1916 - 2016 (100 years) Submit Photo / Document
Has 2 ancestors but no descendants in this family tree.
Name |
June Loretta Goodmansen |
Birth |
7 Jun 1916 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Gender |
Female |
Initiatory (LDS) |
7 Jun 1944 |
FamilySearch ID |
LFB1-X6B |
Death |
30 Nov 2016 |
Sandy, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Burial |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Person ID |
I127639 |
mytree |
Last Modified |
25 Feb 2024 |
Father |
Augustinus Pratt Gudmundson, b. 14 Aug 1876, Ravnholt, Hedensted, Midtjylland, Kongeriget Danmark d. 14 Aug 1928, Stockton, San Joaquin, California, United States (Age 52 years) |
Mother |
Eliza Ann Jordan, b. 28 Jul 1881, Wednesfield, Staffordshire, England d. 17 Jul 1971, Murray, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Age 89 years) |
Marriage |
28 Jun 1900 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F35094 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Ralph James Davidson, b. 1 Jun 1911, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States d. 27 Apr 1997, Citrus Heights, Sacramento, California, United States (Age 85 years) |
Marriage |
22 Nov 1933 |
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Family ID |
F8485 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Last Modified |
21 Nov 2024 |
Event Map |
| Birth - 7 Jun 1916 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Marriage - 22 Nov 1933 - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Initiatory (LDS) - 7 Jun 1944 - SLAKE |
| Death - 30 Nov 2016 - Sandy, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
| Burial - - Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States |
Notes |
- Wow! My Grandma made it to 100 years. For those of you who called mo m , G randma, and Friend her story is like a fairy tale of sorts. Simu l a r to t he story of Cinderella and although she did not have a wicke d st e p mothe r and ugly stepsisters, she had heartache and adversitie s to ov er come a t a young age. Then in the end her prince comes for he r and th e y ride o ff in the sunset and live happily everafter.
Grandma was born June 7th 1916 to Augustinus Pratt Goodmansea a Dani s h i m migrant and Eliza Ann Jordan an English Immigrant. They had 15 Ch il dre n.
June was the 10th Child. She outlived them all.
In Junes own words she describes some of her Childhood memories.
"Some things I remember during the Great Depression and the World W a r a r e as follows: We had coal furnances, Coal stoves and later a ga s st ove, b ut couldn't afford to use it. Low hanging light bulbs, token s gaso lin e wa s 15 sents a gallon. I earned I earned.10cents to.15 cent s a d a y for b abysitting. Three small loaves of bread of bread were.1 0 cen t s for al l three.Milk came in bottles,.03 cents for stamps, Ice b oxes , n o air con ditioners..Liberty Park had free swimming, so we wen t as of te n as we coul d. If we did manage to have enough money to go g o a goo d sh ow, we went t o the Gem theater or a place like that becaus e it wa s cheap er. We used t o ride trains, now we ride airplanes. We us ed can s and st ring to talk o n the "phone" (We did have a reeal phone i n the h ouse), bu t we did have w alkie-talkies. We played hide-and seek- , hop sc otch, jac ks, cat in the c orner, Button Button, Run-sheepy-run , and ha d puppet sho ws. we always pl auyed outside.
Grandma recalls having a very happy Childhood and shortly after her bi r t h, her father purchased a home on Windsor Street in Salt Lake Cit y . T i s is the home where she had most of her Childhood memories. Whe n Ju n e wa s 12 her took a job as a typographer for a local newspaper i n Stoc kt on, C alifornia. They hadn"t lived there very long when in Augu st of 1 92 8 he r father was hit and killed by a drunk driver while walki ng hom e fro m wor k. June so loved her father they did everything togeth er. Sh e wa s devas tated. This was a turning point in her life. They had n't sol d t he hous e on Windsor Street and with the depression upon them , they m ove d back t o Utah.
Grandma was the oldest Child still at home so she was quickly put t o w o r k to help support the family. She recalls people loosing their jo bs e v er ywhere. She suddenly went from an affluent family to being ver y poor , un able to affford clothes. She only had one dress thatshe wor e eve r y day. In addition to that she worked every morning before schoo l an d t hen ag ain after school. She had no time for friends or any kin d o f a so cial li fe. Often she would miss school or was very late. On e da y the s chool as ked her why she had missed school and she told the m sh e had bee n working. Her mother got in trouble for that one. It wa s abou t this ti me that th e Child labor laws were being enforced so sh e was ha ppy she di dn't have t o go to work before school anymore. Day a fter da y she stil l worked afte r school.
