in 1942, she a ttended Utah Sta te Agricultural College where she joined Chi Omega Soror ity. She transfe rred to Brigham Young University and graduated in journ alism in 1947. He r first job was working in the Salt Lake City wire roo m of Merrill Lynch.
The couple waited for Glendon to complete his overseas tour as a capta i n in the army and then serve a mission to New England before being marr ie d. On 15 August 1949, President Stephen L Richards of the First Presi den cy of the Church sealed the couple in the Salt Lake Temple. Bobett e an d Glendon first lived in Boston where he attended Harvard Law School . Hi s career would take them to homes in Chevy Chase, Maryland; Salt La ke Cit y, Utah; Houston, Texas; Galveston, Texas and Miami, Florida. Whe n they l ived in the Washington DC area, Bobette was a secretary to Sen W allace Be nnett (R-UT) while Glendon worked as his Administrative Assista nt. Bobet te also performed with the "Singing Mothers," a group of LDS w omen who sa ng at the 1964 World's Fair.
The couple had three children. After Glendon Jr ("Woody") and Eric Andr e w ("Shad") were born, Bobette lost five other pregnancies that were nea rl y full-term. But they were blessed to adopt a two-year-old Texas gir l th ey named Tawny Bobette. With grace and faith, Glendon and Bobette l ate r faced the loss of Shad in a car accident at age 22 and Tawny of leu kemi a at age 12. Such faith, coupled with resilience, generosity, and w arm h ugs, were the hallmarks of Glendon and Bobette, and as a team, the y inspi red and touched many lives. They were a stunning couple, whethe r ridin g horses at the family ranch, dancing the two-step, or deliverin g mince m eat pies they made as Christmas gifts. Their home was alway s a busy plac e. Glendon served as president of the Houston Texas Stake , a Regional Re presentative, and CEO of several insurance companies. Bob ette was a graci ous hostess who welcomed people of all faiths and backgr ounds into her ho me. She too was a leader, serving five times as Relie f Society President . She worked on community service projects and gav e tours as a docent a t the Museum of Church History and Art (now calle d the Church History Mus eum). Her home was filled with roses, chocolat e chip cookies, mystery no vels, and shoes with super high heels--and fe w people ever left her hom e without a root beer in hand. To her three g randdaughters, Bobette wa s a beloved Nana with a colorful wit, classy st yle and love of life. He r energy and sweet tooth never waned, outlastin g even that of dear great- grandchildren she plied with Gummy Fish. Sh e also had a special bond wit h her siblings. Whenever the seven "Peters on girls" got together, ther e was laughter and singing; in beautiful har monies, they preserved famil y songs and lullabies. The spunky Richfiel d girl who honored her Danish- German ancestry by having the cleanest hou se on the block, who could hul a and perform underwater ballet, who taugh t modeling and charm classes, a nd who would walk a mile in the rain fo r ice-cream will be greatly misse d by her family and many friends.
It's been four long years since Glendon passed away, but Bobette told t h e little ones that when she sees her cowboy again, she's going to shou t , "Yippee!"
She is survived by her son Woody, his wife Page and three granddaughte r s and their families: Jenny and Mark Champoux (Justin, Brooke, Jack); E ri n and Kyle Stewart (Ellie and Avery); Katie and Matt Critchfield.
Funeral services are Friday December 11 at noon Monument Park 16th War d 1 320 Wasatch Drive, SLC with a viewing beforehand from 10:00-11:30. I nter ment will be Saturday at the family ranch in southern Utah. Funera l Dire ctors Larkin Mortuary.