Times were hard, she dropped out of school when she was 16 to go bab y s i t for her sister. So her sister could work. It was there that sh e c a m e to know Ralph Davidson. He loved her the minute he laid eyes o n h e r. He had a job and worked at a gas station (which is a very import a n t pa rt in this story). He asked her out and took to eat her first ha mb u rger. He taught her how to drive. He drove by her house every morn i n g noo n and night. After 6 months of courting he wanted to marry he r . H e ha d to get permission to marry her because she was so young. He r m oth er re fused several times until her offered to pay rent and liv e in h er h ouse u pstairs apt. So they got married that very day at th e bishop s hou se. No vember 22, 1933 with only their parents in attendan ce. Ralp h ado red he r he bought her first new dress, first hamburger an d root be er sh e rememb er it tickling her nose.
Ralph and June were late sealed in the Salt Lake Temple June 7th 1944.
They had 3 Childred, Bob, Jim and Shari. They loved to go camping tog e t h er as a family and took road trips in the car that the seats folde d d o w n into beds and in the early days we camped in our car. They wer e bu i l t to seep in back then. We enjoyed going to Salt Air, in the ope n a i r tr ain, Liberty Park, dancing on Wedneday nights and many other t hing s.
June worked at various different jobs throughout her life, June descr i b e s it as "once the depression hit I always tried to find a job o r a w a y t o earn money. I would babysit or clean houses. I worked at th e Bis h op s Building cleaning in the evenings and dusting in the morning s. I r e mem ber one job I had delivering ice for peoples Ice boxes. I de livere d m il k and drove the milk truck standing up. I also worked a s a secreta r y an d bookkeeper for a sewing compamny and then the Horma n constructi o n compa ny. I liked that job very much. After my husband a nd I decid e d to retir e, we took several enjoyable trips in our motor h ome for whi c h I am so ve ry grateful".
June and Relph served an LDS church mission to the Cambodian peopl e i n S a lt Lake valley. She was also a Temple worker in the Oakland an d Sac ram en to Temples. June also server as a counselor in the Primary , and Re lie f S ociety Presidencies and faithfully accepted many calling s that sh e wa s ev er asked to do.
While in her 60's June taught herself to play the organ and then she c o n t inued to challenge herself by learning to tap dance, to square danc e , t o round dance and to folk dance. She joined a traveling dance gro u p w it h Ralph and preformed with them for several years at parks, civ i c cent ers, and senior homes in Utah, Elko, Nevada. "She learned to sk i w ith h er d aughter Shari and learned to paint and create a variety o f lan dscap e an d western scenes.She did all these before she was 70 yea rs old .
June tells of her accomplishments that she is proud of. "Some of my gr e a t est accomplishments are my family. Being a mother and grandmothe r h a s al ways beenimportant to ome. Serving a mission with my husband f o e t e Chur ch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been a highlight .T each ing cla sses in the church is anotheraccomplishment. I loved to t eac h be cause i t helps me learn. Searching and doing family history i s als o a n accompli shment. I learned to paint with oils. I learned to p lay m y o rgan.
When our three children were married, my husband and I missed havin g t h e m near and had the opportunity to take six foster children to rai se . W e loved the opportunity because it kept us on our toes, and it k e p t us yo ung.
(Bob) Dwane Davidson, James (Jim) Glen Davidson and wife Nelda, Sharo n ( S hari June Morgan- Kotila and husband Roger. She has a great poster i t y o f 16 grandchildren,60 Great grandchildren and 31 Great-GreatGrand ch il dren. After her children were out of the home June and Ralph too k i n t hre e foster kids Gayle, Jan and Jim Eskridge and after that the y too k i n thr ee Barlow sisters Julie, Sharon, and Leslie There are man y mor e wh o cal l her Grandma. What a legacy she has left behind.
One of her greatest attributes was her possitive attitude toward bei n g h a ppy and not dwelling on the negative, even though it exists. Jun e t el l s all that the Lord has touched her heart throughout her life an d th a t ha s made her humble. When asked if she would change anything i n he r l ife, she said she would be a little kinder, more relaxed and lov e peo pl e mor e,Her family was her jewels.
She was a wonderful, kind mother, Grandmother, Great-Grandmother and g r e a t-great Grandmother and friend. She will be greatly missed for he r l o v e and happiness that she brought into each of our lives. We wil l mi s s he r strong testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ.